Chapter 12: Aftermath

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As soon as I woke up, I had three thoughts.

1. Kill me
2. I need to throw up
3. Kill me

I rolled over and pried open my eyes. I wasn't in my dress from last night, thank god. I was just in a black t-shirt and my underwear. I jumped out of the bed and immediately regretted it because I face planted onto the hardwood.

"Ow." I mumbled, crawling the rest of the way to the en-suite bathroom. I lifted up the toilet seat and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. My throat burned with the effort of throwing up and after I was done, I leaned against the tub.

"Rough night?" Zayn's voice distracted me from my thoughts of bashing my head against the tub.

I groaned, "Leave me alone, please." I covered my face, ashamed as memories of last night came back to me.

Zayn knelt down besides me and pressed a cold washcloth to my forehead.

"Come on, get a shower and then I'll take you to breakfast."

"There is no way I'm standing in that shower."

Zayn's arms came under my armpits and he lifted me up a little bit.

"What about a bath, then?" He reached over, turning the knob on his jacuzzi bathtub. I hadn't paid much attention to his bathroom before, I knew the glass shower was beautiful but I'd never thought I'd be using the tub.

I heard running water and felt his hand as it edged up my t-shirt.

I smacked his hand, "I can do that myself."

He held up his hands, "Alright fine."

I whipped off the t-shirt and took off the underwear, not even caring that he saw me naked.

"Em..." Zayn was still sitting on the ground with me.

"What? Too many scars?" I mumbled, looking away from him and biting my lip. I would not cry right now, that would just make this whole situation more humiliating.

"No. You're beautiful." His voice was gruff and he was still staring at me. He was looking at my face but I could feel his gaze on the rest of my body as I moved.

I shook my head, stepping into the tub and then letting myself sink into the water. I still felt sick but my mind was clearer now. I was hoping he wouldn't bring up last night, at least not right now. However, to my utter dismay, he brought it up just as I had closed my eyes.

"Do you remember last night?" He leaned forward, resting his arms on the sid of the tub.

"" I shook my head, peeking at him and shutting my eyes again.

He chuckled, "I think you're lying."

"Leave me alone."

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, "I pushed you. I didn't want to take advantage."

"You didn't push me to do anything, Zayn!"
I shouted, sitting up a little, and he flinched back.

I sighed, "Can we just forget about it? I'm already ashamed enough, you're making it worse."

"I don't want to forget about it, Emilia. Why are you ashamed?"

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now