Chapter Twenty-Two - Intrigued

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  "Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madam Maxime." I turn my head to watch a beautiful group of girls dressed in blue dance up the aisle and release butterflies into the air. They bow and everyone applauds. I instantly feel self-conscious. All the guys in the room start to froth from the mouth.

"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkaroff." The great hall doors open once again revealing buff and tough looking teenage boys. Marching through the hall with bo staffs, twirling them around and periodically stabbing them into the ground with a spark effect. There was so much testosterone in the air that I almost start to strip naked.

Finally, the master walked in quickly followed by.... No, it couldn't be.. "Is that Viktor Krum?" Asks .
I start to answer when one of the Durmstrang's breathe fire. And I am, to say the least, impressed.

Albus and Igor then greet each other like old friends with a tight embrace. When Dumbledore is finished talking to Igor and Maxime, he turns back toward the very interested audience. "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." I look over at Fred and George whom I knew were planning to sign up. They start smiling wickedly.

"For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch." Said Dumbledore.

Then the roof above us roared and clapped thunder making me almost fall out of my seat. "Bloody hell! I almost dropped my guts." I say to without thinking first. Then I hear Draco snicker, which instantly makes my cheeks go warm with embarrassment.

Rain begins to pour from the ceiling. So I face the front quickly in curiosity and see a strange man emerge from the doorway. He casts a spell to the roof and it stops raining. Then, I realise he isn't a stranger at all.

"It's Mad-Eye Moody." I tell.

"Who?" asks.

"Alastor Moody. He was a catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though these days." I explain.

Dumbledore greets him and allows him to sit down with the rest of the staff. Moody obliges and drinks something from his flask. I look away and look at the food that appeared in front of us. I sigh and push away my plate. I really need to go for a run. It's a full moon soon and I can feel it. I look up and see Draco looking at me curiously. And as soon as he notices I'm looking at him, he looks away.

Oh man, this year is going to be rough. I can tell.

------------3 Days Later------------
I knew Professor Moody would be different, but I had no idea he was this insane. But I like him. He makes class more amusing. Most people disagree with me, but I don't care. But I won't deny that something feels off whenever he's around.
Classes were the same. I struggle to answer most questions so I look to the person to my side and copy their work. But when I do that, I notice Draco staring. I wish it wasn't so awkward for us. I miss my best friend.

I made friends with a Durmstrang too. His name is and he's the funniest guy ever. He's calm, clumsy and just plain goofy. But he's smart and we get along well. He's different from the other athletic, cocky, strong Durmstrang's and I guess that's what I like about him.
Seamus has also been sneaking his way into sitting next to me in every class we have together. I like Seamus, but that's all. So I'm kind of getting a bit frustrated with dealing with his staring almost every lesson.

Currently, I'm sitting with the girls in our dorm room. Pansy's no longer part of it either. She made sure she got signed into another dorm so she didn't have to be with me.

"Any cute ones Ella?" Tracey asks me.

"Huh?" I ask zoning back into the conversation.

"Durmstrang boys. Any of them caught your eye yet?"

I look down. "Oh ah no. None that I can think of."

"Really?" Millecent starts. "Because a few have noticed you."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

She smiles and looks at the girls in a knowing way. Turns out they seem to know what she is talking about. "Oh come one El, you can't deny last break really did wonders to your appearance."

I look down and hide my smile. Well that boosted my confidence. "So...?" Daphne spoke up.

"So, what?" I ask her.

"So who's the lucky guy that caught your attention?"

I roll my eyes. "I told you, there's no one."

Daphne took her turn to roll her eyes back at me. "You can't lie to us. We know you too well."

I sigh and look at all there intrigued expressions. "Well, I did meet one guy."

Daphne's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Who!?"

"Well, he's a Durmstrang. His name is Petar, and before you ask Millecent, yes he is good looking and no, I don't like him like that. I get along with him like old family friends." I respond.

Tracey smiles. "Of course you don't like him like that. Not after your little snog with Draco."

"What?" Questioned Millecent.

My eyes widen and dart to the blonde in the room. "Daphne!" I yell.

"Sorry red. But I had to tell her. Now, Millecent, pay up." She demands.

Millecent groans and hands her a twenty. "I thought that maybe pug face would at least have kidnapped him before Ella kissed him or something to get her claws on him first."

"Wait." I stop them. "You made a bet to see who, out of Pansy and I, would get Draco first?"

"No." Millecent responds. And I relax.

"We made a bet to see who would kiss him first." Daphne finished.

"Guys!" I whine.

"Oh shut up." She stands up and grabs her robe. "Now are you coming to see who puts their names in the Goblet with us, or are you going to continue to sit there and whine all night?"

I look around the room, see nothing interesting, sigh and follow them out the door.

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