Chapter Twenty Three || Theater

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The leaves crunched beneath me as I made my way around the house, being as silent as possible. I crouched beneath my mother's window, slipping past it quickly. I let out a sigh of relief as I made it into the front yard without being noticed. I just snuck out my window since I knew my mother wouldn't let me leave the house at midnight. Thankfully our house was only one story, so I didn't have to break my ankle or come up with an elaborate plan to get out.

I snickered, kind of enjoying breaking my mother's rules. Again, if she was going to be mildly annoying, I was going to be mildly annoying back. Suddenly, a loud honk boomed from beside me, causing me to whip my head to my driveway, startled. I tilted my head at the sight of Mr. Afton's mustang, confused as to why he would be here.

The window rolled down to reveal Michael, a cocky smirk on his face as he leaned against the car. "Hey, loser! Get in!" He shouts, causing me to place a finger to my lip to shush him. I jogged over to the car and leaned down in front of him. "Why the hell are you driving your father's car? Do you even know how to drive?" I whisper-shouted.

The boy chuckled, popping his knuckles. "Obviously not. I'm not even old enough to drive yet!" He responded and I groaned, face palming. "God, we're all gonna die." I muttered to myself, seeing Simon's head pop out from the backseat. "My thoughts exactly. Get in, we need to go pick up Tay." He says, gesturing for me to get in. I noticed Mark and Fredrick with him in the back, both of them waving to me.

I rounded the car and hopped into the front seat, Michael rolling out of the driveway as soon as I closed the door. The boy switched on the radio, smiling at the song that came on. The song was 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' by Abba. I snickered at the chorus. "Wow, what a convenient song to play after midnight." I commented and Mark popped his head out, nudging me. "Yeah, I know what man you want after midnight." He winked, causing me to swat at him, flustered. He ducked his head back, snickering at my reaction.

"Shut up, Mark!" I exclaimed and he chuckled. I glanced over to Michael who was smirking at me, causing me to quickly avert my gaze and sink back into my seat, trying to hide my reddened face with my arms. The ride continued with us talking about random shit, but mainly singing the songs on the radio. We were all dressed in black, as required by 'the cult'. I was wearing a black turtleneck that I found in my mother's closet along with a pair of black baggy cargo pants, matched with my black Converse.

The others had similar outfits, mainly wearing hoodies and jeans. Michael was wearing a black AC-DC tank top and his black fingerless gloves, paired with black jeans that seemed to be ripped at the knees by scissors. Soon, we pulled up to a fairly big house, a familiar figure sitting outside on the curb. It was Taylor, wearing black overalls along with a black turtleneck sweater.

They noticed our car and stood up, walking over to us and opening the back door. They were met with Simon who waved, earning a smile back. The six of us suddenly realized a problem. There weren't enough seats for all of us. "Oh, dang, looks like you'll have to sit on Simon's lap. What a shame," I tease, leaning over the front seat. The two of them snapped their heads to me, flustered. Simon drew a line over his throat, mimicking a throat being cut, causing me to snicker. "What? Do you have a better idea?" I questioned smugly.

"Yeah, actually. How about you sit in Michael's lap instead?" He remarks, causing me to snap my mouth shut, blushing. "I'll do you one better. How about you shove a-" I was cut off by Taylor, their voice soft as they spoke. "I can just walk if it's that big of a problem." They fiddled with their thumbs as they spoke, staring down at their shoes. I heard Simon sigh before gently grabbing their arm, pulling them into the car and onto his lap. We all 'ooed', Frederick laughing from beside them.

"A-hah! You finally grew a pair and-" Michael began before the boy slammed his foot against the back of the other's seat, obviously flustered. "Shut it, Mike! Why don't you grow a pair and finally ask-" Simon was bonked on the head by Fredrick, successfully shutting him up. "Don't mess that up for them Simon! I would rather them not have a romantic crisis in Michael's father's car! Especially when Michael is driving. Do you know how quickly we will die if-" Simon groaned. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, Fred!"

"Fucking Furries." || Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now