Chapter 37

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Today Ariana and I had planned a nice dinner at the house and invited her family and friends. I invited Brian, because Brian is Brian.
Ariana suggested we get a chef to help with the cooking, but I didn't want to do that. I took pride in being able to cook a full on meal for everybody. Plus, gives me a chance to cook with Ariana, I loved those moments with her.

Ariana had mentioned that Nonna was gonna be here too, which I'm really happy about. She's a wonderful woman and funny as well. Such a sweetheart. Ariana had also said that her dad was coming as well? I mean I've met Ed a couple of times, but I have yet to really have any one on one with the man. Partially because when we visit Ariana's family, it's mainly just Joan and Nonna, her mom's side. It's rare to be with her dad's side. But, hopefully today we could arrange for something.

As with the engagement ring, I'm working with somebody to create a custom one. I want it to be special and be made specifically for Ariana. Like you won't find anything other like the one that's on her ring finger.

We had decided not to tell anybody about my proposal to her, however Ariana did tell Joan and Nonna. I on the other hand have yet to tell anybody. But I decided that I'm going to tell Brian today.

"Baby everybody is coming any minute now. Can you set the table please?" Ariana asked, she was putting the pastas that we made into these big bowls. Ariana was excited to use them the minute she saw them while she was shopping. Said she bought them specifically for these occasions.

"Yes sweetheart." I said, the table was already mainly done, I just grabbed the plates and silverware and set up the table that way.

Once I was done, I went and helped Ariana take the bowls to the table.
"I'm happy my dad's coming." Ariana smiled.
"Me too." I softly smiled, I know the subject is gentle, considering what they've been through. And I know in the past she didn't have much a connection with him, but I'm happy to see her build that connection with him again.

"And I also have a little surprise for you." She had this cheeky smile to her.
"Oh really?" I chuckled.
"Yes, you're gonna love it, I'm so excited." She squealed.
I laughed, then I made my way to her to wrap my arms around her waist, she immediately put her arms around my neck.

"I love you so so much." I said.
"I love you more." She pulled me down for a kiss.

Then we heard the doorbell ring, breaking our kiss.
Ariana had a huge smile on her face and grabbed my hand and lead us to the front door.

The dogs were barking and gathered at the front door as well.
Ariana opened the door and we see Courtney and Alexa, which were lifelong friends of Ariana's. Which I met a couple of times.

"Hi hi hi. I missed you guys so much." Ariana let go of my hand and went to hug them. I chuckled at the interaction.

"Hi Riley!" They both gave me hugs as well.
"Hi." I smiled.

After our hellos, we walked them to the kitchen and dining area. We were all gonna wait to eat until everybody was here.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. How's everything? How's the voice? And this house, oh my god, so so beautiful." Alexa was saying.

Ariana smiled beautifully, she had this apparent glow to her that you could see.
"Everything is... for once so so good. The voice, oh my god, I'm so happy I'm able to meet these beautiful souls and see how talented they are. God I'm gonna cry thinking about it, ew," Ariana laughed, "Anyways, yes thank you,  Riley and I moved in about a month ago." Ariana said.

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