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Next morning..
At Xavier's room.

It's exactly 8 am in the morning when she woke up after a long sleep nd the first thing she saw is her best friend sleeping beside her while cuddling her like she is a teddy bear, she smiles looking at him sleeping with a pout on his lips.

Czar : you'll never change, once a baby always a baby..

She mumbbled looking at the sleeping baby beside her. It's not the first time they slept like these cuddling each other, they always sleep like these whenever she stays in his home, it's an habit of her she can't sleep without cuddling, when she is in her Home either she'll cuddle with the big tiger stuff toy in her room or her twin brothers, who Loves to cuddle with her baby sister, nd apart from her brothers Xavier is the only guy she cuddle with, they are like this since there childhood, nd they haven't changed till now, so many people said them to stop behaving like kids nd always stick with eachother you guy's have grown up, you should know each other boundaries, but they never listens to anyone as they know about themselves more than they know, even if Xavier loves her he never touched her with bad intentions, he respect her nd there friendship more than anything, nd as a friend he knows his limits very well..

She removed his hands from her waist thts when she saw wounds on his hands.

Czar : stupid how many times should i have to tell you to not try to stop me when iam angry, you never listen to me, you always step in to stop me nd end up hurting yourself, can't you jst think of yourself first..

She mumbbled while looking at his hands, she feel very bad, she feels disappointed by herself whenever she saw his wounds which was made by her, everytime he tries to stop her from hurting herself he always end up getting hurt instead, it's not the first time it happen.

She sighed nd slowly get up from the bed nd went to his walk in closest nd come back with a first aid kit, she sit on the bed nd clean his wounds. After finishing she keep the first aid kit at the side table.

She again enter to his walk in closet which is half filled with her clothes, strange right, but thts how they are, the bond they share is more than friends but less than any romantic relationship, it's become Xavier's habit to buy for her as well whenever he buy anything for himself, she stop her so many times but he never listen, he always said tht buying for her makes him happy, so she Stopped arguing nd letting him do whatever he wants to, she jst hope whoever become his girlfriend in future will understand there friendship, nd she promised herself to help him in doing so, in explaining tht girl tht there is only pure friendship between them nothing else..

She takes her clothes nd towel nd went to the bathroom to take a bath, on the other hand as soon as xav heard door clicking sound he open his eyes, actually he woke up at 7: am only but seeing her sleeping peacefully he didn't have the heart to wake her up, he keep looking at her with his loveing gaze, until he feels her wiggling under his hold, he get startled nd immediately close his eyes pretending to sleep peacefully..

Xavier : by protecting you with my life, iam not protecting you iam protecting myself, coz your well-being means my wellbeing, your happiness is what makes me smile.

He mumbbled to himself don't know why he feels like this all the time, with an heavy sigh he get up from the bed walking towards his walk in closet he take some of his clothes nd went out of his room closing the door, he went to the next room beside his room to take bath, after Taking bath and getting ready they both come down to have there breakfasts as usual xav keep talking nd talking nonstop nd czar jst hummed or replied occasionally, no one saying a single word about yesterday's event, they both are behaving like all those things didn't even happened at the first place,

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now