Chapter 2: I volunteer as tribute

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Hey Jude-Beatles


The waitress brought me more coffee, I nodded my thanks and she turned away.
The diner was almost empty, except for the middle-aged waitress and the oldies music playing.

"You open all night?" I raised my voice so the waitress who had moved to all the way over by the register could hear me.

"Yeah, honey." She grinned, "24 hours. You planning to sleep here or something?"

"I was thinking about it." I laughed.

She just shook her head, laughing as she turned back to the register.

Suddenly the door to the diner swung open, the little bell attached to it swinging like crazy.

My mouth popped open, for the girl who had entered was a bloody mess, her clothes ripped and her face wet with tears.

"Helena," the girl spoke, her voice was rough, and she was clutching her side in pain.

"Oh my god," Helena, who I guess was the waitress by the register, spoke.

"Oh my god," Helena rushed over to the girl, "Oh, Emmy."

Helena turned her head and shouted towards the kitchen, "Frank! I need water, towels, scissors and bandages!"

The girl was shivering, and I realized she was covered with water. A glance out the window told me why, it was pouring.

The cook, Frank, came out of the kitchen, carrying all the stuff Helena had requested.

From my spot a couple booths down, I watched Helena cut the girls dress open from the side.

I narrowed my eyes and finally realized that the dress the girl was wearing was the uniform for the diner.

"Oh, Emmy. Sweetheart, what happened?" Helena cried when she peered at the girls skin. I couldn't see that well from here, but I could tell she was bleeding.

Emmy had her head bent down so her hair was covering her face.
She moaned, "I can't."

"Marcus did this to you?" Helena's voice changed, it was threatening.

Emmy shook her head, "I-."

"Do not deny what he did." Helena snapped, "Do not justify this."

She let out a loud sob, putting her head on Helena's shoulder.

Frank just stood near the counter, arms folded across his chest, watching the whole thing.

Helena put a towel to her side, and then wrapped one around her shoulders. Then she pressed another one to her chest.

Emmy finally lifted her head and I drew in a breath.
She was beautiful. Incredibly beautiful, but her face was also badly bruised.

"Frank, get one of our coats." Helena demanded and Frank disappeared back into the kitchen.

She turned to Helena, "I stabbed him, in the side. He was on me and I didn't know what to do-."

"You don't have to tell me," Helena interrupted, "I'm not going to blame you."

Frank appeared with the coat, and Helena wrapped it around Emmy. Helena cut and pulled the rest of her dress off. Helena poured some water on one of the towels and then dabbed at Emmy's side. After she cleaned the blood off of her side, Helena wrapped the bandage around Emmy's mid-section. Helena did the same with her chest and then buttoned up the coat so she was covered.

"Frank, get me some ice and then fix her some coffee." Helena put her hand on Emmy's cheek.

"Please," she cried, shaking her head, "I need a bucket."
Helena rushed back into the kitchen with Frank.
Helena returned first, with a bucket, which she then handed to Emmy.
Emmy vomited into the bucket and Helena held her hair away from her face, and rubbed her back.
Frank came back with a bag of ice wrapped in a hand towel, and then left to go make the coffee.

She vomited again, and I closed my eyes as Helena murmured to her.
I felt weird, sitting here and watching this whole entire thing.
It felt way too private for me to be observing.

Helena wiped Emmy's mouth and put the bucket aside. She put the ice over her face, holding it near her eye.

"You know I would let you live with us. But Frank and I have no room, the grandchildren are with us and I don't-" Helena gulped, "I don't want to worry them with this situation."

"I don't either," Emmy responded grimly, "But then I have nowhere to go but back."

Frank came out from the kitchen and set a coffee and a water down in front of Emmy.

"I'll figure something out for you, honey." Helena touched Emmy' s face with the tenderness of a mother.

I was done watching from my booth, I slapped a wad of cash on the table and stood up.

Emmy and Helena were still huddled together, Helena speaking softly, comforting her.

Frank was leaning against the counter again, he'd been silent through the whole ordeal. I guessed he planned to remain that way until he was alone with Helena and Emmy.

I don't know why, but I felt a need to do something. I tried to never get involved with other people's business, I tried not to get involved with other people in general.

But this girl was something else. That was also ridiculous. I didn't know what made me intrigued by her and I had no idea who she actually was. But I wanted to know.

"I'll take her." I found myself saying.

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now