Chapter Thirteen - Petrified

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Well, I hate to admit it. But I miss my Slytherin friends. I messed up big time. I'm now sitting in the great hall eating, alone. Daphne and the girls have formed an alliance with Draco and the guys, sitting away from me. In fact, everyone on the Slytherin table is sitting away from me. I look up and see Ron, Harry and Hermione talking.
As if sensing me looking at them, they all look at me. I give a fake smile and loom down. It's been a week since everyone found out about my little 'stunt'. Since then, I have been ignored by my own house, and praised by Gryffindor.

I do have friends, but they aren't in my house. So I avoid the common room as much as possible and sit down with Gryffindors during classes. Breakfast and Dinners are hard. A lot of the time I end up leaving half way through.

When Malfoy found out he made sure no Slytherin was to talk to me. I guess I deserve it. But at the time, I thought I was doing the right thing. Putting Draco in his place. Ron has also been keeping me updated with everything they find out about the chamber.

I start playing with my food. I haven't been all that hungry lately, I've lost an unhealthy amount of weight. And Ron has realised. So he thinks it's his job to sneak food out of the great hall and give it to me in between classes. Of course, sometimes he can't help himself and eats it before he can give it to me.

Just then, Lilly Cummins calls out to me. "Hey Ella! You know your suppose to eat the food right?" She and her friends start laughing. I really do dislike her.

I roll my eyes. "Hey Lilly, you know you're actually meant to keep your head out of your arse, right?" The look on her face made it worth it.

I heard Daphne snicker and then cover it with a cough. I wanted to smile at her, but I didn't think that would be appropriate at this moment. So instead, I picked up my books and walked out of the great hall.

When I was out of the hall, I though about where I could go. I was walking really slowly, deep in thought. Then I was tapped on the shoulder from behind. I turn around to see Hermione smiling. "Hi."

I smile back. "Hello Hermione, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask.

"Well, Harry, Ron and I were going to head down to the library to get more info about the chamber. Want to come?"



"Then what happened?"

"Well, I saw, Hagrid. H-he was a student."

"Hagrid? Why was Tom Riddle showing you Hagrid as a student?"

Harry shrugged at me. "I think he was trying to tell me that he opened the chamber."

"Hagrid!? Opened the Chamber of Secrets!?" Ron said loudly. Harry and I dived across the table in the library to cover his mouth and shut-up.

"Ron, be careful." I yell/whispered to him.


Hermione jumped in. "So if it was Hagrid who opened it, then what monster is he controlling?"

Harry shook his in disbelief. "All I saw was a large spider called Aragog run out of the case Hagrid was holding."

"A spider?" Ron asked frightened.

I rolled my eyes at Ron. "I still don't believe it was Hagrid though."

Just as I was saying that, Neville ran in. "Harry I don't know who did it, but you better come quick." Then he ran off.

Harry, Ron and Hermione packed up their books. Ron looked at me. "I'll see you later, Ella. Just try and find a bit more info about the chamber." I nodded.

----------The next day---------

"Do you have any idea who could of taken it?" I asked Ron as we make our way towards the Quidditch field.

Ron shakes his head in response. "No, but it would have had to of been a Gryffindor student, or a teacher. No one else would have been capable of getting in the common room and taken the diary." We were stopped short.

McGonagall walked up to us with Harry, showing a look of distress. "I think you two need to come with me."

We followed her all the way to the Hospital Wing, still unaware of why we were being brought here. When we walked in, we saw a Madam Pompfrey was standing in front of one particular bed. "I warn you, it come as a wee bit of a shock."

I continued to move forward until I reached the bed. At first I didn't know what I was seeing. I saw a student, a girl to be exact. Wearing the Gryffindor uniform, her hand raised and body still. I looked up to the face and the first thing I noticed, was the exceptionally bushy hair. Oh Merlin! I think I'm going to be sick!

I cover my mouth in shock. "Hermione...." I hear Ron say behind me.

"She was found in the library, along with this." McGonagall holds up a mirror. "Does it mean anything to you?" Harry and I shook our heads. "No." Ron responded.

I couldn't look any longer. I ran out the hospital wing an out of the castle. When I reached the dark forest, I transformed into my wolf and started running again.
I ran for Merlin knows how long. I ran until I reached the bottom of a hill. I than run up it as fast as I could. When I reached the top, I saw a view that over looked the water. I made it that spot to stop for a bit.

After sitting there for 5 minutes. I howled. I didn't expect any response back but 15 seconds later I heard a lage amount of howling in reply. Then, I saw wolves emerging from the trees behind me. I couldn't count exactly how many there were. But there was a large pack of them. Enough to fight any battle I come across.

Enough to create an army.

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