Chapter 14: The Truth

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I woke up earlier than I wanted to, mostly because Zayn's body was pressed against mine. The whole apartment was air conditioned but right now, it felt like I was burning.

Zayn mumbled against the back of my neck, "Hm...Morning."

"G'morning." I looked over my shoulder at him, watching as his eyes fought to open. I shifted and for the first time I realized my butt was pressed against him. His chest was pressed right against my back and his arms were around me. I don't remember spooning together as we fell asleep so I was confused.
My eyes widened as I felt something else pressed against me. Oh, god.
I should probably get out of the bed.

His hands came down to rest on my hips, he moved me slightly forward, away from him, "Stop."

"I'm not doing anything." I pouted, knowing exactly what I was doing. I wasn't that experienced, but Zayn made an interesting side of me-that I didn't know I had-appear.

"You shifting around and rubbing against me is not helping the hard-on I have right now. So yes, you are doing something."

I gulped and turned around, working up the nerve to speak, "I could help you."

"Help me?" His eyebrows rose.

I laid my hand against his naked chest. My hand made it to the top of his boxers before he stopped me.

"Emilia, I-."

"Stop, would you just let me-." I pressed my hand against him through his boxers. His eyes fluttered shut and he groaned. I marveled at how long his eyelashes really were. He finally seemed like he wasn't going to try to stop me. My hand found its way into his boxers and tentatively wrapped around him. I had a lot of internal thoughts, mostly nervousness. I had never willingly touched Marcus like this. He'd always forced me into a situation and I just let it happen. But I wanted this, I wanted Zayn.

"Fuck, Emilia," Zayn's arm wrapped around my waist and instead of pushing me away this time, he pulled me closer. I did what I thought I should do, remembering from the little experience I had, and moved my hand up the length of him. I moved my hand back down and developed a rhythm. He thrust into my hand and his forehead rested on mine. I squeezed slightly and he gasped, breathing hard.

"Baby, You need to stop. Emilia, I'm going to-." He started, but I knew what he was going to say. I moved my hand up and down faster, trying to push him over the edge. I almost started laughing, I couldn't believe I wanted to touch his dick. I had basically volunteered. Thoughts of why I didn't feel this way with Marcus filtered into my head and I tried to stop them, not wanting to ruin the moment. I looked at Zayn, trying to distract myself from my own thoughts. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were closed. His lips were slightly open and his breathing was growing heavier with every pump I delivered. I slowed my movements, but didn't give him a chance to relax. I placed my thumb over the tip of him and he moaned, allowing himself to release.
I pulled my hand away, but it wasn't fast enough. His boxers were wet now and so was my hand. Zayn didn't say anything, just got out of the bed and walked into his bathroom.

After a few seconds, I heard him sigh, "Come here."

I got out of the bed, groaning, "You didn't tell me to follow you."

"I thought you just would." He remarked as I walked into the bathroom. He looked pointedly at the sink, which was now running, and I stuck my hand out. He just looked down at my hands while I washed them and when I was done, he smiled.

"I'm gonna shower," he pulled off his boxers and I stepped back so fast I felt like Sonic.

I covered my eyes, "What are you doing?!"

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now