Chapter Eleven - Legatee

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"Did you bring the uniforms?"

I sigh. "Yes Hermione. Here." I throw the Slytherin uniforms infront of her.

"Good. Harry, Ron, go put them on." They grab a uniform each and walk into the stalls to change.

Hermione gets up. "Mind watching the potion while I go change?" I shake my head. She smiles and leaves with the last uniform.

I start stirring the potion. It looks so gross. I smell it and regret it instantly afterwards. Yuck. I think to myself.
I don't feel comfortable doing this. And I don't know why. Do we have to interrogate Malfoy? I mean, surely he wouldn't have opened the chamber. He's too soft.

"How do I look?" Ron comes out.

"It doesn't matter, your changing into someone else anyway." I said. Rolling my eyes.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I guess." He walked up to the mirror to see himself. "What's wrong Ella?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I—" Just then, Harry came out of the stall.

"Where's Hermione?" He asked.

"Here." She said coming out of the stall.

She walked up to the potion and picked it up. She started pouring it into three glasses. "We have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves." She said.

I sat back and watched as she handed them a glass each. "Add the hairs." They each put the hairs in their potions.

"Ughhh, essence of Crabbe." Ron complained.

"Cheers." Hermione said nocking glasses with the others.

Ugh, I can't look. I thought, looking away.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Ron said I turned back around as Ron dropped his glass. When it smashed on the floor, he ran off.

"Me too." Hermione said while dropping her glass and running off.

Harry dropped his glass and looked like he was going to throw up. "Are you alright Harry?" I asked gently.

"No, I-I think—" He stopped and looked at his hand. Then at his face. I looked closely at him and saw it was changing.

"Harry?" But he wasn't Harry anymore. He was Goyle.

Ron, I mean, Crabbe, came out of his stall. "Harry? Ella?"

"Bloody hell Ron. You still sound like you." I said.

"You need to sound more like Crabbe." Said Harry.

Ron shifted on his feet. "Uh, okay. Where's Hermione?" He asked in a lower voice.

"I-I don't think I'm going. You go on without me." She called out from her closed stall.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Just go! You're wasting time!" She yelled.

I looked at the boys. "Come on, let's go."


"How much further?" Ron asked me.

"It's just up here." I told him walking briskly.

"Excuse me!" Called someone.

I looked up to see Percy. "What are you doing down here?" Ron asked.

Percy stopped infront of us. "I happen to be a prefect. You, on the other hand have no business being here at this time of the night." I rolled my eyes.

"Ella. What are you doing with....." He stopped and looked at the boys. "What are your names again?" He asked.

The boys stiffened and looked at each other. "Uh I'm.... And he's..." They were mumbling.

I was about to say their names when Draco walked around the corner. "Crabbe, Goyle, Ella! Where have you been?"

"We were—" I was cut off.

"Nevermind that." He looked at 'Goyle'. "Why are you wearing glasses?" He asked.

I widened my eyes. How did we not realise that? "Uh was... was.... Reading." Damn it! Goyle can't read!

"Reading?" Draco looked suspicious. Oh no. "I didn't know you could read." He said squinting at Harry.

I piped up. "I was teaching him." I said quickly.

Draco looked at me doubtfully. But he looked at Percy anyway, who was looking at me as though I had lost my head. "And what are you doing down here Weasley?" I wanted to laugh.

Percy looked from Draco to me, and then back to Draco. Shaking his head he said. "Mind your attitude Malfoy." Through gritted teeth. And then he walked away.

We went to the Slytherin common room and stopped infront of the portrait door. "Pure-blood." Malfoy said to it.

"Of course it is." I hear Harry and Ron say to each other. I turn around and give them a warning look.

We walked into the common room and I sat down in my original spot in a large loveseat while Draco sat on the other end of it and pulling his feet up so they were right next to where I was sitting.

'Crabbe' and 'Goyle' were still standing and looking at Malfoy. "Well sit down." He ordered.

When they both sat down, Draco looked at me. "How do you stand him?" He asked.

"Stand who?"

"Your pain in the behind brother, Percy." I saw Ron about to stand up with his fists clenched. Harry had to calm him down. Boy, this is going to be difficult.

I played it off. "Well uh, he's older than me by quite a few years. So I guess we don't talk often." I answered simply. I glanced over at Ron who was calming down.

"You know," Malfoy changed the subject. "I'm surprised the daily prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks." I actually wondered that too. "I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. Father always said he was the worst thing that ever happened to this place." Uh oh.

I looked at Harry. Who was shaking his head. "Your wrong!" He yelled. I widened my eyes.

"Goyle." I warned.

"What?" Draco said angrily standing up. "You think there is someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?" Ron started shaking his head no.

Think Harry! "Harry Potter?" He asked.

I got nervous. They're gonna blow their cover. Malfoy nodded his head. "You're absolutely right Goyle. Saint Potter." He snarled.

"Watch it Malfoy." I warned. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh come one Ella! Surely you've heard the rumours."

"What rumours?" I asked.

"That people think that Potter, is the heir of Slytherin." What?

"But you know he's not." It wasn't a question but he answered anyway.

"You're kidding? That filthy half-blood couldn't be the heir of the most powerful founder in Hogwarts." He spat.

"Malfoy." I snapped.

"Then you must have some idea who it is." Harry said.

Draco got up and turned away. "You know I don't Goyle, I told you yesterday." Harry looked at me. I shrugged. I don't think I was there when he mentioned that.

Draco picked up a small emerald box wrapped in ribbon. "Is this yours?" He asked.

It looked familiar. "I think it's Pansy's." I said. He put in his pocket anyway.

"Don't tell her." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"What do you know about the Chamber then?" I asked.

"Well, my father did tell me this. It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. Last time the Chamber was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before another one dies this time. As for me, I hope it's Granger." Ron shot up from his seat and was about to run at Draco but Harry stopped him.

"What's the matter with you two?" He asked them.

I took the attention off them. "That was uncalled for." I told him.

"Of course you would think so, you're related to them." He said referring to my family.

"What's your problem?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and looked away.

Looked at Harry who frowned. But while he frowned, I noticed his scar appearing. I widened my eyes and pointed at his head and then made a lightning bolt on my forehead with my finger. Harry froze and covered his head.
I looked at Ron who hair was turning red again. Harry noticed this and nudged him. 'hair' he mouthed to him. Ron's hand shot straight to his head.

They both looked at me. Go. I mouthed. And they both nodded, turned around and ran out the door.

"Where are you going!?" Malfoy yelled out.

He was about to run after them but I grabbed his arm. "Leave them, they'll be back. Crabbe said he wasn't feeling well before anyway." I lied.

Draco nodded. "Well I'm going to bed." He said.

"Okay. I'll do the same. Goodnight." I said turning around, walking to my dorm room.


Unmitigated - HP FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora