Chapter Six || Plans

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My mother's door creaked open as I made my way into her room, noticing her laying on the bed. "Um- hey mom, I'm going to work," I say quietly, unsure if she was awake. She hums in acknowledgement and I close the door, leaving the house and beginning the small walk to Fredbear's Family Diner. When I make it to the restaurant, I pull open the doors, entering the small building.

The odd smell of the diner caused me to grimace as I looked around, noticing the animatronics performing on stage. A small crowd of children were crowded around the stage and AJ was struggling to keep toddlers from climbing onto it. I smirked and continued to make my way into the establishment, going to go clock in. When I made it to the piece of paper, I picked up the pen, scribbling my name on it.

The door beside me clicked open and two people walked out. I recognized one of them as Lucy, but the other one I had never met. They had fluffy light brown hair in the shape of a mullet with dark brown eyes, their skin sickly pale. They shifted and fidgeted with their hands, most likely nervous. Lucy perked up when she saw me, a large smile placed on her face. "(Y/N)! Hello! Look, we have a new employee! They're your age!" She exclaimed, gesturing to the new person.

The new employee waved at me, muttering a small greeting. "Hi," I simply said, not knowing how to carry a conversation very well. Luckily, Lucy was here. "Their name is Christy! Aren't they so cute!" She said, patting their head. Heat spread across the person's face, seemingly embarrassed. "Um- yeah," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm (Y/N)," I say and they nod. "Nice to meet you," They respond, their voice soft. "Welp! I'm going to go show them the kitchen. I'll see you later, (Y/N)!" Lucy tells me, making her way down the hall with Christy close behind.

The two of them disappear into the main area and I make my way towards it myself, looking around the area for a moment. A shrill voice catches my attention and I glance at the stage, seeing AJ talking to an angered woman. A little boy was latched to her side, sobbing. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just trying to get him off the stage," He says, earning a few screeches from the women. Damn, she's a bitch. I almost feel bad for AJ, but he does deserve it.

The woman suddenly grabs his wrist and AJ winces, flinching. I perk up at that, finding it slightly odd. Either way, that woman was technically harassing an employee which is against the rules. I roll my eyes and make my way over to the two. I stop beside the woman and snatch her hand away, causing her to let go of AJ. "Ma'am, it would be appreciated if you didn't harass my coworker." I say in a calm tone before the woman rips her hand away from me. "Don't touch me!" She shouts, giving me an angry look.

My eye twitches in irritation and I sigh. "Then don't touch my coworker," I say back, my calm demeanor slowly cracking. The woman growls in frustration. "Don't tell me what to do!" She yells at me. Does this woman not know what shame is? "Okay, women! You are hypocritical, an idiot, and need to leave right now because you just harassed my coworker and if you don't, I will get my boss involved. And trust me, you don't want that." I tell her, clearly irritated. She opens her mouth to speak, but closes it, letting out a huff. The woman takes her son's hand and walks out the door, causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"Um- thanks..." AJ mumbles and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, whatever." I respond, making my way to the kitchen. I open the doors to find it empty and I look around, noticing that the counters were covered in pots or some food product. "I should probably clean up in here," I mutter, letting the doors close behind me.


After rummaging around in the kitchen for a while and putting things in their proper places, I found the syringe I had hid the previous day. I stared at it for a moment before deciding to find Sev, hiding the object behind my back as I entered the main area. I soon found Sev serving a bunch of teenagers and I waited a few feet away from him, catching his attention when he turned away from the kids. He smiled and walked over to me. "Hey, (Y/N)!" He greeted me and I smiled, greeting him back.

"Hey! Um- the other day I found this and I was wondering what to do with it?" I inform him, showing him the syringe. His eyes widened slightly and he took it from me, chuckling nervously. "I just need to replace the needle! The syringe is fine though..." He told me, examining it. "Um- can you cover for me while I put this in my bag? The table I was about to serve is over there," He points to a table in the far corner and I strain to see the people sitting there, unable to make them out.

"Sure," I respond and he pats my shoulder with a smile. "Thanks, bestie!" He exclaims and I blink. "Never call me that. It's weird," I cringe and he smirks. "Whatever you say, bestie," He shrugs before walking away, causing me to groan. Time to serve children...or edgy teenagers.

I made my way over to the table in the far corner, dodging children who were running around the place. When I reached the table, I took a deep breath and said my line. "Welcome to- I fucking hate you all," I say and the group of teenagers begin to laugh. "Wow, I don't remember that being the name of the restaurant!" Frederick jokes with a smile. "Yeah, fairly sure my father didn't name it that," Michael added, smirking.

"Michael, you have managed to be here every single day I have worked here...stop." I say with a blank expression. He shrugs. "Again, it's just my sixth sense," He jokes. "Nah, that's called being a stalker." Mark joins in, crossing his arms across the table. I stifle a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. I take a deep breath and calm down. "Okay, what do you guys want?" I ask. "I'm fairly certain none of you can afford anything here." They all roll their eyes and Simon smiles slightly. "I actually have money, unlike these fuckers."

"Okay, well what do you want?" I ask again, crossing my arms. "Kinda rude, don't you think? Couldn't even say 'What may I get you?'. Shameful, (Y/N)." Michael jokes, shaking his head as if he was trying to shame me. "If you don't shut up, I might let AJ take your order instead." I threaten, gesturing to the boy who was currently monitoring the stage, as usual. "You're cruel," He says back and I shrug in response.

The teenagers ended up ordering a pepperoni pizza and Pepsi, which I brought them and Simon paid for. When I set down the food, Mark suggested I join them, which I was hesitant to do since I was currently working. "I don't know if I can. I have work," I told them, but they insisted. "Come on! Michael can talk to his father about it if you get snitched on," Frederick reasoned, causing said boy to nod. I pursed my lips before rolling my eyes, sighing. "Okay...fine. But if I get fired, I'm blaming you guys."

Mark and Michael were on one side of the booth while Simon and Fredrick were on the other, and since I didn't want to be squeezed against someone I didn't know all that well, I decided to sit next to Michael. "Okay, so since it's Sunday and we have school tomorrow, we should do something fun after this," Mark suggested and we all nodded. "I have a little money left over, so we could go to the arcade or something." Simon said and Fredrick perked up. "Yes! I love that place!" He exclaimed.

"That'll be fun. I can also finally beat my highscore at Space Duel!" I say and Michael nudges me. "There's no way you're better at that game than me!" He boasts and I send him a playful glare. "Sureee. We can see who's better when we get there," I challenge him. He smirks and chuckles slightly. "Let's hope you're not as bad at that game as you are at Tetris!" I blush from embarrassment at his words. " I only did bad that time because of you!" I point out quickly and he smirks in response.

"Mhmm," Michael rested his cheek against his palm and stared at me with a taunting look. "Okay, can you guys stop eye-fucking each other and eat the damn pizza?" Simon teased, taking a bite out of a slice of said pizza. "Can you fuck off?" I shoot back, earning a chuckle from the others at the table. "No," Simon responds. "Fair enough."

"Fucking Furries." || Michael Afton x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant