only her's

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Ryan : if you accept from me to shut my mouth, nd cry in the corner of my bed like a fucking dumb loser than iam sorry to inform you tht you are wasting your time with wrong person, coz I'll not tolerate if someone make fun of my love nd feelings, i agree i haven't confess about my feelings but i know you knew it, i can see it in your eyes you are aware of the feelings i have for you, but still you choose to play with it, nd I'll not tolerate it anymore.

I was right about his feelings towards me, but now he said he didn't want me anymore. Nd I'll not tolerate it, i can't agree with it, he had to want me the same way i want him.

Ryan : i think i made myself clear enough you can go.

No no he can't leave me, why should I go, I'll not go anywhere,

Ryan : go zar, I'll not stop you, no matter what I'll not let anyone make fun of my feelings whenever they want, I'll not blame you for not returning my feelings, but I'll not tolerate if you'll insult it whenever you want..

No you'll stop me nd I'll make sure of it, you have said these today, it'll be your 1st nd last time saying something like these coz in future you'll never say something like this, even if we argue worst than this in future, you'll stop me, you'll not let me go nd I'll make sure of it.

Ryan : sorry for coming between you nd Xavier, tell him sorry from my side, iam taking my step back, I'll not come between you two, you are free to go with him wherever you want...

Czar was silent all these time, unable to absorb all his words, she keeps listening his words complimenting with herself. his words are working as poison stings, her whole body is Shivering in fear, fear of losing him, it's the first time in her life she is afraid of losing Someone,

she come out of her trance nd Marched towards him nd turn him around by his shoulder making him look at her, she immediately cupped his cheeks with her Trembling hands..

Czarina : why are you saying these huh, you want to throw me out after you make me addicted to you.. no fucking way these is not gonna happen, you can't leave me, you can't..

Her eyes are desparte, her voice is cracking in middle, ryan was in utter shock looking at her like these, he never saw her these much helpless nd desperate, he can't believe she is the same czarina who never show any expression, but now she seems so lost nd venerable.

Czarina : Yes I agree I knew it nd i hate it, why you are so persistent for something like this, why you are not understanding tht love will destroy us, it's an curse ryan i don't want any curse between us, whatever we have i know i can't name it and iam really sorry for tht, but trust me what we share i haven't felt with anyone else, no one jst you nd. Nd now you want to leave me..

Her voice cracked more she looks so hurt tht someone is stabbing her, thts what she is afraid of from the beginning she didn't want to feel the venerability she is feeling now, so she keeps running away from love which broke her once. Afraid tht it will broke her again, But they said no matter how much we run from it it'll catch us one day.

nd the one who was more desparte to run away from it, will fall the more nd harder then anyone else.

Ryan was shock by her such negative nd bad perspective about love, he was more curious of what made her believe like these, all his anger nd disappointment started to disappear, his eyes softened, his heart is cleanching seeing her like these, he didn't know who made her like these, but he swears if one day he'll find the person who is responsible for her these condition, he'll beat the shit out of tht person..

Ryan : you are wrong zar you are wrong, it will not destroy us but love will heal us, the reason iam with you now is coz of love, if it was really an cursed i shouldn't have been with you.

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora