Epilogue: Spring Break Pt.1

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3 years later

I jumped out of my seat, rushing to turn in my 1,000 word essay written in the span of three hours. I slipped it on the professor's desk and held onto my pair of books, rushing out of the school's doors. People rushed and sprinted past me, as I looked down the street for my red ride. Like a proper man Dallas was, he was leaning against the car, reading. It was the last string of our junior classes before we went on a much needed and deserved spring break trip. Dallas and I had been looking forward to spring break, ever since we had planned it.

Davina and I had planned a trip, with some of our other friends. Each couple was all going to head down to Greece for the remainder of the week. We both needed a break massively, especially some alone time with just the two of us would be good. I needed just time basking in his gaze and the suns. It sounded heavenly. Especially because Dallas and I were going to drive down to home for two days, right before the trip. I needed to see my sister and her husband, along with their many children they had.

"How were your exams, my love?" He asked, as I approached him, kissing my face slowly. I slipped into the seat, as he rounded the other side. Slowly turning the car on as the subtle roar of the engine brought happiness to my face.

"They were good, and yours?" I asked, looking at the book he was reading, as he pulled out of the parking lot. We had packed up our things in the morning, so we would have enough time to spend with Natalie and Nolan, and the twins, and Aster. The new addition to the Clemente family. Natalie had promised that was the last kid they would have, but I doubted it. She hated the idea of Aster being alone, so she would probably have another kid just for his sake.

"They were okay... but I have some news". He said and I looked at him ready to hear it. Dallas could only hit me with the most surprising news, and I wouldn't know how to take it. He smiled at me, as he began to break the news. It had to be good.

"I talked to my publisher last night, and he wants to publish my series". Dallas said, hugged him right then and there. Dallas had been holding on for a prayer of some sort to get this new series he had been working on to get published. It was different from what he had previously written, but of course his publisher would love it. Because he was loved in the writing world. And his writing was magical, anything he wrote was brilliant.

"I'm so happy, Dal". I told him, kissing his cheek as he smiled. "We're starting our break off good, huh?" I asked him, as he placed his hand on my thigh, toying with the skirt I was wearing. "Yes we are, my Bambi". He said, his eyes focused on driving and his hand on something else.

"I can take over... if you need me to". I said, wanting to offer my services in every way possible. But he was so hesitant about letting anyone drive his car. He didn't seem to trust anyone with it, and I understood why. Ever since he was fifteen he had only had this car with him, he experienced most everything in it, including me... numerous times. It was his baby, his prized possession.

"I don't know... I require at least a year of experienced driving before you drive my baby". He said, sounding pretentious as always. I had only learned how to drive last year... and mainly it was because Dallas simply loved driving me everywhere. He liked me asking him to take me places, and he especially liked tagging along on the weird activities I pulled him out to. But last summer Dallas, Nolan and Natalie, taught me how to drive. It was a whole community effort, even Tyler stepping in to help me parallel park. And I wasn't bad, I was very safe, but Dallas had to get me a whole new car to drive in. He simply wouldn't allow me to test driving in his baby. It was too precious for that type of usage, he said.

"Then we should've taken my car". I said, looking behind us at the cramped back seat. His car was loaded with our suitcases, whereas if we had taken mine it would've been sloshed in the trunk rather than holed up in the back seat.

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