Chapter One || Bored

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My back pressed into the soft mattress belonging to my bed as I stared up at the ceiling, bored. My mother had gotten back from her night-shift a few hours ago and was sleeping, as usual, and of course my father wasn't here. He only came by to drop off groceries considering my mother and father were divorced and my mother 'doesn't have the time to get any'.

Honestly, I wish he had custody over me. Unlike my mother, he actually attempts to be a parent to me. It's not like my mother is a bad person or anything, she just doesn't take care of me. She can barely take care of herself as it is. I let out a groan and sit up. I pick up my gameboy and frown, attempting to turn it on. The screen remains black and I set it back down with a sigh. It recently ran out of batteries and I don't have any to replace them with. My uncle might though.

An idea popped into my head and I quickly got out of bed, making my way to the kitchen. I took the phone off the wall and dialed my uncle's landline number, hearing the ringing sound coming from the device. Soon enough, I heard a click then a "Yo!". I perked up at this. "Oh! Hey, Mark!" I exclaim, smiling. "Hey (Y/N)!" He greets back. I pull myself onto the counter and sit down. "Um- is it okay with your parents if I come over today? My mom is sleeping again..." I say and he hums.

His voice became distant and I could barely make out the words he was saying. "!! Can (Y/N)......over....?!" I waited patiently for his response and after a few moments, he put the phone back to his face. "Yep! You can come over," He says and I smile. "Okay, I'll bring my gameboy over. It ran outta batteries though, so I'm gonna steal some of yours!" He laughs and says goodbye before hanging up.

I put the phone back in it's spot on the wall and hopped off the counter, taking a sticky note from one of the drawers along with a pencil. I write a small note to my mother in case she wakes up and I'm not here.

'Hey mom! I'm currently over at Uncle Thomas and Aunt Susan's house. I'll be back before dinner, unless they offer me dinner, then I'll stay over for that. See you soon-ish! -(Y/N) <3'

I walk to my room and place it on my door before entering my room, changing into some clean clothes and grabbing my gameboy. I slip on my black high-stop converses and giggle as I tie my shoelaces. On the first lace of both shoes were beads spelling out words. On my right shoe it said, 'Mark' and on my left shoe it said, 'Sucks'. Originally, my cousin wanted it to say 'Mark rocks', but fuck being nice to your only friend.

I exit the house and begin the walk to my relatives house. I take in the familiar scenery of Utah, having taken this same route over a million times.

The only differences this time were a few signs in front of some houses. Most were either open houses or garage sales. After a few minutes of walking, I made it to their house, knocking on the front door. The door swung open to reveal my one and only cousin, Mark. His messy black hair stuck up slightly and he stared at me with his green-ish blue eyes, a large smile on his face. He wore his usual red tank top and blue jean shorts.

"Come on! That weird commercial I was telling you about the other day is playing again!!" He exclaims and grabs my arm, pulling me into the living room. There was a table placed against the wall, their small box TV placed on it, the couch sitting in front of it. Mark lets go of me when he sits down on the couch, turning up the volume slightly so I can hear it better. It turned out to be some Kool-Aid commercial, but the Kool-Aid man looked really off, turning it into a creepy commercial.

"Why did they make him look like that and think it was fine?" I question and he shrugs, switching the TV off. "Come on. Let's go get those batteries," He says, standing up. I nod and follow him outside to my uncle's shed, AKA his workshop. He worked as a construction worker so he had a lot of tools tucked away back here. Mark slides the door open and finds his dad sitting with a friend, drinking what looks like beer. "Oh, hey there kiddos!" He greets, a goofy smile on his face. I smile back.

"Hey, Uncle Tom!" He sets his drink down and stands up. "What do you folks need?" He questions, walking towards us. "(Y/N)'s gameboy ran out of batteries and we need some," Mark explains and his dad nods. "What kind of batteries?" They both turn to look at me. "Um- double A...I think," I respond and my uncle nods, grabbing a handful of them. He hands them to me with a smile. "Got you some extra in case it runs out again!" He cheerfully says and I nod, tucking them away in my pockets.

Before we leave, I remember something. "Oh yeah! I can't replace the batteries without opening the back! Can I have one of your screwdrivers?" I question and he nods, handing me one from his toolbelt. "Remember to give it back when you're done." I nod and walk back into the house, following Mark as he leads me to his room. His room was rather neat, his bed pushed up against one of the walls with a window right above it. There were a few posters hung up around the room and a desk in one of the corners.

I placed my gameboy on the desk and shoveled the screwdriver into one of the screws and turned it until it fell out, doing the same to the other one. I pop open the back as Mark watches me, taking out the two dead batteries and replacing them with new ones. I reverse what I just did and smile. "What game do you want to play?" I ask as I plop myself onto his bed, Mark sitting next to me. He smirked at me as the gameboy booted up, the Nintendo logo popping up on the screen. "Obviously PacMan!" He snickered and I smiled.

"First to get to 1,000 points wins?" I ask and he gives me a mischievous smile. "First to 1,000 points wins!" He repeats and the game starts up.

&quot;Fucking Furries.&quot; || Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now