it just started

332 19 8

Grace : what the fuck are you doing here, how the fuck you get inside my baby's room...

She shouted in disbelief, she is unable to believe what she saw, how the hell did he enter inside..

Vyan: shhhhhhh..

Vyan turn towards her hearing her sudden yelled, he shussed her motioning her to be quite..

Vyan : doll is sleeping you'll wake her up..

He whispered like he owned the whole place, it's more like an order than a request.

Grace : the hell you are to order me around, i asked what the..

Before she could finished vyan again shussed her off..

Vyan : i said keep quiet doll is sleeping..

He whispered yelled his eyes throwing daggers at grace, as grace voice is waking czar up, czar frown and stirred a lil in her sleep due to the loud voices, vyan started to stroke her back smoothly, while humming softly. Making her again sleep peacefully, After a few minutes her frown disappeared and a gentle smile took over her beautiful lips. Vyan smile and leaned down to her level..

Vyan : I'll be back before you know, sleep peacefully doll take care..

He whispered to no one but to czar's sleeping figure, as he peaks her forehead..

Grace : what do you think you are doing.

She said while gritting her teeth in annoyance, making vyan turn towards her direction with a sudden jerk as he looked at her with his warning gaze..

Vyan : ah you don't have any idea, what the hell we just finished a few minutes ago..

Vyan replied with an duh, as he licked his lower lips thinking of the sinful activity they just finished few minutes ago.

Vyan : but wait that's not the point here..

All of a sudden His eyes flick with something dark as he get back to the current situation.

Vyan : i.said. don't. make. noise. Doll. is. sleeping.

He whispered forcing each and every word so that grace can hear it clear enough. Grace gave him an are you kidding me look, who the hell he thinks he is to order her around in her own fucking house, vyan get down of the bed unaffected by the deadly glare grace is giving him. If stares can kill he must be dead till now. As soon as he stands in front of her with his intermediating aura grace grip his wrist and drag him out of czar's room, all the way from the corridors, stairs and finally they reach at the hall, she harshly yanked his wrist finally letting it go..

Vyan : ouch can't you be a little nicer..

Vyan complained while rubbing his wrist which is now red due to the harsh pulled..

Grace : the fuck you have the auducity to say these after sneaking into my house without my permission..

She yelled at him, her voice is not less than a roaring lion which can make anyone shiver at there place but vyan is anything but afraid, he shook his head as he take a step closer to her..

Vyan : iam here for my doll, i had her permission why should I need someone else, come on it's her house not some short of prison, where i need to ask permission before meeting the prisoner.

Vyan rolled his eyes getting frustrated as each sec passes..

Grace : did you Fucking roll your stupid eyes on me.. how dare you..

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