Chapter Twenty Seven || Roller Skating

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TW: Homophoic language and actions.


I wobbled, feeling unbalanced. The floor suddenly slipped from underneath me, causing my back to crash into the floor, a choked cough forcing itself out of my mouth. I stared up at the neon lights above me, dazed. "Go skating, they said. It'll be fun, they said." I complained to myself. Michael's face suddenly appeared above me, a smug look on his face. "Need help?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, sitting up with a grunt. "No, actually."

I attempted to push myself, somewhat succeeding as I placed both my feet onto the slick floor. "See-" I said with pride before slipping. Before I could bust my ass again, Michael caught me, chuckling as he stabilized me. "Shut up, Michael. This is not funny." He spun me around so I was facing him. "Kinda is. I mean, you look like a baby goat learning to walk," He teases. "Okay, fuck you. I don't look like that," I retort and he simply laughs.

Mark appears beside me, grinning. "I saw you bust your ass. Are you okay?" He questions, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah, except I'm pretty sure I broke my spine." The boy chuckles, opening his mouth to speak, but before he can say anything, Frederick slams into him, bringing the two of them to the ground. "Ack! Fuck! Sorry, bro!" He exclaims, pulling himself off of my cousin with a giggle. Mark groans, rubbing his head. "Why did you do that?"

"Forgot how to stop." Frederick simply responded, shrugging. "Bro, it's just-" I leaned forward to show him the stopping mechanism, but lost balance and fell, slamming into Michael's chest. The boy wrapped his arms around me to stop the two of us from falling. When we were steady, he let go of me, allowing me to stand up straight. "Sorry," I mumbled, flustered. "Great stopping technique, (Y/N)." Frederick teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Pfft- Guys, look at Simon," Mark told us, pointing further in the rink. We all turned our heads, noticing the boy with Taylor. Simon had his hands clasped with theirs while he skated backwards, pulling them with him, a small smile on his face. Taylor was flustered, holding onto Simon as they wobbled. I stuck my tongue out, feigning disgust. "Ew, get a room." The four of us chuckled, watching the two. "Simon is pretty good at skating, though." Frederick pointed out and I nodded in agreement. Michael leaned up against the railing of the rink, shrugging. "Yeah, I mean he was the one who suggested we come here," The boy said.

I hummed, looking back at Simon. "Yep." I skated over to the break in the railing, stepping off onto the carpet and beginning to take off my skates. Michael hooked his arms with the rails, dipping his head back to look at me. "Where are you going?" He questions and I look over at him, smiling. "To get water," I responded, pulling my skates off and leaving them by the rails.

"I'll be back in a second," I tell them, ruffling Michael's hair as I walk by him. He wrinkled his nose bridge, his lips tugging upwards. I gave him a quick smile before making my way over to the water fountains. It was down a small corridor next to the bathrooms. When I bent down to drink from it, a pair of boys came out of the bathrooms, causing me to glance at them. When I saw Nelson, Taylor's brother, I choked on the water, quietly coughing into my sleeve. Beside him was a kid I haven't seen before. He was a redhead with really short hair and freckles spread across his face.

They seemed to notice me, much to my dismay, and a smirk spread across Nelson's face. "Aw, it's the f@g's friend," He taunted, chuckling as I sent him a glare. "Don't call them that." I said, but his smirk only widened as he tilted his head. "Or what?" He challenged and I clenched my fist, but managed to stay calm. "Pfft- she seems a little angry," The redhead points out, chuckling. Nelson laughs mockingly, staring down at me.

"Well? Answer the question. Or are you too scared?" The boy pressures, the redhead perking up and nudging his friend. "Heh, she probably can't even do anything. She's a girl! And besides, she looks weak as fuck." He mocked me and my eyes twitched in annoyance. I gritted my teeth, my glare hardening. "Go on, do something!" The redhead persisted, placing his hands on my shoulders and shoving me back against the water fountain. I hit it with a thud as he let go, snickering.

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