Chapter Five - Proud

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McGonagall wrote me a note on why I was late for class to Professor Snape. To be honest, he frightened me.
When I walked into the potions classroom I saw Snape telling Harry off. But as soon as Snape met my eyes he stopped talking, making everyone in the room face me.
“Ah, another Weasley. Would you care to explain why it is you are late?” He scolded.
“I u-uh, P-Profess—“ The word weren’t coming out of my mouth, so I decided to just hand him the note from McGonagall.
“Very well, seeing as though all the other seats were taken, you are left to sit up the front without your friends.” He smirked.
I looked up the front to see the empty spot just so happened to be right next to Malfoy. Oh Merlin! Why are you so cruel?
I sat down and was instantly glared at. What is his problem? I never did anything to him. I shifted my seat away from him slightly.
“Now for those who did not hear me before….” Snape looked at me. “….. You will be sitting in the seats you are now,” He slurred the last word.
Are you serious!?

-----3 months later-----
The past three months have been, odd. Ron doesn’t talk to me at all, Malfoy will be weird with me when we are alone but cruel with his friends. What’s worse? Is he and I are now potions partners. How cliché right? No, instead of having that ‘hating each other first few lessons, only to discover how similar we actually are’ clichéwe argue constantly, and it never ends.
I eventually got a letter from mum. She was okay with being in Slytherin. She told me as long as I don’t turn into a Malfoy, she is absolutely fine with it. Dad on the other hand, didn’t take it so lightly. In fact, he tried to get Dumbledore to re-sort me into a different house. Of course it didn’t work, but he isn’t giving up.
I have gotten really close with my dorm roomies, especially Daphne. Cato has taken a liking to them as well. Which doesn’t happen often, he’s really protective of me when it comes to others. Cato has come in handy though, with my animagus training. He has started to come with me to the sessions. McGonagall says if I access Cato’s mind, I can think more like a wolf and turn into one. It’s only worked once, and that was slightly. I didn’t even turn into a full wolf. But once I eventually get it, McGonagall says I won’t need Cato for help.
Despite the ‘issue’ I have being getting high grades for potions. Turns out, I’m a natural. I have also been doing quite well in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Everything else I suck at. But I do enjoy my flying lessons. Madam Hooch says I ‘have room to improve’ which basically just means I’m terrible, but I’m not exactly a lost cause.
I was walking through the corridor with my books in my hands rushing to get to the Slytherin common room to tell Daphne about the progress I have made with my animagus formation, when I ran smack bang into my twin.
We both straight on our butts dropping everything we had in our hands.
“Hi Ron.” I said softly.
He looked at me eyes wide. “You did that on purpose!” He yelled.
I stood up and started to pick up my things. “I did not! Why would you think that?” I asked shocked.
“I knew you were turning evil from the moment you were sorted into Slytherin!” He snapped.
I looked at him as if he had two heads. While he picked up his things I checked to see if anyone was watching us.
When no one was, I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the empty classroom, closing the door behind us.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” He argued.
“What in Merlins beard did you mean by ‘ I knew you were turning evil’?” I asked.
“You’re in Slytherin! All Slytherin are evil!”
“They are not, Ronald! I’m not! You know me better than anyone in the universe. Have I ever done anything that seemed evil to you?” I asked crossing my arms.
“I-I uhh---“
“Did you ever stop to think that I didn’t choose to be in Slytherin? That maybe I was put in this house because I strive to succeed?”
“I d-don----“ I cut him off again.
“Think about that before you open that big mouth of yours again.” I looked him dead in the eye for 2 more seconds then walked out of the classroom marching down the corridor back to the Slytherin common room, which I am now proud to call home.

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