Chapter Ten || School Problems

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My eyes flutter open, immediately squeezing shut when sunlight shines into them, causing me to let out a grunt and roll onto my back. I stare up at the ceiling and suck in a deep breath, letting it out a moment later. The alarm clock suddenly went off, earning a groan from the boy on the bed. A moment later, he rolled off the bed, landing on me. I squeaked, shoving him off. "Bro! What the heck!" I exclaimed and he sat up, rubbing his head. Our legs were still intertwined from the fall.

"Sorry. I forgot you were here," Michael said, his voice gruff from just waking up. I sent him a worried look. "And you just start your day by rolling off your bed and slamming into the ground?" I question and he chuckles. "Kinda. I mean, it wakes me up. And it's usually an accident," He shrugs, shifting his gaze to the floor. "Are you okay? Physically and mentally?" I ask, pulling my legs away from him so we could stand up. The male shrugs. "Probably not."

Michael stands up and extends his arm to me. I take his hand and he pulls me onto my feet, letting go afterwards. A sharp knock is heard on the door, catching our attention. "Michael! Breakfast is ready! Hurry up!" Mr. Afton calls into the room. "Okay, dad. We're almost ready," Michael calls back, earning a silence for a moment. "We?" He questions and the two of us freeze. " (Y/N) stayed over because we fell asleep during the movie and it was too late for her to walk home when we woke up," The boy quickly explains, sending me a distressed look. Mr. Afton hums in acknowledgment before his footsteps head down the hall.

"Still scary," I mumbled. I crouched down and folded the blankets I used, shoving them back into the closet. When I turned around, Michael was picking up a pillow on the floor next to where I was sleeping, a confused look on his face. I chuckled. "I don't know what you were dreaming about, but you chucked that at me in the middle of the night and hit me square in the face," I explained, taking it from him and placing it on his bed. He laughed, covering his mouth.

"You also snore," I stated, causing his laughter to die down and an embarrassed look to cross his face. "It's kinda cute, though. You sound like a kitten when they snore," I state, smiling when he blushes. He rolls his eyes and grabs his gray tank top and jean shorts, leaving the room. I change into my clothes from the day before, except I keep on the Madonna shirt, throwing the basketball shorts into Michael's laundry hamper. A few moments later, he enters the room with a confused look on his face, ducking his head into the closet and letting out an annoyed huff.

"What are you looking for?" I question and he taps his arms. "My gloves." I nod and look around, not seeing them. "Where did you put them when you got home?" I ask him and he shrugs in response. "Okay then, why don't you ask your father?" I suggest and he nods, leaving the room with me following. He enters the kitchen and I notice Elizabeth and C.C sitting at the table, eating toast with jelly spread across it.

Elizabeth notices me and perks up, finishing her toast and jumping off the chair. She runs up to me and hugs my legs, looking up at me with a big smile, a bit of jelly smeared across her cheek. "(N/N)!" She exclaims and I chuckle, raising a brow. "(N/N)?" I repeat, a confused tone in my voice. She rapidly nods, giggling. "It's a nickname! I think it suits you!" She explains and I smile down at her.

My eyes land on her arms and I quickly notice Michael's long fingerless gloves covering them, causing me to snicker. The boy looks over and notices, glaring at the child. He walks over to us and I pick up his sister, making my way into the living room and away from him. "Eh- (Y/N)!" He calls after me, following. Elizabeth giggles and holds onto my neck. When I reached the front door, I stopped, turning around to see the boy in front of me. There wasn't any other way to go, so I just smirked up at him, squeaking when he placed a hand against the door.

He stared down at the child in my arms, using his free hand to take off the gloves. They slipped off pretty easily since they were pretty big on her small arms. "Elizabeth. Stop going into my room and stealing my things," He says, retracting his arm from the door and pulling the gloves onto his hands. The girl pouts. "Sorry, Bubba." Elizabeth mutters, causing Michael to let out a sigh and pat her head. "It's fine. C'mon let's go finish breakfast," He says and the two of us nod, making our way into the kitchen.

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