Chapter Nineteen - Infatuated

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  Time has passed since Hagrid's lesson. And not for the better. When Draco's arm was injured, I didn't get to be with him much because of Pansy and her 'nursing'. She is really starting to get on my nerves.
Our new DADA teacher is actually really cool. Apart from the fact that he made me face a boggart shaped into a giant snake, I have actually learnt a lot from him.

Sirius Black is getting closer to the school, and everyone (especially Harry) is on edge. When most of the school went to Hogsmeade, Harry had to stay behind. But I made the twins give him the marauders map so he could sneak there. Fred and George were reluctant to give it to him at first, but eventually they agreed.

When we were in Hogsmeade, Ron, Hermione and I were by the shrieking shack, when I smelt the werewolf inside it again. This time, I was making my way towards it, and was about half way there until I heard Draco yelling.
I turn around and find him being dragged towards me (I later found out it was Harry under his invisibility cloak). When he got up, I laughed and told him he deserved it. And so an argument occurred. We haven't talked for a while, and I regret saying it to him.

I started talking to Seamus Finnigan. We were could friends at first, but now he won't leave me alone, and it's getting on my nerves. Daphne thinks it's a crush, I hope not, for his sake.

Ron has been keeping an eye on me. Watching me leave the castle to find the werewolf. He even gave me a curfew. At 9:30, I have to be back in the castle or he'll tell mum everything. I guess I should be grateful that he's protective, but it bugs me a lot. I am so much stronger than him in many ways; I can take care of myself.

Buckbeak is going to be executed because of Draco and his stupid father. And now, I'm making my way towards Hagrid's with Harry, Hermione and my brother. Wearing warm for the cold weather, I could still feel the winter air soaking through my outfit. But I ignored it.

As we make our way out of the castle, I watch the creepy executioner sharpen his weapon for the hippogriff's neck. When we walked past him quickly, and were out of earshot, Hermione spoke up.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible."

We walk out onto the grounds just up the hill from Hagrid's, when we spot Draco, Crabbe and Goyle holding binoculars facing Hagrid's house. "It just got worse." Spoke Harry.

"Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh, this is going to be rich. Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head—" I cleared my throat before he made the situation any worse.
"Ahh, come to see the show?" He smirked. Looking at me with a smug look. I'm guessing he's still mad at me.

Hermione started marching towards him. "You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" She pointed his wand at his throat threatening him. I heard alarm bells going off in my head.

"Hermione, no!" I yelled. "He's not worth it!" Ron finished.

She pulled her wand away from him and turned to face us again. Malfoy started laughing. So Hermione stopped short, whipped around, and knocked him square in the nose.

"Hermione!" I yelled at her.

Draco picked up his binoculars and started running away. Merlin, he can be a wimp sometimes. "That felt good." She smiled.

"Not good, brilliant." Ron complimented.

Hermione smiled at him. "Are you kidding me!?" I screamed.

They all looked at me shocked. "What?" Ron questioned.

"Hermione, you could have broken his nose. I know he can be a prat, but that was way out of line." I crossed my arms.

Hermione folded her arms and mimicked me. "Will you open your eyes Ella? He was asking for it and you know it! Sometimes I worry about how blind your liking for him makes you." She finished.

I let me arms fall to my sides and I raised my eyebrows. "What?"

"You heard me. You have grown a crush on him so big, it even makes you blind to the fact that you even have a crush on him." She shook her head in disappointment. "Now are you going to come with us to support Hagrid? Or are going to continue arguing with me?" She turned around and started walking towards Hagrid's hut. Ron and Harry following behind.

I stood frozen for a few more seconds before finally following them without saying another word.
I do not have a crush on Draco.......

.......Do I?

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