Chapter 13: A different side

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When we got back to the apartment Zayn finally explained why I couldn't stay in the guest room.

"I usually take girls I fuck into that room," he commented, as we walked to his room, "Never to my own."

"Why do I get to stay there then?"

"You're staying here for three months not a matter of hours."

He gave me a button-up t-shirt of his to wear to bed and then took the dress from me.

"I'll have Rita dry-clean it." He said, watching me as I took the necklace off and laid it on his dresser.

"Wait, Rita?"

"Oh. You haven't met her yet, she's my maid."

"You have a maid?" I gaped at him, "That's every guys fantasy isn't it?"

"She's the same age as my mom." He smiled at me, "So..."

"Oh," I flushed, slightly embarrassed, "Well that's nice."

"You'll like her." He walked out of the room with the dress and returned a few minutes later. I was extremely tired so after he had gone to lay down on the couch, I immediately collapsed on the bed.

The next morning when I walked into the living room, Zayn was still asleep on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to search for coffee. Whenever I was looking through the cabinets for coffee grounds, something white caught my eye. A piece of paper lay on the counter and I peered at it, staring at the strange emblem at the top of the page. The paper didn't have much on it, I picked it up, staring at the only words there.

To: The Bishop. Zayn Malik.

6o days. 

From our leader to you: you take what's mine and I kill what's yours.


What the fuck? The emblem stamped at the top was also at the bottom. It was a terrifying symbol. A skull with horns coming out of the sides of the head and skeletal dragon coming out of the mouth. The dragon had two heads and one went into each eye.

I stared open-mouthed at the letter, only stopping when Zayn's voice scared the shit out of me.

"What are you doing?" his voice was harsh, clipped and the paper was snatched out of my hand.

"You left it out." I gripped the edge of the counter, "I was just looking for coffee."

He reached into the cabinet next to my head and pulled out the bag of coffee grounds, letting the door slam shut again.

"Well, you obviously didn't fucking find it." He turned away from me, making the coffee himself.

"What the hell is that, Zayn?"

"It's none of your business that's what it is."

"I'm staying here! It is my business!" my voice rose above a shout for the first time, "If you're being threatened then I can't fucking be here anymore."

"It's fine, Emilia. It's not like you're unsafe."

"That's exactly what it's like!" I glared at him as he filled the coffee filter.

"You don't think I can protect you?" he wasn't even looking at me while he was talking, just calmly continuing to make the coffee. I shook my head, walking out of the kitchen to get my phone from his room.

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now