Chapter 1: Wonderful Disaster

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Kid Cudi- Sky Might Fall


Taking off the little white apron, I  moved towards the chair in my kitchen. I had been waiting tables all day and just wanted to be able to sit down and take a breath. Working at the diner did that to me.
My outfit looked like that old style dress waitresses wore in the 50s. Except now, the dress was a little shorter, and we didn't wear roller skates, or have our hair done up.

I had always liked the feel of the diner whenever you walked in, it was almost like traveling back it time. It still had a slightly 50s feel to it, but it wasn't overwhelming. The floor was checkered, and the tables and counters were a light blue.

"Emilia!" Marcus called from the living room.

"Yes?" I stood up, ready to get whatever he needed, and hating myself for it.

"Bring me something to drink." he commanded, and I moved towards the fridge.



I grabbed the beer and then walked into the living room. Marcus was laid back on the couch, one hand behind his head and he reached out to me for the beer.

He just nodded at me and then took a gulp of the beer.

"Oh," he said, not looking at me, but at the TV, "I need you to go with me tomorrow night. We're going to the bar and I'm going to meet up with some of the guys."

I forced my words out, "I can't. I have to work tomorrow night."

He shrugged, "Call off."

"I can't. I need money to pay for the apartment, and I know that you're looking for a job-."

"Must you always fucking remind me that I don't have one?" he snapped.

"I wasn't I was just-," I tried to say I was just telling him I needed the job.

"You bitch." he growled. He stood up and grabbed my hair, jerking my head back.

"You were just being a bitch, that's what you were doing."

He pushed me and I stumbled back.

"Wait, I-."

"Shut the fuck up!" he swung his arm and the beer bottle shattered against the coffee table. He whirled on me and grabbed my shoulders, "Shut the fuck up!"

He shoved me and I fell on the floor, I tried to push myself up, but my hand dug into some of the crushed glass that was on the floor.

Marcus kneeled on the floor in front of me, then moved over me.

"How many times to do I have to tell you that you'll do whatever I say." he grabbed my chin, "I've only fucked you twice this whole time we've been together, and that's going to change right now. Because you will always do what I say."

"Please, get off. Marcus-," I pushed at his shoulders but he didn't budge.

"Shut up!" His arm moved and he backhanded me across the face.
I could feel the sting first, then the throbbing pain. He reached and picked up a shard of glass from the floor, then held it to my throat.

He had this sick grin on my face and I just laid there, gasping.

He laughed and trailed the tip of the glass down my chest, putting a little more pressure on it.

I was crying now, and breathing heavily, "Please, please, stop. Stop, Marcus-."

"I've always thought your tits were awesome." He smiled, and pressed the glass down a little. I could see a little bit of blood leak out of my skin.

"And some of the other chicks I fucked were hot as hell Emilia," his breath was hot against my face, "Those sluts had some awesome tits, but yours are just..."

He trailed off, pressing his lips to my chest, and laughing against me.
Laughing like he didn't have me pinned down, like he hadn't cut me.

He sat up a little, took the glass and used it to cut up the skirt of the dress.
What he couldn't cut with the shard, he grabbed and ripped all the way to my waist.

He yanked my thigh up and looked at me. More tears fell from my cheeks and back into my hair. His fingers trailed down my thigh and I choked on a sob then shivered. I was terrified but he mistook the shiver for pleasure.

"Oh-ho," he laughed, throwing his head back a little, "You little slut. You like this don't you? You'll always like this. I bet you're just hot and ready like a bitch in heat."

"Stop it." I cried, and tried to sit up.

He shoved my shoulder and I fell back onto the ground, my side and back pressing into more glass.

My eyes widened at a new feeling.

Oh, God no.

"Oh, yeah." Marcus said, and he looked down between my legs. He was pressing the glass against my underwear.

"Don't-," I started.

"Shut up." He snapped, glancing at me, but then back at my legs.
I couldn't let this happen, I was not going to let him do this.
But I was.
I was going to let him get away with this, because I was weak.

My hand drifted away from my body, searching blindly for something, anything that could possibly help me.
He reached for the top of my underwear and started to pull it down.
He had pulled them down to the top of my thighs and his hand was drifting in-between my legs when my fingers closed around glass.

Before I could even think about what I was doing, I swung my arm up as hard as I could and hit him in his side.
He screamed and collapsed to the side, gripping his stomach. I could see blood beneath his hand.

I pushed his shoulder so he fell further away from me. I pushed myself into a sitting position, and I screamed at the pain in my side.
But I had to go, now.
My movements felt to sluggish to me, and I need to get away fast.

I got to my feet and took a step. I hoped I was steady enough.

"You fucking cunt!" Marcus yelled, groaning and clutching his stomach.

I looked frantically around the room, searching for the little pouch I kept my own money in.
Then I remembered its hiding place under the end table. It was covered in a fine layer of dust but I held it close to me then looked up at the door to the apartment.

Then, I ran.


So....idk if this will even be good. Lol.
Wanted to start another book, to keep trying I guess?

I Need the person who's going to "play" Marcus?

Please excuse the grammatical/spelling errors that are prob still in here.
Hope people read it and like it.

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now