Chapter Twelve - Abandoned

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"Ella! Catch!" Called out Adrian Pucey.

I moved forward on my broom to catch the quaffle. I turn around to see the Gryffindor keeper in the way. Oliver Wood. I take a chance and swerve to the left towards him. I just move past him, and luckily because of my choice, he's too slow to catch me.
I throw the quaffle in the tallest ring and here the chime go off, meaning I got it in and scored a point.

"Another point to Slytherin! Score by Randella Weasley!"

Adrian fly past and high fives me. "Another point Weasley? Nice." He praises. And I smile to myself.
I was flying by and watching Marcus getting angry with Miles Bletchley for letting Gryffindor score a point earlier.

"Training for the ballet Potter?" I turn around and see Malfoy taunting Harry.

I look next to Draco's head and see the snitch right next to him. I look at Harry who notices it too. "Malfoy! Snitch! 9 o'clock!" I yell.

But of course, Malfoy notices it too late because Harry starts to beats him to it. They both fly off racing each other for the snitch. Then I notice Lucian Bole looking confused at a bludger. What is going on? I then notice the bludger is on Harry's tail. And Harry isn't seeing anything.

"Harry look out!" I yell. He turns around and his eyes widen at the rouge bludger and he ducks just in time.

"Watch yourself Harry!" I hear Oliver yell out. The bludger starts to come back towards Oliver.

"Wood look out!" Harry warns. But Oliver looks too late, and the bludger nocks his broom, making him fall.

The bludger continues to follow Harry while he races Draco for the snitch. And it's like everyone else playing slows down to see what the fuss is about.
When Harry and Draco are chasing the snitch, they disappear under the ground and below the stands.
While everyone is distracted I see Katie Bell holding the quaffle so I fly up behind her.

"Boo." I say in her ear scaring her so she drops the quaffle.

I fly down and catch it and make my way towards the Gryffindor posts. Which are open because Oliver had fallen off his broom. And I throw it through the highest ring. Hearing another chime, the rest of the players look up to see they were too distracted to notice how easily I got past.
The game is back in motion, but I see come up from under the stands and fall on the ground in probably one of the most painful ways. I kind of felt bad for him.
Harry uses this to his advantage and flies up and chases the snitch. While he's holding his arm out to reach it, the bludger flies past and hits his arm, most likely braking it. But Harry keeps going and eventually catches the snitch but while falling of his broom.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!"

I smile and fly down.


The game finished, and Harry and Draco ended up in the hospital wing. Long story short Harry's arm was broken but Professor Lockhart, as dreamy as he is, was too idiotic to know the spell to fixing Harry's arm and made it disappear instead.
I wanted to go see if he was okay, but Draco was in there too. And he isn't supposed to know I'm friends with my brother again. So I have to stick by his side.

Also, Draco was kicked off the team for not noticing the snitch when in was right next to him. Marcus was furious. He placed me as seeker to replace Draco because I was the next fastest on the team, and he moved Terence Higgs from substitute to chaser.

"Are you okay Draco?" Pansy asked while swooning over him. I rolled my eyes.

"It's real painful, you know?" Malfoy replied.

Pansy nodded and looked at me. "You should have looked after him." She scolded me.

"Are you kidding me? I had play for myself Pansy." She rolled her eyes. I sighed. "Can I talk to you?" I asked her. I got a nod in response.

We moved away from the bed and out of earshot. "Okay, what's wrong?" I asked her.

She folded her arms and looked down. "I don't like you hanging out with Draco when you know I like him." I smiled.

"Exactly, I know you like him. So that's why I want you to trust me when I say, I'm not friends with him because of that reason. I don't like him like that. So ignoring me and saying cruel things isn't helping anyone. You're just making things harder for yourself." She hesitated, then nodded. "Okay." She responded.

"Friends?" I asked.


When Madam Pompfrey came in, she told Draco he was being a hypochondriac and that he could leave. When we were walking out the door I moved to the back of the group and snuck back into the room. Walking over to Harry's bed.
Only to have medicine spat on me by Harry. Ron laughed.

"Seriously? And here I was, coming over here to ask if you were alright." I teased.

"Sorry Ella." Harry apologised.

"What did you expect? Pumpkin juice?" Madam Pompfrey asked Harry flabbergasted. "Okay everyone clear out, Harry is in for a rough night."

"I'll see you, Harry." Hermione said.

"Bye Harry." Ron and I said together.

When we were out of the room, Fred and George came up behind me and sandwiched me. "So Ella," George started "we hear the prank on Draco worked fabulously".

"How bad did his face break out?" Fred questioned.

"And did he cry when his wand changed into a chicken?" George asked.

I smiled. "Yeah, it did. He didn't cry, although he did look awful with those boils. Thanks to you guys."

"No problem." They said together. "If you need help with anymore," Fred started. "You know who to call." George finished.

I nodded and they walked off. When we reached the staircase they all looked at me.

"Well this is where we go our separate ways." I said about to walk away.

"Hey Ella!" Ron called.

"Yeah?" I turned around.

"If you need somewhere to sit, you know where to find us." He said.

"Are you sure you want an evil Slytherin at your table?" I asked.

Ron smiled. "I'm sure we can manage. After all, we are Gryffindor the brave." All of them but Hermione started posing.

I laughed. "I'll see you guys around." And I walked to the Slytherin common room.


When I got to the common room, it was empty, and I figured most people were in their dorms. When I got into mine, the girls were sitting around in mopey ways.

"Who died?" I asked joking around.

Daphne spoke up. "Is it true you pranked Draco?"

I frowned. "What?"

Pansy spoke up. "Goyle overheard you talking to your brothers outside of the hospital wing."

"I-I..." I didn't know how to respond.

"I understand you don't like him. I don't either, but I wouldn't ruin his grades just to be rejoined with my family." Daphne said. "But the thing is, we were there when your family wasn't. They don't seem like a very loyal family to me."

"Did you forget he bullied me for a full year?" I asked angrily.

"Yes but did you forget that he eventually accepted you?" Millecent spoke up.

"But what about you Tracey? He teased you and brought up your dad's death everytime we went to dinner." She looked away from me.

I stepped back. "I can't believe you guys. He's completely brainwashed you."

"Ella don't turn this around on us." Pansy said.

"I'm not turning anything around! I-I..... I need to be alone." I walked out.

Cato come.

I heard dog's footsteps behind me.

I need air...  

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