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Czarina : stay where ever you are, don't come closer.

Ryan freezed in his place, unable to point out her emotions..

Ryan : zar i...

Before he could complete czar step forward nd shussed him by placing her fingers over his lips, her fingers linger over his lips, his eyes closed unconsciously, feeling the touches of her soft fingers over his lips.

Czarina : shhhh. It looks dry..

She said tilting her head, looking at his dry lips, unconsciously licking nd wetting her lips by her saliva..

Ryan : huh..

His eyes shoot open at her compliment..She immediately change her expression..

Czarina : nothing..

She pulled her hands back immediately, ryan look at her confusedly.

Czarina : have you eaten..

She asked out of nowhere, ryan immediately nodded..

Ryan : yes nd you..

He lied, czar closed her eyes for few seconds,

Czarina : one thing about me you should know nd tht is..

Her jaw cleanched a little, it's like she is trying to absorb something..

Czarina : i. Hate. Liers

She forced each nd every words with so much hatred, ryan keep looking at her, she is acting like completely different person but at the same time she is the same,

Czarina : so let me ask you again,  hmm

She opened her eyes nd take a step forward.

Czarina : have you eaten.

Ryan Gulped due to her intimidating aura, these time he understands tht he can't lie, atleast not infront of her.

Ryan : no, I'll eat after going to my apartment..

He answered while looking at her eyes, trying to figure out what's going on, why she is acting so strange.

Czarina : good than let's continue our talk over dinner..

Nd for the first time he saw a tint of excitement in her emotionless eye's, before he could point out anything more else, she hold his wrist nd drag him out of the court, he keeps following her like an obedient kid without saying anything, he is out of words coz of her sudden change in behaviour.

Nd the next thing he knows is In a few minutes They are infront of his car, where she is standing in front of him with an extended palm,

Czarina : give

She said pointing at her her extended hand, ryan look at her palm nd thn at her unable to understand what she is asking for, he parted his lips to say something but czar again cut him off

Czarina : Keys, I'll drive..

Oh thts the only thing he said when he gets answer of her confusion, he fished in his shorts back pocket nd take out his cars keys nd placed the keys on her palm. They got on there respective seats, nd she started driving, during the whole ride, she keeps quite her gaze fixed at front, Ryan's gaze fixed on her he keeps looking at her all the time, few minutes ago before she come he wants to say so many things, he wants to ask so many questions,  but now when the one he wants answer from is with him sitting beside him, he is out of words, he was so lost in his own thinking tht he didn't notice tht they already reached at the restaurant.

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora