Chapter Twenty-One - Beautateous

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  "He kissed you!?" Daphne screams at me while jumping on the bed I was sitting on.

My eyes widen. "Will you quiet down? My brother's in the next room."

"Sorry." She apologises. "But you do realise that this changes everything. Pansy is going to flip!"

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I mean, when it happened we both sort of realised what was happening, split apart and went our separate ways without saying anything. We haven't talked since."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Seriously? When did it happen."

"About half way through last year." I say sheepishly.

Daphne's eyes widen. "What!? And you went this long without telling me? What have you been doing?"

"Thinking, mainly."

"Well what are you going to do when we go back to school next week?" She asks

I sigh and look down. "I have no idea. Eventually we're going to have to talk. I mean, 5 months is a lot of time." I look back up at her. "Are you going to the final of the Quidditch World Cup?"

Daphne shakes her head. "Nah but, my parents are going. They said they 'have to be there' and that it's best if Astoria and I don't go."

"That's odd." I tell her.

"I know." She stands up and grabs her wand. "Anyway, I have to get going. It's getting late. Do you mind if I use floo powder?"

I shake my head. "Not at all."

She smiles. "Alright. Thank you for today, I had fun. I'll see you next week."

I smile back. "Okay. See you."

------------The next day------------

Harry arrived last night. Hermione came this morning. She was our wake up call. When we finished breakfast I ran up stairs and got and did my . When we were ready, we said our goodbyes to mum and left out the front door.
We walking for about ten minutes. Harry was he one to finally say something. "Where are we going?"

"No idea." I answered.

"Hey dad!" Ron yelled. "Where are we going?"

"Haven't the foggiest." He replied. "Now keep up!"

I rolled my eyes. And I heard Ron's stomach rumble. "You're already hungry?" I asked.

"Arthur! It's about time, son!" An unfamiliar voice yelled.

"So sorry Amos. Some of us had a sleepy start." Dad stopped infront of the short friendly man with the hat. "This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me at the Minestry."

The some one jumped out of the tree and landed next to Amos. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric."

He smiled, nodded and shook dad's hand. "Yes sir." I stopped in my tracks when I looked at him. He's gorgeous. I looked at Hermione and she had the same look on her face. So did Ginny.

We all started walking forward and up the hill. And when we got to the top of the hill, dad and Amos stood around an old boot. That must be the portkey.

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" I hear Harry question.

"That isn't any old manky boot mate." Said Fred.

"It's a portkey." George finished.

We all started putting our hands on the boot. "Time to go. Ready?"

"What's a portkey."

"1... 2..." Amos started counting.

"Harry!" Dad yelled. Harry grabbed the boot.

"Three!" Amos yelled. We all started spinning and spiralling toward the sky. Hermione screamed in my ear and I grimaced. There is a white flash and the scene around us changes. I look at Cedric, who is smiling greatly. Ginny's giggling and screaming and Ron looks as though he's going to crap himself.

"Let go kids!" Dad yelled.

"What!?" Screams Hermione. My eyes widen.

"Let go!" We all let go. I fall so fast my head feels lighter than it should. And I hit my head on the ground with a thump. "Ow."

Dad, Amos and Cedric come down a bit more gracefully. "I bet that killed you're sinuses eh?"

He's right. Not a single thing was in my nose right now. I slowly get up was a thumping head. We walk up the hill and look over the camp. "Welcome to the Quidditch world cup."

We start walking through the camp and past many different wizards. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match."

"Bye." I say to them both. Cedric smiles at me and my heart skips a beat.

I turn around and see our tent. I look at Ginny, who looks back and knows it's now a race. We start running toward the tent. Hermione trailing behind. Ginny beats me to it. I was never a good runner. Ginny raises her fist in the air for her victory. I walk into the 'bedroom' and sit on the top bunk.

Ginny walks in. "Hey! What if Hermione or myself wanted the top bunk?" She asks.

I put my hand behind my head and relax. "Well you should have gotten here first." I close my eyes and smile. But the smile drops when something hits me.

I open my eyes and see Hermione standing next to the bunk with a pillow in her hand. "Oi! What do you think you're doing?" I ask while laughing.

"Getting you off my bed." She answers.

"Your bed? I don't think so!" I jump off, grab a pillow and start chasing her. When she's out of the room and running away. I smile and turn back around to go back to the bed. But Ginny's on it.

"It's mine now." She says smugly.

"Damn it." I pick up my stuff and move it toward the single bed next to the bunk.

------------That Night------------
I had my thick black and red scarf and my maroon beanie on ready for the quidditch match. We were walking up so many stairs, I felt as if my legs would fall off. "How high up are we dad?" I asked.

"A bit further." He responded.

"Blimey dad. How high is it?" Ron asked again.

But it wasn't dad who responded. "Well put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius.

"Father and I are in the minister's box. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." I rolled my eyes. Draco really loves to boast.

"Don't boast Draco." Lucius must have read my mind.

Draco looked at me, gave me a sad smile and looked away. I sighed angrily and turned around and continued walking ahead of everyone else. "Calm down Ella." George ran up beside me. "Yeah, we'll get there soon." Fred finished.

"Good. I just want to get there." I said quietly.

------------ After the Match -------------
Ginny and my arms were linked as we pranced around the middle of the tent while Fred and George did their annoying Irish dancing. I mean, I like the Irish dance, but not when Fred and George did it.

I stopped dancing and went into the other room. Taking off my scarf and beanie. I went outside the tent and walked around a bit. The Irish won the match. I obviously was rooting for Bulgaria but they unfortunately lost 160-170. I thought about Draco too. How dare he kiss me and then not talk to me for 5 months! I think I've had enough air. I grabbed the sides of my jacket, pulled it closer to me and .

I turned around and went back in the tent. "Viktor I love you! Viktor I do! When we're apart my heart only beat for youuuu!" The twins sung. And I laughed.

Suddenly there were screams outside. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on!"

"Stop! Stop it!" Dad ran in frantic. "It's not the Irish."

I rushed outside and saw chaos everywhere. Pretty much everything was on fire. "Get back to the portkey everybody! Fred, George... Ginny is you're responsibility. Ron and Ella stay together no matter what." We all nodded.

Ron grabbed my arm and we started running. A ball of flames started heading our way and I was the only one to notice it. "DUCK!" I yelled. We all dropped to the floor and covered our heads. Ron got up and tried to reach me but was pulled away. "Ella!" He yelled. "Ella!" I tried to get up but I was kicked back down. Then someone kicked my in the face as they ran past scared.

My vision went fuzzy and blonde hair was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

When I woke up, my head was thumping and I was extremely dizzy. I stood up and looked at my surroundings. Everything was blurry, but I managed to notice the old brown boot next to me. I sighed in relief.

"Ella! Ella! Where are you?" I looked up and saw Fred, George and Ginny making their way toward me.

"I'm over here!" I yelled.

Fred rushed over. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked.

"I have no idea." I answered honestly.

"How did you get here?" George asked.

"I don't remember. I blacked out."
"Kids! Kids! Is Ella there with you?" Dad called from the camp.

"Yeah! She's here!" Ginny yelled.

Dad walked up the hill with Ron, Hermione and Harry. Ron ran to me and hugged me. "What happened? I lost you and I couldn't find you and I thought maybe they had gotten you and—"

"Ron! I'm okay! I promise." I assured him. "Wait, who did you think got me?" I asked.

Ron pointed to the sky. I looked up and saw what looked like a skull. And, a snake? I don't.... Oh Merlin. It's the dark mark. "D-death E-e-eaters?" I stuttered.

Ron nodded. "Everyone else escaped. And I didn't know where you were."

Dad rubbed my back. "As long as you're alright. Are you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Just confused." I told him.

"We all are. Now let's just go home." We all agreed.


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