Chapter Ten - Bonds

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  The plan Ron came up with Fred and George was good I'll admit, but I've seen Fred and George do better. When I told Ron that I had to help Draco with the transfiguration assignment, he decided to add more to the plan. And it made me feel a little bit better about having to help Draco with the assignment. But it all starts with becoming friends with him.

So that brings us to today. Today is the day I tutor Draco. With only an hour to go, I finished up on my own transfiguration assignment. I made sure I mastered it and didn't forget the incantation for it. I looked at my watch and saw that still had half an hour, so I decided to go into the woods.

When I was in the woods, I looked around to make sure no one was around, and when I saw no one was, I turned into a wolf. I was running through the woods for what felt like fifteen minutes, when I heard something. It sounded like... slithering. It sounded like a snake. Did I mention I hate snakes? I'm scared of them like Ron in scared of spiders. Spiders aren't so bad. But no creature needs that many legs. Like snakes, they need legs.

So when I heard the slithering, I bolted back to the castle, still in wolf form. But the slithering got louder as I got closer to the building. I stopped short, what in Merlins beard is that?
Then it stopped.

It started to get colder, so I decided it was time to head back to the common room. When I was in the castle, I heard someone coming. So quickly turned back into myself and ran back to the common room.

I burst into the common room breathing heavily. Draco still wasn't down here. I still have time to get ready. Once I was in my dorm room all the girls stopped playing cards and looked at me.

"Are you alright Ella? You look like you've just run a marathon." Daphne asked.

I smiled and shrugged her off. "I'm fine. I thought I saw a snake is all." I lied. I didn't want to mention I was out in my animagus form in front of Tracey, Millecent and Pansy.
It was cold in the dorm room so I dressed into warmer .

"Jeez Ella, you really need to buy new clothes. Those are looking old and tattered." Pansy pointed out.

I got angry, and Cato must have sensed it because he started growling at Pansy. "Pansy, just shut up. Not everyone can afford brand new , expensive clothing." I snapped.

Pansy looked astounded. "Sometimes I don't understand you."

I rolled my eyes. "That makes two of us." I picked up my wand and Transfiguration book.

"Where are you going?" Millecent asked.

I turned around. "I'm tutoring Draco for transfiguration." I was about to walk out the door but was stopped by Pansy speaking up.

"Excuse me?" She screeches.

I crossed my arms and looked at Pansy. "Will you calm down? It's just homework." Then I walked towards the door. "By the way, my mum knitted this jumper, you cow." I slammed the door before anyone could say anything else.

When I got downstairs Draco was by the fire listening to the Wizarding Wireless Network on the radio. But turned it off and whipped around when he saw me.

"You took your time." He indicated.

I was going to be a smart ass, but I remembered I had to befriend him, so I smirked. "I had to deal with my roommate."

"Who?" He asked.

"Pansy Parkinson." I replied, sitting down next to him and giving him my transfiguration book.

He rolled his eyes. "That girl is insane. You know she's convinced I have a crush on her?"

I laughed. "Trust me, I'm well aware. She'll do anything to get you to notice her." I know I shouldn't be talking about one of my friends like that. But Pansy has been bugging me lately, and I'm only saying it to make 'friends' with Draco. So it's not that bad right?

"So what are we doing for the assignment?" He asked.

"Well, this term we are learning how to turn animals into objects. I'm doing rabbit slippers. But you'll have to do something different. Open the book I gave you to page 87." I informed him.

He opened the book to the page and started reading a few lines. Then he looked at me. "What's Beetlebuttons?" He asked.

"Well I believe that it's when you turn small beetles into coat buttons."

"Is it a difficult incantation?" He asked while reading more about it.

"It's hard to say considering I have never performed the spell myself. But I think it's just a simple spell." I enlightened.

He nodded. "Do you want to do this for your assignment?" I asked.

"If you understand it, then yes."


Draco had to steal beetles from Goyle's bug catcher. But once he snuck back into the common room, I began to teach him the spell. And to be honest, he was doing really well.

"Ok, now say the incantation. And concentrate on the beetle and tap it lightly once."

He did exactly what I asked him. I watched as he tapped the beetle once, said the incantation and watched the beetle turn into a large over coat button.

"That's it. You did it." I faked a smile. And he smiled back. "Now just keep practicing that, and you should be good for when you perform it in front of McGonagall."

"Thanks, I guess."

I rolled my eyes. "You're welcome, I guess."

------------A week later------------

Things have been going to plan. After my study session with Malfoy, he and his friends have been inviting me to sit with them for everything. And every time Ron sees me with them, he give me a little hidden thumbs up. And tomorrow is the date the transfiguration assignment is due.

Part two of the plan is in motion right now. I'm in the Slytherin common room with Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini. I was the only girl they allowed to hang out with them, much to Pansy's dismay.

They were all laughing at Malfoy, so I decided to actually focus on what they were saying. "Oh, I'm just waiting for it. One of those Mudbloods are going to pay."

Merlin, is he still going on about that? Apparently during one of my walks out as a wolf, Harry was caught with Justin Finch-Fletchley's paralysed body. Right after Professor Lockhart's duelling club, where Harry spoke parseltongue to the snake. I was about two feet away from Justin, so you can imagine the fear that ran through me that day.
Basically, things haven't been looking up for Harry. And Malfoy is bathing in Harry's depression.

I chose to change the subject. "How's your Transfiguration homework going Draco?" I asked him dropping a small portion of Bulbadox liquor in his drink when he wasn't looking.

"It's going well, actually. I'm ready for the due date." He said as he brought his drink to his lips.

I smiled. "That's good." I watched as he drank his pumpkin juice.

He nodded. When he pulled his drink away from his mouth, he pulled a disgusted face. Then, not long after his face broke out into boils.

"Draco! Your face!" Goyle pointed out. I faked a gasp.

"Oh dear! Draco! You better go to Madam Pompfrey. This can't be healthy." Draco looked at his reflection in the window behind him. He then quickly got up and ran out the door. His followers trailing after him.

I put away the bulbadox liquid away and smiled. I got to do this quick before Crabbe or Blaise come back to see what happened. I poured out Draco's drink and replaced it with plain Pumpkin Juice.

I quickly ran upstairs and into the boys dorm. I ran to Crabbe's pillow first and picked up any trace of hair he had on it, putting it in a flask. I did the same with Goyle's pillow. I then ran to my own dorm room and picked up a bit of Pansy's hair from her brush and put it in another separate flask.

I ran downstairs and picked up Draco's drink and ran to the hospital wing. When I got there, Madam Pompfrey was nursing Draco. Crabbe turned around and saw me. "Where were you?" He asked.

I held up Draco's drink. "Getting this for Madam Pompfrey, so she can see if there was anything in it to make his face break out like this."

Pompfrey looked at me. "Smart thinking. Let me have a look." She took it from me and ran off.

I walked up to Malfoy. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Madam Pompfrey said I should be fine after tonight." I faked another smile.

"That's good. You'll still be able to do you're assignment then." He nodded.
He looked awful. I felt kinda bad, but I remembered it was for a good cause. Madam Pompfrey came back.

"Well, I couldn't find anything in this that could have made your face break out. So I assume it was some sort of allergic reaction. Best to keep away from the pumpkin juice from now on." She ordered.

Malfoy just nodded.


"And he believed it was just an allergic reaction?" Ron asked. I nodded and they all laughed.

"He seems rather dead from the neck up. Did you get the hairs?" She asked.

I nodded. "Crabbe for you." Giving a flask to Ron. "Goyle for you." Giving another flask to Harry. "And Pansy for you." Handing the last flask to Hermione.

"Pansy? Are you serious? Out of all the girls in your dorm?" Hermione whined.

"Well, Pansy is the closest girl to him besides me. But if it bothers you that much, you can get a hair from Millecent's robe when you sit behind her in Charms. Her hair so thick, you should be able to take some without her realising." I reasoned.

Hermione nodded. I turned back to the boys. "Why do we have to make the polyjuice potion for you guys now? I'm already friends with Malfoy, shouldn't that be enough to interrogate him?" I asked.

Harry shook his head. "No, it wouldn't be enough. He'd get suspicious and it'd ruin everything. We have to make sure it looks like all of his friends are curious."

"Okay. How more do need me to do?" I asked Hermione.

"We just need you to bring spare Slytherin clothing for us tomorrow night." She said. I nodded.

------------The next day------------

Everything was set and I had Transfiguration next. Where is Malfoy? It was like he read my mind, because he walked round the corner obviously a lot better, his face had cleared up.

"There you are! Come on, we're going to be late." I told him when he saw me.

When we got in the classroom I made sure I sat next to him so I could put phase three of the plan in motion.

McGonagall walked into the room. "Today is the day you present your assignments. First on the list, Susan Bones."


Almost everyone in the class have had there turn of presentation. After Padma, is Malfoy.

"Very well done Padma. That was an excellent demonstration of Badgering. Now, who is next?" McGonagall looked at the list. While Malfoy was distracted, I swapped his wand for an identical trick wand that Fred and George had given me.

"Draco Malfoy." McGonagall called.

He got up and moved to the front of the class. Ron and I looked at each other nd smiled. "What is it you will be presenting Draco?"

Draco put out the beetles. "Beetles to buttons." He replied.

"Very well, when you are ready." Malfoy looked at the beetles and pointed his 'wand' at them.

"Bera Buttons." He spoke and tapped the beetles once.

I held in a laugh as I watched Draco's 'wand' turn into a rubber chicken. The whole class broke into an explosion of laughter.
Draco looked at the fake chicken in confusion.

"I don't understand." He spoke.

McGonagall looked at him angrily. "It seems you did not practice your assessment very well."
"But—" He was cut off.

"I suggest you sit back down in your seat Draco. You get a D."

Malfoy sulked and walked back to our desk. He sat down next to me in a huff. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"I don't get it! I practiced heaps! Not once did it ever fail. What am I going to do about my wand?" He asked.

I stuck my hand out. "Here give it to me." He handed me the rubber chicken.

"Draco, Ella! Please pay attention." McGonagall ordered.

Malfoy looked back at McGonagall. So did everyone else. When everyone was looking away, I swapped the rubber chicken for Draco's real wand. I then hid the chicken in my robes.

"Reparifarge" I whispered. Faking a reverse spell. I put Draco's wand back in front of him.

He looked at it and smiled. "Thanks, I guess." He whispered.

I actually smiled at that. "You're welcome, I guess."  

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