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Author pov
Same day 2 : am newyork city
At Russell healthcare center

Russell healthcare center is one of the world best hospital, with all the world class facilities any hospital can have, ofcourse it has be after all it belongs to the Evans, like there other business nd empires like hotels, entertainment companies, cosmetic nd science, pharmaceutical companies nd so on these one is also one of there business so it must be as perfect as Evans themselves are, coz there's a says in Evan family.

"what belongs to you should be something only you have or deserve, if it is not thn make it one coz Evans are destined to get the best of everyone nd everything,

Its a saying going on there bloodline from generation to generation, from there ancestors to there present generation nd it will go on to there future generations nd so on.

Russell healthcare center is an Big hospital, with high class security s, it contain 54 floors in total excluding 4 floors which are specially designed for Evans, only they can get treated there , those rooms are specially booked for the Evans family, nd all those 4 floors are highly secured as compared to any other floor, thousands of personally trained bodyguards guarding all these 4 floors, one of the floor contain a stem cell banking specially for Evan, where they have store vyan's nd Ryan's stem cells. Nd tht floor is highly protected than any other floor.

At the 21th floor in a big cabin, a newly grauadated doctor is sitting, the name plate present in the table says


It's been 4 year he got his degree nd joint there as an employee, his whole attention is focused on the pile of paper work present in his desk, related to his patients, he is the youngest doctor in the hospital yet his post is the highest one thn others, nd thts becoz he is deserving nd able to handle vyan romeo Evans which no one has ever did before he comes to the picture.

It's hard for him at starting when he was jst assigned to deal with vyan, as his temper nd anger issue were worst than anyone, but with his patience nd twisted brain which is always ready for the worst scenario he succeeded in taming the roaring lion, nd now vyan is more calm nd dangerous at the same time, coz previously whenever he get pissed off at someone, tht someone will know by seeing his pissed off face nd murderous glare, hence like tht person get the chance to take his words back nd do whatever he or she can to calm him down, or atleast they'll find a good timing for running away from him as far as possible, but now he was so calm nd preserve tht you'll never be able to point out the real reason behind his smile, whether it is out of happiness, anger, hatred, mocking, or frustration no one can point it out, nd without them knowing they'll easily become his next victim without them knowing vyan will take there soul away from them, in a blink of there eye.

So it's hard to decide whether Doctor jimin presense is in there favor or not, but one thing no one can denied nd tht is he is the only one who is capable of talking with vyan without any fear of getting hurt or kick out, coz he is confident in his own experience nd talent, tht he'll get another job even if he'll get kicked out, nd thts what vyan like about him, his spirit nd confidence, vyan never see fear in his eyes thts what he want, he want the people closed to him shouldn't get fear of him, even if it's his own personal doctor, it didn't take vyan to be Frank with jimin.

There's a pin door silence only the sound of turning pages, nd key board typing sound can be heard, coz his personal assistant who's desk is a little far from jimin's is typing something in the laptop, until the door swing open with an cheering tone..

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