Chapter Seventeen || Rain

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"Ugh- I lost again!" I exclaimed, throwing my head back in defeat. Michael snickered at me. "I told you that you can't beat me at Space Duel. I'm just too good-" I quickly cut him off. "I beat you at Space Duel in the arcade you dumbass!" I exclaimed and his smirk dropped, a sheepish look replacing it. "Yeah, but that was was an arcade." He stated and I rolled my eyes. 'Sure, whatever you-" Before I could finish my sentence, the living room door swing open, revealing two kids and a exhausted looking Mr. Afton.

The storm ragged on outside, causing the three to quickly rush inside, slamming the door behind them. Mr. Afton shrugged off his trench coat and hung it on the coat hanger by the door, ruffling his hair to rid it of any excess water. The man quickly exited the room, sparing me a small wave before locking himself in his workshop. Elizabeth was giggling as she spun in a circle, raindrops flying from her skirt, a large grin settled on her face. C.C was clutching his Fredbear plushie close to his chest, his wet hair draping over his eyes.

I peered over the couch at them, causing Elizabeth to notice me and brighten up. "(N/N)!" She exclaimed and C.C swept the hair from his face, looking up at me with a small smile. The two trotted over to me, Liz quickly swinging herself into my lap. "Ack- Lizzy, you're soaking! You're getting my clothing wet!" I whined as she wrapped her arms around my neck, giggling.

"You mean my clothing," Michael butted in, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Your clothing." I was currently wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain black shirt, both of which were oversized on me. Michael said he didn't want to give me one of his band shirts because I would steal it, which was fair. The boy sent me a smile before switching off the TV, putting the console back in place as I dealt with the child sitting on my lap.

Elizabeth pouted and leaned back, accidentally putting pressure on my upper knee, causing me to wince in pain. "Ow, Eli don't sit there," I said, but before I could move her, Michael swooped her up, giving me a worried look. "Are you okay?" He questioned, settling the girl against his side as she apologized, both a confused and concerned look on her face. I nodded before feeling something plop into my lap, causing me to look down.

A golden bear plushie sat limply in my lap, piercing white pupils staring up at me. I looked to the side to see C.C who held out his hands, offering a small smile. "He can help you feel better. He always makes me feel better," The boy told me and I smiled, hugging the bear plushie. "Thanks, kid."

"Ugh- I'm drenched again." I frowned, looked down at the shirt I wore which was imprinted with a child sized water patch. Some water was dripping from my face, but I quickly wiped it away. "Oh, you can borrow some more of my clothes until yours are out of the dryer," Michael offered, but I shook my head with a smirk, standing up after setting down the bear plushie, wobbling a little from my injury. "Orrrr..." I trailed off, walking over to him with a mischievous look.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him and he squeaked, a small bit of water transferring to his clothing. "Ah! You a-" He cut himself off, but glared down at me, gently shoving me away from him. He set down the girl in his arms before turning to me, causing me to spin around and run away from him, which was really just quickly limping away, but it seemed to work. I heard him scoff before following after me. I shoved open his back door and stumbled down the stairs into the lawn, the rain pouring down on me. Michael soon burst through the door, lunging at me as I squeaked, reeling back before his arms wrapped around me.

The two of us fell into the wet grass, laughing together. Elizabeth and C.C soon joined us, the little girl ranting about how she was here to save me from Michael. Liz started to swat at her older brother who just groaned. "Yeah, yeah. I'm getting off her," He said, hovering over me for a brief moment before standing up, holding a hand out to me. I took it and he hoisted me up, stabilizing me as the rain beat down on the four of us.

"Fucking Furries." || Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now