Chapter Twenty-Eight - Expeditious

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[Ella's POV] ----One Year Later----

And here it is, I am beginning sixth year. A whole year has passed. I don't know where the time went or why is passed so quickly.

But during fifth year, no one believed Harry saw Voldemort. So I got into a huge amount of fights over it (verbal). To take my mind off of the anger that everyone was causing me, I started playing Quidditch again.

But one of the fights, was with Percy, my own brother. Because had taken the side of Dolores Umbridge, the most evil woman that has ever crossed my path. She wouldn't teach us how to learn any spells, so Hermione came up with the brilliant plan on having a secret class taught by Harry on how to defend ourselves in battle. We name it 'Dumbledore's army'.

Harry taught us how to use the Patronus charm, an ancient defence charm that only works if you're happy or have a happy picture in your mind while casting it (best used against dementors and lethifolds). The Patronus, once cast, forms into an animal that is unique to the wizard casting it. Becoming a spirit guardian. My animal is I'm sure you have guessed, is a wolf.

When Umbridge grew suspicious about the secret class, she questioned every kid in the school.  While questioning me, she found out about me owning a pet wolf and had Cato removed from the school grounds. She tried to send him to place where magical creatures are 'taught' as she put it, but when I sent mum to rescue him, she found out it out was a torture place. Mum took Cato and he now lives at the burrow.

Dolores Umbridge is a bitch. And she had to be stopped.

I joined forces with Fred and George in plans on an ultimate prank on Umbridge. I supplied them with everything they needed and I created the distractions. Eventually she got less than what she deserved, but it was better than nothing.

Amongst all of this, dad was attacked. Saved by Harry who dreamt of it happening by a snake, ordered by Voldemort. He ended up surviving with only a few injuries. If someone wakes up in the middle of the night to tell you your father had been attacked, you end have the biggest panic attack. Just sayin'

The friendship between Draco and I has grown. He's now one of my closest friends and we're basically always together.

I also visited Draco's mansion over Christmas break. The plan was to go there while his parents weren't home so they wouldn't get angry over Draco and I being friends, but of course things never go as planned and they showed up while I was there. But the weird thing was, they weren't mad. Narcissa was extremely nice and Lucius treated me like an actual human being and not a sewer rat. He asked me a lot of questions about my past and present and he actually seemed interested.

I wanted to know more about my gift so I looked up my grandmother, Cedrella Weasley. I didn't know her that well when she was alive, because she died when Ron and I were eight. And she never said anything about having any sort of wolf power.

I looked in the family tree and under Cedrella's name, I found two words in small handwriting: loup d'esprit. It was French. It meant 'Wolf Spirit', I remember my grandmother mentioning it to me.

I remembered I once read a book with that same name somewhere in 12 Grimmauld Place (Old ancestral black home) from when she spent a lot of her time there. So I went back and looked for the book again. When found, I search the book for any other sign of handwriting, but I found nothing. But in the back of book I found the word Agenitala in print. I noticed the word was on top of a loose parchment stuck to the back of the book forming a small paper pouch. Inside the pouch, sat a letter.

The letter read:

To my dear Randella,

I'm guessing you're very confused as of now and you're after answers. When I found out you could communicate with wolves, I knew you were in for a rough future. But you are so strong. I'm not sure how old you are now, reading this, but you were seven when I wrote it and your powers are already growing faster than mine did. I never told any of my children about the gift, so your father will know nothing of it. We are what ancient books call Agenitala.

Agenitala means Wolf Spirit. I'm not sure in what language but I'm almost certain it's from the Lakota in North America.

Don't bother looking for anything on us because I have already tried, and it's in a different language. So I did what you did and searched through family history, and this is what I found:

Agenitala is only in our bloodline. Only one female of every second generation is lucky enough to be gifted with this power. This started with our ancestor, Ella Max. I'm not sure how she came about this gift, but I know she was the one to start it.

I'm sure now that you have worked out that you don't only communicate with wolves, but you can control them also. A part of our power I choose not to use. But I think you'll find most wolves will listen to you anyway. You'll also find that werewolves will be easy to persuade also.

But do not allow the power to go to your head. A darkness does hide somewhere amongst the gift. Don't let it get to you, because it can effect big decisions.

We are part wolf Randella. I made the mistake by pushing it away. But I want you to accept it.

I love you my sweet, don't ever think differently.


                                                                                                                   Cedrella Weasley

I kept the letter hidden. The information my grandmother gave me made everything make sense. 

When Harry had visioned Sirius being attacked the same place my dad was, we didn't hesitate to make a trip to the ministry. Not without running into Umbridge of course. But when she angered a herd of of centaurs, she wasn't a problem anymore.

A battle at the ministry occurred.  All of Voldemort's best death eaters appeared. Including Lucius (who didn't lay a finger on me may I add). He said he was "only after the prophesy", which I think is a load of crap. Lucius Malfoy will never disobey the dark lord.

We were saved by Sirius, Tonks, Lupin, Moody and Kingsley. When we were about to escape, Lucius captured Sirius and disappeared. Harry chased Bellatrix to find out where they had taken him and came across Voldemort instead. Dumbledore showed up and let's just say, the Ministry is no longer standing the way it was.

When everyone saw Voldemort, it was all over the news and Harry was no longer hated by almost everyone in the school. But when Harry told the Ministry that Lucius had captured Sirius,  the Ministry sent Aurors to rescue him. But when they arrived at the Malfoy manor, Lucius was there but Sirius was no where to be seen.

Lucius was arrested though, and as much as I like Draco, it doesn't change the fact that I was relieved his father was sent to Azkaban.

After all that, I went into the woods to talk to the pack. None of them were surprised with my return and they all welcomed me back with open arms.... or, paws. Fillin was more than happy to step down from the Alpha title. I shouldn't have left that to him, poor thing was too young for a responsibility like that.

So that brings us to today.

The first day of sixth year.

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