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Next day..
At yohaness elite University.

As soon as czar nd xav enter the classroom they noticed everyone mumuring to each other looking at the board, nd when they turn there gaze to the board they saw the words czar wrote yesterday along with some new words.. nd as soon as she read those words her whole body started to burn in rage, she didn't like what is written there, she jst hate it.

There's an arrow over "LOVE" word nd the following sentences are written

It holds the power to heal a broken soul, if you fall for the right person.

Nd Above "PAIN" word there's an arrow nd the following sentences are written..

It'll hurt you when you fall for the wrong person. It can be painful you choose the wrong person

Nd below "LOIN"  the following sentences are written.

I wish you to find the right person, who will love you unconditionally tht you'll not get the time to remember the reason which made you hate love these much, i hope one day you'll Meet someone who will be exceptional nd change your thoughts from LOIN to LOEN i.e from love is pain to love is heaven 😊.

And At the end there a smiley..

Czarina clutch on her wounded banded plam, making it in a tight fist, she didn't have any problem with what others think about love, but she hates it when someone lecture her about love, she didn't have any problem whoever is involved in these shit called love,but she hates it when someone will involve her in these.

Xavier noticed her cleanched fist nd little amount of blood stain on the bandage...

Xavier : hey, hey.. i got you.. everything is okk.. lose it a bit..

Xavier said in panick tone, while trying to unclenched her fist gently making sure to not hurt her more, trying his best to hide his panicked self, it's hurt him ever more to see her like this..

Xavier : look at me.. you are hurting yourself.. lose it a bit czy..

Till now Everyone's attention shift from the board to czar, who is burning in rage, they can feel the dangerous aura around her, Xavier didn't notice there stares nd mummering he jst focusing on her fist, trying to lose it.. nd after several attempt he finally unclenched her fist nd intertwined there hands, assuring her tht he is there with her czar grip again become tighter these time her nails are digging in the  back of Xavier's hand her grip is so tight tht her nails are pricing in his skin, nd with a Matter of second blood started to drip from his hands but he didn't yanked his hands away he let her use his hands to control her Anger,

knowing very well czarina's anger issue is worst she'll not Hesitate to hurt herself or anyone when she is at rage, she'll not calm down until she'll ruined the things which is the reason of her anger, at the worst she end up hurting herself or someone else, xav has spent all his life to tame her anger, nd whenever she tried to hurt herself Xavier offer himself as a bait to tame her like he is doing now.

Look at her she is crazy
She is phycho

Poor Xavier always become victims of her physcotic behaviour.

Look his hands are bleeding..
Omg poor Xavier..

They keep mumuring to themselves, feeling pity for Xavier nd getting more scared from czarina's.
From starting they know  tht Czarina can be as dangerous as her brother when she needs to be, coz she emit an dangerous aura which clearly declares "don't come near me unless you have a death wish"

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now