Chapter Twenty Nine || Regret

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TW: Implication of drug overdose


The next few days sucked. I could feel eyes boring into me as I walked through school. I knew why they were staring, but that just seemed to make it worse. It was stupid. Why did they care so much about something that had nothing to do with them? People just love to have something to talk about and make fun of and I just so happened to be that something. I suppose I was an easy target. I was quiet and never spoke to others unless spoken too. All of this reminded me of middle school. When kids would make fun of me for not having friends and keeping to myself. Calling me weird and a freak.

Michael would glare at the people who stared, and if someone made a comment about the video, he would threaten them. Probably not the best way to go around it, but it was nice to know that someone cared. The two of us told the rest of the group about the situation and they all agreed that it was a shitty thing for Sev to do. I was planning to confront him during work on Saturday, but I was nervous. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, although it seemed like he already did.

It was finally the weekend and I threw on my uniform, walking to work. The whole way, I recited what I wanted to say in my head, not wanting to mess up and look stupid in front of Sev. Soon enough, I was in front of Fredbear's, taking deep breaths to calm me. Michael said he would be here in case something happened, so at least I had him to lean on if everything went to shit.

I let out a sigh and shoved open the doors, entering the familiar environment. Everything seemed normal. The animatronics were performing on stage, kids were running around and laughing, the place reeked of pizza grease. Suddenly, Sev exited the kitchen, smiling as he brushed his shirt off. He seemed to notice me standing by the door and his smile widened. He waved and I tensed up. Why the hell is he acting so friendly?

The boy then began walking towards me. "Hey, bestie! How are you?" He said, as cheerful as ever. I squinted at him, not answering. "Um...are you okay?" He questioned and I let out a huff, crossing my arms to try to seem intimidating. "We need to talk."

His smile dropped. "Um- yeah, okay, sure." He said, following me out to the back door. When the heavy door shut behind us, an awkward silence fell over us. I tried to figure out a good way to start the conversation while he fiddled his sleeves, seeming confused. "Why did you do that?" I finally questioned, but the boy just seemed more confused. "Do....what?"

That annoyed me. "Don't try to act like you don't know. The VHS Tape. Basically everyone at my school has seen it and it's humiliating. Why would you share it if you knew I didn't want anyone to know about it." I could feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes and I tilted my head down. Dammit, I didn't want to get emotional.

"The...VHS Tape. Oh. Oh, no. Jesus, (Y/N). I'm sorry that was-" He began, but I cut him off. "You're sorry. Well, gee thanks, but won't exactly fix the problem happening at school. Do you know how humiliating it is to walk down the halls and have people stare at you and you know exactly what they're thinking? Because it fucking sucks, Sev." I knew that I shouldn't have said any of that and I should've just let him explain, but I was overwhelmed and being irrational. He let out a sigh.

"(Y/N), can I please just explain. I know you probably feel like shit right now, but it's not my fault. I-" That pissed me off. "Well, it obviously is your fault. You were the one recording." I said calmly and he groaned. "Yeah, I know that, but I accidentally left the camera in the kitchen and someone got a hold of the VHS Tape and took it. I don't know who or why, but that's what happened. I'm sorry, okay?" He responded. I should've left it at that, but of course, I had to make matters worse.

"Tch, yeah okay." I said, still clearly pissed off. Sev groaned in frustration, scrubbing his face with his hands. "What do you want me to do, (Y/N)!? I can't go back in time and fix all of this! Trust me, I really want to, but I can't! I already have enough shit piled up on me and this isn't helping!" He shouted and I reeled back in surprise. I deserved that. I clenched my fists, holding back my tears and I glared at him. "Yeah, and I also have my own shit to deal with. You've only been adding to my stress these past days!" I shouted back and he gritted his teeth, tugging at his hair.

"I get it. I'm a burden. Everybody tells me that! Can you just please leave me the fuck alone!?" He says and I swallow the lump in my throat, my glare wavering. "Yeah, whatever." I climb up the concrete steps and enter the building again, slamming the metal door shut behind me.

When I was out of his sight, the tears began to pour down my cheeks. The regret began to sink in. Why did I have to be such a bitch to him? I took a few steps forward before leaning against the wall, sliding to the floor as I attempted to wipe my tears away, sobbing into my sleeve.



The rest of the day played out normally. I found Michael in the arcade and he noticed the puffiness in my eyes, causing him to cup my cheek and give me a stern look. I told him I was fine and that I just talked to Sev and got emotional. He didn't pry which I was thankful for.

Throughout the day, I didn't see Sev once, which concerned me. Maybe he just went home, but the feeling of dread seeded itself into my stomach. It soon became the end of my shift and I gathered the trash, slinging it over my shoulder as I made my way down the hallway. I stopped in front of the metal door, pursing my lips.

My heart pounded as I touched the doorknob, slowly creaking it open and peering outside. The trash bag slipped from my hands, crashing to the floor and spilling out it's contents. I slammed open the door and stumbled down the steps. Laying limp against the concrete was Sev, foam spilling from his mouth and a syringe discarded on the ground. I rushed over to his side, screaming his name.

"No, no, no! Sev! Please!" Tears streamed down my face as I dropped beside his body. A few moments later, Alana appeared in the doorway, questioning the noise with a concerned tone of voice. She noticed Sev and me looming over him, sobbing. She gasped. "Sev!? Oh dear, I'll call the police!" Alana said quickly, rushing back inside.

Everything began to blur, panic flooding my senses. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, I couldn't breathe. My head throbbed. The feeling of warm arms wrapping around me brought me back, the sensation of fingers running through my hair calming me. A familiar voice whispered to me and I quickly recognized them to be Michael. I heard sirens, the sound of people talking, and bright lights flashing around me. I attempted to turn my head, but Michael kept it pinned to his chest, not allowing me to see what was going on.

"Michael..?" I croaked out and he looked down at me with a soft expression. "It's fine, (Y/N). You're going to be fine."


Lol I've had this idea since I first introduced Sev. Also don't worry he isn't dead :)

The plot is going to start being a lot happier. Sorry about all the angst, I'm just trying to make it realistic. 

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