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Czarina : mine to touch

She travelled sensual needy kisses towards his jawline.

Czarina : mine to ruin,

She travelled back to his neck sucking it sensually.

Czarina :mine to look at..

She travelled a little down to his collar bone, tracing it with her tongue..

Czarina :and only mine to have..

She bite him on his neck hard, making him Yelp a little in pain..

Czarina : mine to punish.

Her right hands desperately made their way towards his hair, she gripped his hair tightly before yanking his head to the left side getting a clearer view of his neck where she is going to mark him as his. Without giving him any second to come out of the ecstasy she is giving him, She dive towards his neck, taking the skin between her teeth sucking it like her life depends on it, Ryan's one hand is wrapped around her thin waist while another is tangled within her silky hair,

her left hand make there way towards his shirt trying to unbuttoned it, or should I say literally trying to rip it off, ryan grip her wrist before she could do so, czar abruptly leaned back looking at ryan feeling offended, she didn't like it, she didn't like the fact tht he stop her, she feels rejected, why he has to do these, why he has to stop her, didn't he want to take things forward, according to her, Ryan belongs to her so she has all the fucking right on him to have him the way she wants, nd no one can stop her, not even ryan himself.

Ryan : not here..

Ryan said while panting slowly, he agreed he lost his senses for a while, but now when he gain little bit of his sanity he is sane enough to observe the surrounding they are in now, they are in middle of a fucking pool with God knows how many cameras are focusing on them, public sex sounds fun as he has heard a lot from his friends regarding it, as they share there experience regarding public sex, he'll be telling lies if he say he didn't find it hot, yeah it's hot.

But he is not a fan of it, even if he looks like the sanest person present in the universe, he is a lot more possessive over his things than he looks, he didn't appreciate the idea of displaying the beauty of his czarina in front of whole world, no thanks, he want all of her to himself..

It takes her a few seconds to understand what he really means by "not here", and soon a smirk crept over her perfectly sculptured lips.

Czarina : playing hard to get aren't we..

She said with an playful wink, nd ryan swear something changes in those mere second, he never encountered her playful self, she was known to keep her poker face, but today she is acting totally different like some overwhelming soul possessed her, it's not tht he didn't like these current changes in her, hell no he love all of her wheather it is poker face czar, or the current happy one he is facing now he love all of her, it's jst he is amazed by her sudden change in behaviour, but nevertheless he love it, he knows where all these flirting is going to, nd to say it's fucking excites him to the core will not be a lie.

Soon his amusing expression changes into the mischievous one and He leaned towards her ear looking like a predator, but hell it is not enough to make czar submit herself under his dominance.


Till now no one has make her submissive until she wants to, she likes to be in control in everything, nd no one i mean no one was tht capable to make her submissive by there touch, not even ryan, instead she is the one making him submissive by her single touch, she will be an damn alpha if it will be some kind of werewolf era, tht much dominance she radiates, nd an innocent soul like ryan will never be able to take her dominance nd make her submissive, she needs someone as dominating as her to do so, but till now she haven't meet someone who can overpower her.

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