Chapter 8: A new friend

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(Maybe the dress she wears later in this chapter to work...but like shorter, more of a cocktail style/night club dress ya know:) )


"What?" the word slipped from my mouth as I stared at him.

He glanced at me, then back at Harry, now glaring at him.

Harry chuckled, "Oh what'd I do now, huh?"

Zayn didn't respond, and Harry's eyes widened.

"What the fuck is your deal? Why would you tell him what Marcus did without asking me?! I don't want everyone on the face of this earth to know!" I narrowed my eyes at Zayn

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Harry groaned, running his hand through his hair, "Alright. Well, come on Arabella, let's give them some space so she can kick his ass."

"Don't call me that. It's Ella. Just Ella," Ella snapped, but followed Harry into the back.

Zayn looked at me and held up his hands, "Ok...look."

"No, don't you look me," I shook my head, backing away from him, "Helena basically handed me to you, James trusts you, hell...I made out with you, I moaned your name. You couldn't just casually mention how you wanted to tell Harry?"

"It's really not that big of a deal." He shrugged.

"Oh. It's not that big of a deal?! I don't want the whole wide world to know how weak I am."

"Emilia. Stop." He moved closer to me, "You're not weak, don't say that about yourself."

I sighed, "How am I just supposed to trust you? You saw me broken...I told you all of this shit, you know about Marcus for fuck's sake. You're a goddamn stranger and you saw how he beat the shit out of me! And you didn't fucking have to take me in either! I didn't owe you any of the shit James and I told you! Why did you do this? You should've just left me in the damn booth."

I turned away from him and started walking towards the door. I knew I was over reacting, I was just so ashamed that someone else knew what I let happen to me.

"Hey!" he shouted, then I felt his grip on my arm, "Stop."

"Why?" I spun towards him, getting in his face.

He smirked at me, and his hand came up to rest against the side of my neck. His thumb rubbed the area under my ear and my body acted on it's own, leaning into his touch.

"I'm sorry," he lowered his voice, "I know you told me things and I know about this whole part of your life. I should've shown you more respect."

"Hm..." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

He pulled away from me, "Okay, so, are we good?"

"We're good," I assured him, meaning it.

Harry and Ella walked out of the back, approaching Zayn and I. "So..." Harry gazed at me, "Zayn told me why he was bringing you. Hate to just throw this at you, but can you start tonight? It was only going to be Ella by herself."

"Oh," I shrugged, "I mean, I need a uniform or something?"

Harry tipped his head back and chuckled so loudly it could almost be classified as a cackle.

Ella rolled her eyes, "Ignore him. But no, you don't need a uniform. You just need to, as Harry says, "Look fit as hell".

She made air quotes, then continued with, "Just come shopping with me real quick, and we'll go back to your place to get ready and we'll just come here together tonight."

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now