Chapter Twenty-Four - Aesthetic

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"What's going on?"

Bardulf steps forward. "It's Rudy."

"What about him?" I ask.

"He's.... dead."

I change back into my human form and step forward. Bardulf and the rest of the pack move out of the way. When I look down I see dark brown fur at first, Rudy's fur. My legs start to feel weak. When I get closer, I see his body, motionless. Blood covering his coat and his neck ripped open.
My legs give way and I drop to my knees. I let a tear drop as I see what was once a dear friend of mine.

"H-how did this h-happen?" I stutter.

"We are unsure. He had told us he could hear someone close by. He was brave and went to check while the rest of us stayed by. He did not come back for 40 minutes so when we looked for him, we found him like this. There was no trail or anything to find out who it was. All that was left behind was a small portion of snake skin." Bardulf replied.

I saw Rudy's whimpering. "Alika, I'm so sorry. Your father was brave and strong. And I can never be more thankful. But I need you to be strong too." I faced the whole pack. "There is something out here that is endangering you all. I want you to all be more aware and careful. I will be checking up on you all more often. If any of you feel in danger at all, call for me straight away. I could not forgive myself if something happened to one of you again."
And then, one by one, they bowed.

-------------Later that night------------

I can't sleep. I keep tossing and turning, picturing a large snake making it's way through the woods. Brown fur, blood, howling. The scene played over and over in my head. I felt sick. I got up, ran to the bathroom and puked into the toilet. I sat there for, what felt like a minute until Millecent came in rubbing her eyes.

"Ella? What are you doing up? Have you been crying?" I didn't notice, but she was right. I wiped under my wet eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." I replied smiling.

She knotted her eyebrows. "Nightmare? It seems like more than that. I can smell vomit." I turned around and flushed the toilet.

"Yeah Millie. I promise it's fine. Just go back to bed." After standing there, debating whether or not she should go, she turned around and jumped back onto her bed.
I sighed, sat down and leaned my head on the wall. It's gonna be a long night.

--------------A week later------------

The first challenge is in 3 days and I haven't spoken to Harry. Neither has Ron. But when our older brother Charlie visits, we work out that the first challenge involves dragons.
So when we find out that Harry is down by the lake, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I plan to see him and warn him. I get and meet them half-way.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you." Hermione tells Harry so Ron can avoid speaking to him.

"Is that right? Well you can tell him and Ella that... what?" He responds


Hermione walks back over to us. "Repeat it again."

"Seamus told us that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid is after him." Ron tells her.

"Parvati told Dean?" She asks.

"Dean was told by Parvati." I tell her.

"Now go." Ron shoos her.

She takes a deep breath and walks back to Harry. "Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." She turned back around and started to walk towards us but Harry stopped her.

"Well you can tell Ronald..." He was cut off when Hermione whipped her head around and yelled:

"I am NOT an owl!" She marched toward us again and grabbed Ginny's arm and continued walking.

I scowled at Harry. I'm not necessarily angry with him, just upset. But Ron is. And I will always take my brothers side over anyone.
I grabbed Ron's arm and went in the direction Hermione went.

When we caught up to her, however, it was because she had stopped. And was looking down at the ground infront of her. Arms still linked with Ginny.

"What is it?" I asked her.

She turned her head around quickly. Her face paled. She walked towards me and grabbed my shoulder. "Come on, we'll walk another way." She said in a rush.

I pulled my shoulder away and looked at her. "What is it Hermione!?" I demanded.

She looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I looked back to where she was once standing. When I couldn't see past the long grass, I moved forward. With every step closer I took, my stomach knotted more.

"You don't have to look Ella." Said Hermione.

I ignored her and continued walking slowly. When I was close enough, the first this I noticed was something black curled up on the floor. I sucked in a breath when I smelt the blood. Black fur. It was big, beaten, furry and...
When I realised what it was, I fell to my knees and crawled closer. I ran my hand through the bloody black fur. Tears falling quickly, stinging my dry face.


"No no no no no."

I started crying hysterically.

"You are NOT dead. You're not dead. You're fine."

I checked for a pulse and felt nothing.

"Please." I shook him. "Bardulf!!" I yelled. But eventually, I pulled away knowing there was no chance. I grabbed the dirt under my hands.

Then, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let out the biggest I could muster. I could hear my name being called. But it was being blurred out. My whole vision was blurry and I couldn't think straight. I could feel my body getting hot, and the air around me thickened. My hair whipped around madly and the trees were rustling furiously. I heard howls in the distance.
Everything around me was clouded.

Bardulf is dead. And it's my entire fault. Bardulf was the most loyal, kind wolf. My Beta. And he has been killed. I couldn't breathe.

"Ella!" I heard my name being screamed, but I couldn't reply.

Then, I saw white. I saw a hand reach out and grab me. "Ella?" The voice was distant, yet close. "Ella. Listen to me. It's okay." They tried to calm me. And it was working. Their deep voice was clearer, and vision was better.

"Ella, please. It's me. Just look at me." I look up and see blonde hair and familiar grey eyes. "Just breathe. I'm here."

"Draco?" I whimpered.

He smiled. "It's me. Please, just breathe." I nodded, taking in a deep breath.

"It's okay." He held my shoulders.

I shook my head and fell into his chest and cried. "No, It's not." I grabbed a handful of his shirt and buried my face in his chest.

"It's fine, I can take her back to her dorm room. I'll make sure she's safe." He spoke to what I assumed was Ron.

"What? No way. I'm not letting you touch my sister any longer. I..." He was cut off.

"Ronald! Can't you see she's better with him? He's not hurting her. She's safe, just leave her for now and check up on her later." Hermione argued.

"Come on Ron, she'll be fine." Ginny reasoned.

"But..." He started again.

I lifted my head. "Go Ron. I'll be fine. I promise."

Ron stood there silently at first then moved forward, leaned down and kissed my head. "I'll check up on you later." I nodded.

He looked at Draco. "If I find out you hurt her or that you didn't take her back safely, I will personally curse you." He got up and marched off. Hermione and Ginny following behind.

After a minute, Draco spoke up. "Are you okay to stand?" I nodded slowly.

He stood and grabbed my arms and slowly lifted me. I went to look at 'Bardulf' again but Draco grabbed the side of my head and stopped me from looking. "Don't look at that. Just look at me." He wiped a tear away and rubbed my shoulders.
"Let's get you back to the castle." I nodded weakly and let him pull me along, linking our hands together.

It was then I realised that this was the first time we had talked since the kiss. I looked down, hiding my blush.
Oh Merlin, what am I to do now?  

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