a chance

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Present time..

After that day everything changes, that's the last day when Xav saw his cute bubbly czar, that day a part of her dies, a part which was kind, caring. They lost that kind hearted czar, how can she be a kind hearted girl when they broke her heart again and again, that's the last day she let her heart to beat for someone else, that's the last day, coz after that she became a heartless person who hate love, coz it makes her pathetic, venerable, mesirable, weak, nd she swear to never let anyone else make her feel these much pathetic.

Trusting and loving someone didn't do any good for her, it only shatter her heart into pieces, than how can she not hate it, she has stop feeling those feelings, she has shut his emotions, she completely stop herself from feeling those butterflies, those flattering feelings, those increasing heartbeat, she stop feeling all these shits years ago, but jst in few months they ( ryan nd Vyan) make her feel those feelings, they make her heart beat from them again, after sam left her with her broken heart, her heart stop beating for others, it only beat for her to keep her alive, to prove that she is still alive with her shatter soul and heart, but jst few months she spent with them nd they made her heart beat for them, first ryan than vyan.

And it's not a good sign, she didn't want this, she didn't want her heart to beat for someone and again get shattered and crushed by that someone, that's what she is afraid of, she wants her heart to beat for her only her, to keep her alive, but no her stupid heart has to beat for Someone else like a pathetic bitch.

She hugged her knees more tightly, clutching on her hoodie sleeves she feels like she came back to her past, where she finds herself in the same apartment sitting at the same floor where she was waiting for sam to come back, the same floor from were xav save her partially dead body. And again she hears those voices, but this time it does not belong to only one it belongs to 3 person.

sam : I love you rin, i love you so fucking much...

Ryan : i love you so much zaby

Vyan : i love you..

Czarina : everything was a lie..

Nd unconsciously tears started to fall from her eyes, this time she didn't tried to hide it or wipe it she let it flow, she didn't even have any count of time, she doesn't know from how long she was sitting there, she come out of her thoughts when out of nowhere someone cup her face, that's when he comes out of her thoughts. And she thought it was her best friend Xav who was kneeling in front of her, cupping her face..

?? : hey, What happened, tell me what happened, why are you crying, are you alright...?

That person who is cupping her face said getting panicked, his voice laced with concern and worry, but wait his voice, it's not xav voice, it felt so familiar, it sounds like sam, why his voice sounds like sam. Her eyes started to get blurry, She blinked her eyes, trying to clear her vision, she wiped her tears harshly and her whole existence frozen hearing his next word..

Riven : rin..baby look at me..

Thats when she started to get a clear vision of his face, his perfectly sculptured face, those doe eyes, those heart shaped lips which was her favourite, his teary eyes which are filled with guilt. He came back, after making her logged for him and his touch, his presence, his love, his care, he finally came back for her, that day she waited for him at the same place until she lost her consciousness, but he didn't come back, and with that she lost a big part of her, coz when she gained her consciousness back she was a completely different person, a person who is not less than a stone..

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now