Chapter Fourteen || Movie

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TW: The topic of sexual assault.

This chapter contains a joke about SA and I, in no way, think that SA is funny at all, but the joke is light and very general. I am NOT romanticizing SA and I never will, but for the plot, I am mentioning it.


A newspaper was plopped down on the table in front of me, causing me to look up at my mother, confused. She gestured to it. "Read it." I hesitantly picked it up and skimmed over it, perking up when it mentioned Fredbear's. The article relayed that there were many reports of missing children at the local Fredbear's in Hurricane, Utah. That just so happened to be where I worked.

"So, what exactly is your point?" I asked, looking up at my mother. "What do you think it is? A bunch of children are going missing at the place you work? Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to work there?" She says, crossing her arms. "Not really. I haven't seen anything suspicious and children are known to wander off. I'm sure it's just a coincidence," I shrug it off and my mother lets out a heavy sigh. "Okay fine, but if anything else like this happens, I don't want you working there anymore, okay?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah, okay, whatever."


Chemistry was boring. The teacher droned on and on about chemical equations, literally the only thing she had been teaching this whole semester. "I want to blow something up," I whispered, expecting an answer from Michael, which I did not receive. I raised my brow and looked to my left, noticing the boy resting his head against the desk, his eyes closed. He was asleep.

I smirked. He should consider himself lucky that he wasn't snoring like he usually did. It may be cute to me, but I don't think the teacher would agree. I ruffled his hair gently, enough to mess it up, but not enough to wake him up. His hair looked ridiculous. "Pfft-" I tried to stifle my laugh, instead letting out a small chuckle. The teacher snapped her head to me and my laughter immediately died. "Do you have anything to share with the class, (Y/N)?" She called out, causing a few students to turn their heads.

An awkward smile crossed my face. "Well, nothing except the fact that chemistry is a complete wa-" I snapped my mouth closed when she glared at me, sinking lower in my chair. She let out a huff and turned back to the chalkboard, jotting some equations down. A few moments later the bell rang, causing me to let out a sigh of relief, gathering my things and shoving them into my backpack. I slung the bag over my shoulder and glanced down at Michael, grinning at his sleeping form.

I crouched down beside his desk, becoming eye level with him. I tapped my finger against his head, watching him stir before groggily opening his eyes, coming face to face with me. "Boo!" I exclaimed, causing him to jolt back with a squeak. I chuckled at his reaction and he groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Rude." I snickered in response, putting a finger to my lips. "Maybe I am. Anyways, chemistry is over so you better get up." I tell him and he looks around, noticing the absence of students and the teacher glaring at him. He grimaces at her.

Michael quickly stands up and grabs his bag, slinging it over his shoulder with a grunt. He looks down at me with a sleepy expression, his hair strewn messily across his face. I chuckle at him and he smirks. "What?" He questions, confused. I place my hand on his head, messing up his hair further before walking ahead of him. "Your hair is an absolute mess," I remarked and he let out a grumble, attempting to fix it as he ran to catch up with me.


"(Y/N)!!" Mark shouted, slinging his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his chest, aggressively ruffling my hair. I made a noise of protest, swatting his arms the best I could in his hold. He chuckled at my futile attempts before letting me go, causing me to spring up. I shoved him playfully, a glare present on my face. "You really are the worst sometimes," I state and he smirks at me. "Well, now you know how it feels," He shrugged.

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