Chapter Thirty-Two - Negligent

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  I can't shift. During the accident with the fire, when the clock fell on my leg, it damaged it. Permanently. Figures, right? Voldemort returns and sends his minions to attack my family, and it's a bloody grandfather clock that nocks me down. My white wolf is just a ghost to me now.
Though what happened next was not what I was expecting.

I guess I should have seen it coming. I mean, Harry had been acting odd. Especially with that damn book. Everyone could see it. He was passing through potions with flying colours and questioning us on things we had never heard before. And he saved my brother in a way that apparently even professor Slughorn couldn't, when he was poisoned. Of course I was grateful that he did save my Ron, but what I wasn't grateful for was when he attacked Draco in the bathroom, nearly killing him, after accusing him of planning to assassinate Dumbledore. Harry needs to get rid of that damn book before he actually does kill someone. And I'll be damned if he goes anywhere near Draco again.

After Christmas break, Draco was back to being the fearful uptight prick he was after summer break. Something had to have happened while we were gone. But his attitude didn't stop me from stressing and sitting next to his be in the hospital wing, holding his hand and stroking his knuckles while he slept. I need to talk to Harry. Talk him into destroying the potions making book. Because the longer I know it's in his possession while he's sketchy with Draco, the more stressed I become.

I stood up and marched toward the courtyard. I don't know why, but I assume Harry is in the Gryffindor common room so I couldn't go there. I'll just have to wait.
But on my way towards the courtyard, Ginny and Harry were walking side by side. And of course in Harry's hand, lay the infamous potions book.

"Harry!" I yelled.

He stopped walking and froze. Thanks to my super hearing, I heard a quiet "Uh oh." Escape his lips.

He slowly turned around. "Ella, I—"

I cut him off. "You what? Made a mistake? Weren't thinking? What ever excuse it is, doesn't make Draco sitting in the hospital wing, from an almost death any easier for the rest of us!"

"I know, I'm sorry. It's not what I intended. But he started it." He whined.

"Grow up Harry. If someone starts a fight, you walk away. I'm sure he didn't just start attacking you because he couldn't help himself, it would have been because you were harassing him! Just because you have a feeling that he's up to something, does not allow you to try and prove it by following him and bugging him. And then, after putting him in the hospital wing, you have the audacity to blame him for it! Are you insane?" I yelled.

He looked down and didn't meet my eyes. "I don't want to be angry with you Harry. So please, for everyone, get rid of that book. Before you hurt anyone else. Including yourself."

I looked in his eyes pleadingly. And shook his head. "That's the thing Ella. Before you came her yelling at me, Ginny and I were on our way to do exactly that. I realise what happened with Draco was extremely wrong, but you never let me explain my self. You're so stubborn." And with that, he grabbed Ginny's arm and marched away. Leaving me in the dust, feeling guilty.

I forced my legs to start moving and walked back to the common room.

-------------Days Later--------------

[Harry's POV]

Horcrux's. That's how Voldemort is still alive after all this time. So now I'm out in Merlin knows where with Professor Dumbledore looking for apparently, the second horcrux to destroy. Back in second year with Ella, when I killed the basilisk and Ella destroyed the diary was what fuelled Voldemort's rage and interest with Ella. The diary was the first Horcrux. And now we're after the next.

Dumbledore had cut himself open and started smearing his blood on the rock wall infront of us. The wall started to collapse and soon we were standing infront of black water inside the cave. Dumbledore cast a light over the water and a small island with a strange podium type thing lit up.

"There it is! The only question is how do we get there?" Asked Dumbledore rhetorically.

He raised his palm over the water and bubbles formed beneath his feet. A chain flew from the water and Dumbledore caught it effortlessly. "If you would, Harry."

I walked forward and grabbed the chain, pulling with all my strength. A boat appeared from the water and I pulled the chain harder to bring it toward us. We got on the boat and made our way across the water and onto the small island. Once there, Dumbledore looked in the bowl made into the podium.

"Do you think the Horcrux is in there sir?" I asked.

"Oh yes." He touched the dark water in the bowl with his finger once. And my ears started ringing slightly. Dumbledore looked at me in realisation. "It has to be drunk. All of it has to be drunk. This potion might paralyse me. Might make me forget why I'm here. Might cause me so much pain that I beg for relief. It's your job, Harry, to make sure I keep drinking this potion, even if you have to force it down my throat. Understood?"

"Why can't I drink it sir?" I asked alarmed. This is mad.

"Because, I'm much older, much cleverer and much less valuable." He picked up the small cup next to the bowl slowly. "You have good health Harry." He put the cup in the water, filling it, then brought it to his lips. Cautiously drinking it.

He started shaking uncontrollably. "Professor? Professor can you hear me?" He fell to the ground, making a strange choking sound. I ran up to the bowl and started filling the cup and feeding it to the old man. Each time I brought it back, he would protest. He started crying. Visibly in pain, but I kept going. When he finally drank the last mouthful, he stopped crying. "Harry... Water." I nodded and ran up to the bowl, and there, sat an old necklace. The Horcrux. I smiled. "We did it sir. Look..." I went to grab the necklace, but as soon as my fingers touched it, I pulled back like it had burnt me. I heard whispering.

"She's in danger."
" You can't protect her."
"She's going to lose control."
"Save her. She cannot save herself."

I was confused. What did it mean?

"Tonight is the night she is taken."
"Tonight is when it all starts."
"Tonight life will be taken."
"Tonight she will start to slip."

She will be taken tonight.... Oh no.


[Ella's POV]

"So you can not transform at all?" Fillin asks me.

I shake my head. "And I'm not too sure why. It's like, trying to fly. You feel like if you jump and concentrate hard enough you can stay in the air, but it never happens. That's what this feels like." I look down and feel dread consume my body.

Draco had finally left the hospital wing. And earlier tonight, he what acting odd.

---Earlier that afternoon---

"I'm going to ask you something. It's important that you listen. Please don't be stubborn." He spoke quietly, grabbing my shoulders.

"Why does everyone keep calling me stubborn?" I ask offended.

He shook his head. "Ella, listen to me. Stay in the common room. Don't come out till morning, no matter what happens."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why?"

"You'll know in the morning. Just, whatever happens, don't hate me please. Know that if there are rumours, I have a reason."

"Draco, you're scaring me, what do you mean? Please tell me what's going on." But he cut me off by kissing me.

Me being me, I melted into the kiss and forgot everything happening around me for a second... until he pulled away. "I have to go." He said turning away.


"I'll speak to you some other time. Just stay in your room."

And then he was gone.

The clouds above me rumbled. Growing darker and moving quickly. I got cold all of the sudden. I wrapped my around me tighter. I looked at Fillin. "Go back to the pack. Stay under shelter and tell the other too. I have a bad feeling about this." Fillin nodded once and ran off in the other direction howling.

I heard McGonagall telling other students to make their way inside. I was about to head off to the Slytherin common room until I saw a certain head of blonde hair walking in the opposite direction of the common room.

"Draco?" I started following him. I ended up following him for a while. He moved into a large doorway quickly and I saw the door he walked in disappear. Why is he in the room of requirement? I stood there for about 2 minutes when Draco finally came out of the room. And once again, he was going in a different direction then the Slytherin common room.

I stayed a little behind him, just in case I didn't lose him. I got this weird feeling down my spine, and I couldn't shake it off. Eventually he reached the bottom of the stairs for the Astronomy tower. I know he likes to be alone and think here. Maybe he just wants to think? But his words from tonight told me otherwise.

I heard voices. And because of my wolf hearing I could tell the voices were familiar. Draco heard them too, but only would have heard them faintly. He started climbing the stairs slowly, wand in his hand. I was about to start following behind him, until someone behind me grabbed me and pulled me away. I tried screaming, but the hand over my mouth muffled it.

"Hello sweetheart. Fancy seeing you here." The voice of Fenrir Greyback whispered in my ear. I was angry. Furious actually. And I just wanted to change into my wolf. That would have done a great deal of help. But we all know things don't always go as we want them to. I couldn't get in his mind either. There was a spell in the way. I knew it was dark magic. I just didn't know how to get past it. I didn't know how to get free.

I saw Harry under the boards of the astronomy tower, and I tried to get his attention. But he was too occupied with watching what was going on above. "He won't help you. No one will. You're alone." No. That's not true, there has to be someone.

My pack.

[Draco's POV]

"You're not alone, there are others." Dumbledore spoke calmly. "How?"

I'm so scared and nervous I don't know how to answer. But I have to do this fast otherwise I'll get caught. And be sent to azkaban where I'll likely have to share a cell with my father. I found my voice, although it's shaky, I continue. "The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement. I've been mending it."

"Let me guess, it has a sister. A twin."

"Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage." I say trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"Ingenious." He looked sincere now. "Draco, years ago, I knew boy that made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

"I don't want your help!" He was making this harder. Making me care. I need to do this and fast before he talks me out of it. "Don't you understand? I have to do this, I have to kill you... Or he's going to kill me." I said weakly. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Then there were footsteps. And I scared a little. Thinking it was one of the professor's, coming to stop me. But when Bellatrix's face appeared from the shadows, I knew it had to be now. I held my wand up, stopping the tears.

But I still couldn't do it.

"Well, look what we have here." She smiled. Obviously shocked I got this far. She walked up behind me. "Well done Draco..." She whispered.

"Good evening Bellatrix." Dumbledore spoke. Not even showing a hint of fear. "I think introductions are in order. Don't you?"

"I'd love to Albus. But we're on a bit of a tight schedule." She walked around slowly. Then stopped. She looked back at me. "Do it!"

The Fenrir's voice came from the shadows. "He doesn't have the stomach. Maybe if we give him a little... push." He stepped forward.

And what saw made me drop my arm a shake my head in anger. "No." I said shaking my head. I started getting dizzy. I knew this would happen. I told her to stay in her room.

She was crying. Trying to get free of Fenrir's strong grasp. "Draco..." She said weakly. It broke me. And I didn't know what to do. Why didn't she just listen?

"Leave her out of it." I said boldly to Fenrir.

"See Draco, you know I can't do that. The dark lord has asked for her. She was already involved." He spat. "I've done my part, you do yours." I motioned to Dumbledore.

"No." Snape said emerging from the shadows. It stopped me completely. I put my wand down and moved out of the way. I knew he could get us out of this mess. He had to.

But once again, Dumbledore showed no fear. "Severus..." It was silent we were all waiting. Even Ella's tears had stopped. But her struggle didn't. She looked at me pleadingly. But I couldn't do anything. So I looked away from her eyes like coward. Guilt, eating me. Dumbledore spoke up again. "...Please."

But Snape didn't listen. "Avada Kedavra."

And the silence was gone.

[Ella's POV]

"NO!" I screamed. But Fenrir put his hand back over my mouth. I didn't cry, I didn't give up.
I did the only thing I could think of.

I pulled away from Fenrir's grip and screamed as loud as I could. "FILLIN!" Everyone was silent after my outburst. The air went cold. And Fenrir tried to grab me again, but just before he did, we heard a howl.

And then two.

And then several.

And then a whole pack.

"You bitch!" Fenrir did grab me this time, and started pulling me backwards.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I could hear Bellatrix's laughter. I heard thunder and spells going off. I heard glass breaking and more of Bella's laughter. I struggled the whole way banging on Fenrir's big back. Kicking and yelling. I wouldn't quit. I put everything I could into get free. But I stopped when I heard Harry. I realised we were nowhere near the astronomy tower anymore. We were on the fields, in front of Hagrid's hut.

"Ella!" I turned my head and saw Harry running down the hill. "Snape! He trusted you!" And then there were flames.

"Go on!" Snape commanded.

Fenrir started walking again. There was a growl. And Fenrir stopped in his tracks. I looked up and saw Fillin. Alone.

He was always the fastest. I just have to hope the others make it before it's too late. "That's cute." Fenrir laughed.

Fillin growled again then lunged forward. Grabbing Fenrir's ankle and bringing him down. He let go of me and I fell to the ground with a loud thump.
Fenrir growled in anger. I looked for my wand but it wasn't on me. I saw it in Fenrir's pocket. I lunged forward to grab it while Fillin had his ankle, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "Nice try." He wheezed out. I kicked him in the chest and went to grab my wand again.

But a loud whimper came from Fillin and I looked over to see him unconscious. "No!" I yelled. Bellatrix laughed.

I started running towards Bellatrix but a huge pain went through my skull. I fell to the ground and screamed. My breathing came erratic and tears fell from my eyes, blood from my nose.

The pain was unbearable. I heard my name but it was muffled. My vision was foggy and the last thing I saw were the flames from the hut before everything went black.


[Harry's POV]

I lay on my back in pain. But pushed forward after I heard Ella's screams had stopped. I stood up and saw Snape walking away. They were taking Ella's unconscious body. And they were gone before I could do anything. "No." I whispered.

I pointed my wand at the back of Snape's head. "Sectumsempra!" I yelled. But Snape dodged it. I was knocked back and hit the ground once again.

He walked forward and stood over me. "It's no use. You're too late. You're wasting your energy."

"You're a coward." I spat. My chest started caving in and I couldn't breathe properly.

"And you're too weak to do a damn thing about it." I spoke back. He turned around and walked away.

I tried to get up but I kept falling back down. I watched helplessly as they took away Ella's body and Snape's distant shape grew smaller and smaller. I saw the black wolf that tried to save Ella stir.
I crawled forward and put my hand on his fur. He opened his eyes slowly and I saw the small amount of tears collecting in his eyes. I looked up and saw more wolves run out of the woods. They ran toward us and looked around. Clearly looking for an absent Randella.

When they all noticed she wasn't there, the largest wolf of the pack stepped forward and howled. The rest of them followed his actions.

It was then, I realised how important Ella was to them. And I couldn't think of anything but how much I hated Voldemort. And how I'm going to stop him. I'm going to get Ella back. And I'm going to get Sirius back.

I have to kill him. And I have to do it soon.  

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