fifteen - a day in a life

463 24 29

:: Yuzuru

These days skating was admittedly more enjoyable. Maybe it's because I'm trying to look at things in a better perspective, or maybe it's Gabriella; who made me look at things in a better perspective.

We've been meeting up for two weeks, it would usually be after my practice or after her coaching sessions. She has expressed how much she wanted to watch my practice again, but I could tell that her schedule has indeed gotten busier. Apparently, she got a call that the team she's training are going to be participating in an international competition. That just meant that she'll be taking more time in training with them. Honestly, as much as I enjoy being with her for as long as I can, I too has to start taking longer hours of practice because the Winter Olympics are coming up.

Currently, its 8 in the morning and I'm on my way to the training center for practice. As always, I had my earphones on as I walked the less busy streets of Canada. When I was already in front of the training center, the music I was playing stopped and my phone started ringing.

My eyes graced on the ID of the caller and I immediately picked up the call upon seeing the name.

"Good morning!" Was a loud greeting that erupted.

"Someone's having a great morning. Good morning to you too." I greeted with a laugh.

"I really am!" She hastily replied.

"Anyway, why is it that you called so early? Usually, I'd be the one calling." I asked her.

"Well... Are you free after practice?" She asked me in return.

"I guess, I am... Yeah." I replied to her, trying to seem less excited than I actually was.

"Okay!" She loudly exclaimed. "Let's meet for an hour after. I have news for you!!!" She remarked. Even over the phone she seemed so excited for whatever it was she wanted to tell me.

"I'll see you soon then, just send me the place you want to meet at." I replied to her.

"Alright. Alright!" She answered, still in the same tone as before.

Her joy felt refreshing and hopeful, sure she was energetic every time we would call each other but today, she's more eccentric than usual. It brought a smile to my face that she was this happy, somehow it made me want to feel that type of happiness too.

"Okay, I'll head inside the center now. Have a good day!" I happily uttered.

"You too! See you soon." She said in reply. Even in her goodbye, I could hear the laughter that escaped her mouth. When she ended the call, it didn't stop the contagious happiness that it emitted.

I can say that something I like about Gabriella Kim which I don't get from other people is that she gives me a great amount of hope. She's optimistic in a controlled way, she's very open-minded but she also has her principles and boundaries. She's positive but she's also realistic, and honestly, I find that quality of hers attractive.

As I entered the center, my memory traced back to a conversation we had about painful memories and relative feelings of hell. Given what she's gone through, I expected that her answer would be on the bitter side of thinking, but I was completely drawn in to find that I was wrong. She saw pain as a way to be stronger, that even if you go through it and break apart, in the long run it will make you see things with more appreciation and value; That you will collectively seek to be better because your eyes will be opened to a wider perspective. For her, mistakes, pain, and the relativity of hell is what makes a person learn the value of living.

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