sinful pleasure

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Czarina : you guys are twins..

She said eyeing between Ryan and Vyan, as she received a nod from them..

Time skip
After 30 min..

After all the scenes happened outside the three of them are now sitting in the hall room, and a comfortable silence revolves around them, czar is sitting opposite to them like the queen she is, her legs are crossed where her right hands keep tapping on her thighs ,

vyan is busy staring at her from head to toe, he is still unable to believe tht she is really infront of her, only he knows how many wild imagination he has for her, like tieing her or pinning her to the sofa nd fuck the shit out of her, while ryan is nervous as hell don't know how to explain her whole thing, from starting he is aware of the fact tht she belongs to both of them, nd sooner or later she have to be there's,

he is aware of the fact from the starting, but the Problem here is tht how to explain her all these, how she'll react with the new piece of truth, he didn't want everything to happen like this, he wanted to give her time, he wanted to make a secure place in her heart before explaining about the us part, he even decided to talk to vyan about these face to face once he arrives, but how the hell he'll know tht vyan will literally kidnap her like this, without giving him time to come up with something to explain her about the total situation, how the hell he is going to explain her about these now.

Czarina : how did you know where i was, and why you bring me here..

She asked looking at vyan who is looking at her like he'll eat her at once. A smirk crept on his lips as he licked his own lips looking at her tempting one,

Vyan : your lips.. it's looks so sexy nd tempting, can i have it.

He leaned back supporting his head on the sofa arm, looking at her with his hodded eyes nd lick his upper lips, making ryan to face palm himself at his shameless remark, he can't understands how he( vyan) can be horny all the time, meanwhile czar look at him her brow frown at his remark, but she swear he is looking hot as hell with his hodded eyes darting at her igniting millions of sinful Desires inside her, But she can't give up to her desires nd give him the privilege to control her.

Czarina : nd you are making me irritated as hell, so can I beat you till i get satisfied..

She replied with an bitter smile making him smirk mischievously.

Vyan : why don't you give me a chance to satisfy you huh, i promise you'll not regret..

His voice is so seductive tht she can feel a shiver run down her spine. He blinked his eyes and placed his chin over his palm..

Vyan : let me fuck you babe, i promise I'll give you the best fuck of your life, sounds like a plan isn't it..

Vyan said as his eyes trailed down to her cleavage, her upper two buttons are missing it got broken in there kitten fight which she has with vyan outside a few minutes ago, making her Cleavage clearly visible,

He licks his lower lips, as he started to feel thirsty all of sudden. meanwhile ryan keep divert his gaze from Czar to vyan, vyan to czar hearing there sinful remarks with his shocked expression.

Czarina : i have plenty of people who are dying to satisfy me, so why should I give you a chance.

Czarina herself doesn't know why she used these words, it's just there's something inside her which wants to see vyan's reaction, something inside her wants to provoke him, he frowned his eyebrows as soon as those forbidden words left her lips.

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