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As we left off, Omni-Man was flying off to go back to his home and to then have his talk with Debbie...and Mary as well about what is actually going on with him and who he actually is instead of being an actual he arrives home, enters the house...and to notice everything seems to sound quiet...too quiet...

Omni-Man: Mary?

He then floats upstairs and heads towards Mary's room, nothing, she then floats back to the kitchen...

Omni-Man: Mary. Debbie?? ...*sigh* what did you do.

Suddenly, he then heard a silent cream from the floor behind him, so he quickly reacts and to then and somehow grab something and lifting up, which happens to be invisible ...and then, it turns out to be one of Cecil's security men from GDA...

Omni-Man: Cecil!

Omni-Man smashes the guard's head to the floor and exploding his whole face, splattering blood and brains everywhere...then, more of them that are invisible started shooting at Omni-Man, as they did, the bullets weren't working for him as Omni-Man, Omni-Man then manages to grab one of the guard's weapon from their hands, and to jab the weapon all the way in the guard's whole face, and more blood spilling out, he then manage to throw brutal punches at two more guards, ending up killing then, as one female guard had no choice but to run away from the scene...but Omni-Man didn't let her go that easily as he then kicks her out of the house, which caused her to twist half her body around, braking her whole spine, as she uses her last breathe to even try to crawl over to a house...where Donald has been using that house to set up as a security house hold to spy on Omni-Man goes to that house...burst in the house as Donal trips back to the ground..

Donald: Shit! N-Nolan wait, just-

Omni-Man: You've been spying on me?! And my family?!

Donald: I-It's not what you think! It's for your family's protection-

Omni-Man: You we're always SO pathetic Donald, Cecil's little lapdog.

Final jumps over the table behind and to quickly grab a weapon underneath and to shoot Omni-Man to his face, Eh i it kinda affected him, and it made him angry as he rushes at Donald to try hitting him, but Donald manage to dodge Omni-Man away as he then Goes rushing over to the computer to contact Cecil, but was too late as Omni-Man appeared behind Donald, jabbing his whole fingers inside Donald's side gut, and causing him to lose a lot of blood and feel weaken...and so Donald uses his final moments...

Donald: I-It's been an honor...working with you sir...

He then presses a button...

Omni-Man: Heh, who are you talking to-

Suddenly r, the whole house self exploded, alongside with Donald and Omni-Man...back at GDA, Cecil and Debbie saw everything a floating camera they have activated to spy around on Nolan...

Debbie: O-Oh my gosh! Nolan! No! ...You monster...!

Cecil: He's not dead, even if he's not, we had to evacuate the neighborhood to keep the yield down. Best to do is knock his motor ass...or maybe not hurt him at all.

They then see the smoke clearing the way as Omni-Man survive that explosion, and then to fly off...

Debbie: H-He's going to find Mary, and I don't know who Nolan is anymore...

Cecil: ...Me neither, so we better find Mary first.

Meanwhile, in the woods, we then finally get to see Atom Eve, as she was flying through the woods, as she started living on her own around the woods, and to do hero stuff as well...but she then comes across with Invincible, who she was also looking for Eve...

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now