i will

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Czarina : are you hiding something from me..

Ryan was quiet for a good 5 minutes, looking at her intensely, trying to absorb the words she jst said. Nd again all the words said by xav started to clouded his mind again.

There's a reason why she hate love these much. She has a dark past.

How dark your past is, is it this much dark that it's impossible for me to light it up. He mumbled to himself

She looks nd pretend like she is the most confident nd savage girl alive, but the truth is there's also a weak nd sensitive part she is hiding from everyone. A part which is so venerable that you'll not believe tht she is the same czarina you know.

He was right, you look totally opposite person almost unrecognisable,

Just be patience with her, give her time, try to understand her, and reason behind her behaviour, listen to her before judging her, if she did something wrong tell her calmly.
And whenever it comes to you every time she becomes from an confident czar to an insecure one.

That's why he said to be patience, he must have sensed it, he must sensed situation like these coming

Please don't hurt her like they did, it's been years since she trust someone else, don't ever break her trust.

Did i hurt you unintentionally. He keeps asking himself again again again

She becomes aggressive when she feels insecure or scared, if someone makes her feel like they'll take something which is precious to her away, she'll lose her mind and do whatever her anger let her do.Never let her feel insecure, if you truly love her than show her, take all her insecurities nd fear, otherwise it'll not be good for anyone. Maybe it'll take time some for her to completely feel rest assured nd understand , but trust me what she has gone through after tht she really deserves as much as time we give her to become normal.

His silence is making her more insecure and suspicious, his silence is proving the words written in the letter true, the letter she got found in her locker.

Dear czar

I hope you are doing good, how stupid iam to even asking you these questions, i know you are doing good coz i can see you have your new toy, i must say you have a great choice when it comes to something or someone, wanna know one secret you are not the only one who is hiding something from him, are you sure you know everything about him, are you sure he is not hiding anything from you, if you think so thn good luck with your imagination or whatever it is, i must say he is really good in bed, if you haven't tried than you are at lose, you should try it, iam saying these from my personal experience, thts all for today's greeting we'll meet soon till then, Sionara babes

Your well-wisher

She cleanched her fist on his shirt, her body started to burn in anger. She pushed him against the wall nd with another winch Ryan come out of his trance.

Czarina : cat got your tongue or what.

She yanked him towards herself by his collar.

Czarina : i asked you some fucking question can't you reply.

she said while gritting her teeth. Her jaw cleanched.

Czarina : iam asking again nd these time i fucking need an fucking answer, are.you hiding.something.from.me..

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now