Chapter Thirty - Exhaustion

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  [Harry's POV]

I knocked on Dumbledore's office door and opened it. Dumbledore sat at his desk with the usual smile on his face. "Ah, Harry. You got my message, come in. How are you?"

"Fine sir."

"Enjoying your classes?" I nodded. "I know professor Slughorn is most impressed with you."

"I think he over estimates my abilities sir."

He smiled. "Do you?"

"Definitely." I answer with a smile. Dumbledore laughs.

"What about your activities outside the classroom?" He asked.


"Well I noticed you spend a great deal of time with miss Granger. I can't help wondering if—" I cut him off.

"Oh no! No! I mean she's brilliant and we're friends but no."

"Forgive me. I was merely being curious. But enough chit chat. You must be wondering why I summoned you here tonight." He stood up and walked to a cabinet. I followed him. "The answer lies here. What you are look at are memories." I look in the cabinet and see it's full of vials. "In this case pertaining to one individual: Voldemort. Or... as he was known then... Tom Riddle."

He picked out one vial. "This vial contains one particular memory. The day I first met him. I'd like you to see it. If you want." I take the vial and pour it into the pensieve. I look at Dumbledore and he nods. So I look down and push my face into the liquid of the pensieve, face breaking the surface.

The memory wasn't long. The meeting between a young Tom Riddle and Dumbledore was tense but was over soon. Even as a child. Voldemort held darkness within him.

I pulled my face out of the pensieve and looked at professor Dumbledore. "Did you know then?"

"That I just met the darkest wizard of all time? No." He pulled another vial out of the cabinet, this one looked less old. "Four years ago, your friend Randella came in here at midnight. Telling me she had been having nightmares and keeping her roommates from sleeping with her screams. But when she awoke, she couldn't remember the dream at all."

"Ella came here? Why?" I asked curiously.

"Turns out these dreams she was having, were a type of warning. We pulled the nightmares from her head and they now sit in this vial. A lot of the images it contains have already been brought to reality."

"Then it was a vision not a dream." I notified.

He nodded. "Indeed."

"How did she get the vision then?"

"I fear miss Weasley's wellbeing is in danger. And this was a caution."

"Then how do we help her?" I asked frantically.

"I'm afraid I don't have the answer for that. I gone threw the vision multiple times to try and find the answer but I have been unsuccessful. I have a feeling only Randella can stop it from happening."

I shook my head. "What if I take a look at it?" I ask.

"You can. But I ask you not to tell anyone about this. If someone tries to change Ella's future, then it can make the situation worse instead of for the better." I hesitate. But agree. I take the vial from his hand and pour the liquid into the pensieve. I face hits the surface and I watch the images

What in Merlin's beard do I do?


[Ella's POV]

I hear the air whip past my ears and feel it through my hair as I fly around the quidditch field. Holding the quaffle and flying towards the hoops. Ron sat in front of with a easy going expression planted on his face. Come on Ron. I threw the quaffle, actually trying to get it in the hoops. (If I didn't, the team would kill me) But Ron surprisingly blocked it... with his head.

He smiled in victory and I smiled back and shook my head. This is going to be frustrating.

"Weasley! Get your damn head out of the clouds! And look like you actually give a shit!" One of my team mates yelled.

I sighed and turned around. I don't think I can handle this.

We lost. Not that I care or anything. Ron was the reason they won. He blocked basically all my shots. But that's the problem. Everytime he successfully stop any goals, this cocky smirk would appear on his face. And if I know Ron, which I do, then it's gonna be a long time till he lives this down.

When the game finished, I took a long shower and got . I wasn't tired, but I was bored. I decided to go look for Draco. He wasn't anywhere in the Slytherin common room. But Goyle and Blaise were. Blaise was messing with the radio and Goyle was hanging over the lounge.

"Hey boys." They jumped up in surprise.

Blaise smiled. "Hey Ella. What are you doing up? Figured you'd be getting some rest after the game."

"Nah. I'm too awake." I brushed off. "What are you guys doing?" I asked.

Goyle picked up a book and pretended to flip through it. "Oh you know, studying." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that so? So tell me, is holding the book upside down make studying any easier?" I pointed out with a smirk.

Goyle looked down at the book and realised he was indeed holding it upside down. He rolled his eyes and threw the book on the ground. "Whatever, I hate reading anyways."

I laughed. "Everyone knows you do. Have either you seen Draco?" I asked.

Both of them looked at each other and shook their heads. "Haven't seen him in hours." Blaise replied.

I sighed. "Well thanks anyway." I started to walk out the door. "Have fun studying." I giggled.

I'd been roaming the castle for about half an hour. It was getting late and I still hadn't found Draco. His moodiness was starting to bother me. Why is he being so distant? This is more than his father being in azkaban. Something happened. And I was determined to find out.

I walked toward the astronomy tower in high hopes that there was a chance he was there. But on the way, near the Gryffindor tower, I heard voices. And as I got closer, I recognised the voices. One of them sounded like they were crying. Eventually Harry and Hermione came into view. Hermione had her head on Harry's shoulder, crying until her eyes came out of their sockets.

I moved toward them slowly. "Hermione? Harry?" They both looked up at me. "Is everything alright?" I asked carefully.

"Everything is fine El." Hermione answered. "Nothing to worry about."

I wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? You don't look fine, you look heartbroken." I said with concern.

Before Hermione could respond, loud obnoxious giggling echoed through the corridor. I turned around to see Ron stumble through the door with gleaming Lavender Brown attached to his arm.

Suddenly, Hermione's crying made sense.

After 3 long silent seconds of staring at each other, Lavender spoke up. "Oops!" She at Ron and tugged on his arm. "I think we should find another room." She started pulling him out of the room but he puled his arm back. Lavender ignored it and continued out of the room.

"What's with the birds?" Ron asked gesturing to the charm Hermione was performing.

I looked at Ron with a scowl. I was about to yell at him, for being an idiot. But Hermione stood up quickly, before I could open my mouth.

"Oppugno." With Hermione's words, the birds flying around Hermione start darting towards Ron. Ron, realising this, makes a break for it and dodges the birds in time before they reach his head. He turns around and looks at Hermione, who stands her ground, as if she's lost her damn mind. But didn't move from his spot in the doorway

"Just leave Ronald!" I yell at him so he could get the hint.

He looked at me then finally left the room. I turn around to see Hermione sit back down and start crying into Harry shoulder again. "Thanks Ella." She smiled. But her smile never met her eyes.


Eventually Harry shooed me away and insisted that he could take care of Hermione.
But just before I continue my search for Draco, Harry stops me. "Ella." I turn around and look at him. "Be careful who you trust." I furrow my eyebrows but nod anyway. I got to look for Draco.

In due time I found him, sulking over the railing of the astronomy tower. "Draco! I have been looking for you everywhere. Have you been hiding and moping?"

Without turning around, he responds. "What are you doing up, Red? Shouldn't you be resting after the game?"

"Why would I do that when my best friend is high up in the castle and hiding?" I ask with a smile.

But he still doesn't turn around. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I feel like I'm asking this a lot lately.
He finally looks at me and moves his head, gesturing to the steps behind us, telling me to go and sit with him. And I do.

One we sit down, I look at him and he doesn't say a word. "Are you going to tell me what wrong?"

He looks at me. "What about you?" He asks.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you'll act all weird and run off with your wolves and then you'll come back and be happy and pretend nothing ever happens. And when I ask, you dodge the question. It's been that way for years and you've never given me an answer."

"Draco, don't change the subject. Right now this is about you."

He stands up. "The hell it is!" He snaps. "You want to know what's wrong? I'm tired o you never answering my questions. I'm tired of you avoiding me when I talk to you. And sick and so damn tired be pushed away and being forced to bottle up my feelings for you!" He finishes.
It's silent. I want to break the silence, but I don't know how.

"What?" I finally ask. Standing up.

He slumps his shoulders and walks past me. "Nevermind."

I grab his arm and stop him from walking. "No." I pull him back. "No you're not walking out of here after dropping that bomb."

"Well then what? Ella? Do you expect me to just tell you everything on my mind and then we walk out of here like nothing happened? Go back to being friends while you hide your little secrets. And I'm suppose to act fine and dandy about it?" He pulled his arm out of my grip. "Yeah. No thanks."

He starts to walk out the door again. I have to stop him. "I'll tell you."

He stops mid step and turns around. "What?" He asks quietly.

"I'll tell you." I repeat. I take a deep breath. "What do you want to know?"

He walks forward. "I-I..." He looks around, at loss for words. "Everything." He looks back me. "How you found out you were gifted. Why you are. What you can do. How you control it..." He stops short, like he doesn't know if he can finish the next sentence. "Your weaknesses." He speaks. "I want to know everything."

"Ok." I sit back down. "Might as well start with the beginning." I sighed and looked at the ground while he sat down next to me."

"I don't remember the first time I showed any signs of it. It's sort of always been there. Mum always tells me how when I was young, I would always do things that involved my favourite animal, wolves. I would draw them, act like them and read about them constantly. I would never show any interest in anything else. One day, I got in a fight with Ron over something stupid, and ran away. Mum said I was missing for 2 days. And my whole family was frantic, especially Ron." I smiled. Thinking of a small Ronald, crying for his twin sister. It made my heart swell.

"They called for help, looking for me, but I wasn't found. After two days of searching for me, my neighbour showed up at the door, beckoning for my mum to follow her. Our neighbour brought my mother to the lavender field just outside my neighbour's home. And that's where they found me, white dress covered in dirt, hair matted, fast asleep, curled up against a large wolf.

"Mum said everytime someone tried to get near me, the wolf would get all protective and growl at them. Eventually they put a spell on the wolf and made it fall asleep and they quickly grabbed me. Apparently when I awoke, I wasn't happy. Demanding I go back and see Cato."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "Its name was Cato?" He asked.

I nodded. "That's where I got the name. Of course I don't remember any of this, I was only four. The age most witches and wizards start learning how to use magic. I didn't though. I didn't learn until I was about eight."

"Do you know why you are gifted?" He asked.

I nodded. "It runs in the family. One female of every second generation to be exact. So that's me. Although it gets stronger each second generation. My grandmother was the last to have it. We're called Agenitala. I'm not sure how it started, but I'm pretty sure my great great grandmother, may have pissed off some evil sorcerer and it was intended to curse her. In a way, it did. Same with my grandmother and I. The gift can... change us."

Draco looked confused. "Change you how?"

I fumbled with my hands. "Well, there's a darkness in us. If pushed too far, it can take over. Take out all the positive thoughts in our minds. Make us hate who we love. Put trust in the wrong hands. And there is no known way of stopping it. When we are in that state, it is our most powerful. It would make me almost indestructible. It makes me dangerous."

I stop. And look at Draco. He looks in my eyes as if he's searching for more. "What can you do now? Other than turning into a wolf and talk to them."

"Control them. Force them to listen to me. Same with certain dogs and werewolves."

"Werewolves?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah. I make Werewolves turn back into their human form." I said. "I'm not proud of it."

"That makes you pretty powerful though."

I nod. "I know. It scares me."

"What else?"

I take a deep breath bite the inside of my cheek. "I think, turning into a wolf took a toll on my senses. It's heightened them in a way."

"How so?"

"My sense of smell is stronger and my hearing is clearer." I swallow my spit.
I can hear Harry's voice in the back of my head, telling me to stop talking. Like I'm telling him too much. But I ignore it.

"What about your pack?" He asks. "Any strong links with them? Or you just their leader?"

"No there's links. Lately I have noticed if one of them is hurt, or upset, my mood changes. I'll either get depressed or angry."

Draco face lights up in realisation. "That explains why you would angry or upset with me then run off for a while and come back in a better mood."

I nod my head agreement. "Also in second year, I realised my pack is more than just wolves. It can be family and friends as well. When my brother was in danger in second year, the wolves in my pack saved him. And then, back in forth year, when Harry was in danger of dying, my whole body went into shock and I knew he was in danger. There were voices from the event in my head. It was like a warning."

"So you're saying anyone you get close to, you get linked to him or her?" He asks.


"Wow okay. What about in fourth year when that black wolf from your pack—"

"I remember." I cut him off. "Bardulf passed away and I lost control."

"That's an understatement. Ella it looked like you were about to destroy everything within a 100 foot radius... W-was that the darkness in you coming out?" He questioned.

I nodded. "And I probably wouldn't have been able to stop it if you weren't there. It's getting worse the older I get. It's harder to control now. I have hurt people I love already and it's not even in full control yet. I almost killed Cato 2 years ago out of anger. Daphne seemed to snap me out of it. But it's still there. It's like I can feel in my throat and one kick to the stomach is all it will take for me to vomit it up." A tear fell from my eye. "And it terrifies me." I look at Draco with glassy eyes.

He reaches out a blurry hand and wipes away the tear that fell. "I would like to tell you that you're fine and nothing will happen, but I can't say that. Because I don't know myself. But what I can tell you is your not alone. You can trust us. You don't have to hide your problems."

I looked at him and smiled trough my tears. "You know, you should use your own advice sometimes."

He smiled, and breathed out a laugh. He looked away and his smile faded. I knew he was gong back to his unhappy mood. So I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in reassurance.

He looked back up and looked at me. And I mean really looked at me. Like he was taking in every feature of my face. My long red hair, dark brown eyes, dark eyebrows and lashes, my small amount of freckles, even redness arising in my cheeks.

"Can I try something?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head as he reach up and put his hand on my cheek mirroring my body before pressing his lips to mine. I was shocked at first but I kissed back putting my hands to his chest and moving them up to his neck while he held my face to his. My stomach was doing back flips and the weight on my shoulders eased. He let go of my face and moved his hands to the back of my head while my hands clutched his shirt. He sighed but pulled away shaking his head.

"Geez, Ella." He breathed out. I smiled.

Neither of us moved apart I rested my forehead against his, still holding onto his shirt. I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling the heaviness of them. "My exhaustion has just hit me." I admitted.

He smiled and pulled away. "Alright, go get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and kissed his cheek. I stood up and walked away.
The whole way back to the common room, a smile stayed glued to my face.

That night, I dreamt of grey eyes and a sad smile.  

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