Chapter Twenty One || Emotions

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, sunlight beaming through the window. I reached up and rubbed my eyes, blinking as I looked around. Michael was gone, but C.C was cuddled into my side, tears staining his cheeks. The lamp and radio were turned off, most likely by Michael. I cupped the child's cheek and wiped the stains, cleaning them. He stirred, but didn't wake.

I perked up at the sound of muffled shouting coming from the kitchen. I carefully slide out of bed, making sure not to wake up C.C in the process. I pulled the blanket over his small figure before walking towards the source of yelling. I peeked around the corner to the kitchen and pursed my lips at the sight of Michael and Mr. Afton fighting.

"It wasn't my fault! If C.C didn't-" Michael began, getting cut off by his father. "Stop blaming your brother for your mistakes, Michael! I gave you and (Y/N) a job and you didn't do it!" Mr. Afton shouted, earning a snarl from his son. "Do not bring her into this! It wasn't her fault," He shoots back. "Do not yell at me. I'm your father." Michael scoffed at that. "Oh, really? Because you sure don't act like it. You seem more interesting in your stupid animatronics than us!" Michael remarked and Mr. Afton stared down at him with an annoyed expression, holding his head as if he had a headache.

"You-" Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed me, causing him to snap his mouth shut. "Oh, great. You woke up (Y/N)," He said, turning around and sitting down at the table. Michael scoffed at his father before turning to me, his expression softening. He walked over to me and pulled me into the living room.

" hear all that?" He questioned, fidgeting with his hands. I hesitated. "Most of it," I responded, staring at his hands. I wanted to hold them, but I was nervous and didn't really think it was the time. My emotions were a mess. I was angry, nervous, sad, scared, etc. I didn't know what was coming next and didn't really think I could handle something else happening. Michael seemed to be in a similar situation and that fight with his father didn't really help him. I could tell he was pushing most of his grief into anger and it was negatively affecting himself and others.

"Sorry." He said and I shook my head. "Don't apologize. Your father was kinda being a dick anyways," I muttered the last part and he smiled down at me. "Hey, how about we go do something fun? I brought my gameboy," I said and he perked up. "Sure." The two of us made our way back to his room. I noticed C.C still asleep on the bed and I picked him up, carrying him back to his room while Michael grabbed my gameboy and booted up a game.

When I reentered Michael's room, he pulled me onto the bed and laid his head on my stomach, playing Tetris. My face flushed. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "Using you as a pillow," He said simply, shrugging. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I get that, but why?" Michael chuckled. "Because you're comfy."

"Pfft- Okay, nerd." I began playing with his hair, braiding stray strands. "How many names are you going to call me?" He questioned, the game console in his hands beeping. I smirked. "A lot actually. I can list them. Furry, nerd, bitch boy, British boy, loser, bitch- Ack!" He elbowed me in the side, causing me to start laughing. Michael joined in.


"I'm boooored," Michael called out as I walked by him, a tray raised above my head. I rolled my eyes, turning to him. "You were given the choice to come here and you said yes, so don't whine. Besides, you can just leave if you don't wanna be here," I said and he muttered something, crossing his arms. He was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. C.C wasn't here since he said he decided not to go with us, so Michael had no one to keep him company. Not like he wanted to be around his brother, though. He was still angry at him for what happened.

"One second, Michael. I'm still serving a table," I say, walking away towards the table I was serving. I set down the tray, wished them a good day, and turned back and made my way to Michael. As I did, I noticed Alana bent down in front of him, hands on her hips and she talked to him. Michael had an annoyed look on his face. "Lady, do I look like a lost kid to you? I'm almost sixteen! I- (Y/N), help me out here!" He exclaims, perking up when he notices me.

"Fucking Furries." || Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now