Chapter Six - Prime

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—————— One year later ——————-

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. But the time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time.

I had to keep telling myself this because I noticed how fast time was actually going. I had not talked to my brother since the fight we had a year ago. Holidays were the worst we had not spoken a word to each other and I could tell that was killing Ron, because it was killing me too. I could see that he wanted to tell me all about the adventure he had last year discovering the philosopher's stone, and how much of a hero he was with the giant chest board. But I had heard all about it, and I was proud of him.

Dad hasn't looked at me the same since the start of first year. And it's making me so frustrated having to deal with it.

Nothing has changed apart from me finally becoming an animagus. It took a long time for me to get it but thanks to McGonagall I can now transform into a wolf. Daphne is still the only one who knows. I take Cato out for walks like this and he adores it when I transform into a wolf. And my ability is getting better. I can now communicate with wolves from a fair distance.

Also thankfully I'm not nearly as chubby as I was last year. In fact, I have an average build. It took a lot to resist some of mum's famous chocolate eclairs. My hair is a darker red and my skin is... well, still pale.

Although I no longer talk to Ron, I still had to convince McGonagall from expelling Harry and himself. He's done some stupid things in the past, but taking dad's car and risking exposer of wizards is his prime stupid mistake.

I had just left herbology and was making my towards the great hall with Tracey for dinner when we heard a certain buzzing behind us.

"Oh Tracey! I almost forgot to remind you. Father's day is coming up and.... Oh wait." sneered Draco.

He had seriously gone too far, Tracey had lost her father when she was young. And being her friends, Daphne, Millecent, Pansy and I had a lot of trouble steering clear of any mentioning of a father figure especially when fathers day is coming up. Last year, when the anniversary of her dad's death came up, she stopped eating. Same thing with his birthday and fathers day.

"Shove off Malfoy! What is your problem?" I snapped.

"My problem? I have no problem. Why would there be a problem? It's not my fault Miss Davis has lack of males in her household." He said motioning towards Tracey.

I saw her starting to tear up, so I built up enough confidence to do what I have been wanting to do since Malfoy started bullying me. I walked up to him looked him in the eyes, and slapped him.

The impact of he slap was so hard, my hand stung. I can only imagine the ringing going off in Malfoy's ear.

He looked at me and raised his wand towards my throat, but as soon as he did that, Tracey drew her wand and pointed it at him.

He looked at Tracey twitched and looked back at me.

"You're gonna regret that. My father will be hearing about this."

"Is that a threat?" I asked.

"It's a promise."


Dinner was boring. Same thing as usual, Pansy talking about how amazing Draco is while the rest of us trying to tell her how repulsive he is. Stares from my brothers and now sister, whom of which is in Gryffindor.

I thought that there was a chance Ginny would get into Slytherin, being the only other Weasley girl besides me, but I guess not.

"Tracey, you need to eat." Said Millecent.

"I'm not hungry." She replied pushing her plate away.

I was across from her so I pushed it back. "We don't care, you're eating and there is nothing you can say to tell us otherwise."

 I wish Malfoy could have shut his damn mouth. She stopped eating too early. She's going to starve if she keeps this up.

She took one bite of the lettuce on her plate, put it back and pushed the plate away again.

"There." She said annoyed. I sighed, giving up.

Just then Tracey looked over me and then started to look nervous. So I turned around. Draco.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I asked peeved.

"I need to talk to you." He said almost sincerely. Almost.

I looked behind him to see none of his minions were behind him. "What makes you think I would listen to you?" I asked.

He started to look irritated. "It's important Weaslebee." He used his pet name for me.

"Fine." I stood up following him out.

I turned around and saw Ron and Harry looking at me as if I had gone mad. Well, they weren't wrong.

Once we were out of the great hall he turned to me. "Now, what was it that was so important—-" I was cut off.

"Marcus wanted me to give you a message. He said something about you wanting to join the Quidditch team?" He asked. It was true, I'm a Weasley, of course I want to join, even if it was for Slytherin.

"Yes? What has that got to do with you?" I asked.

"He was busy and I'm joining the Quidditch team so he sent me to tell you that you're in."

"Really?!" I asked excited.

"Yes, but my father spent a lot for me to get onto this team and I'm not going to let you ruin it. Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours." Seems like a fair agreement.

"Deal." I said shaking on it.

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