Chapter 4: Million Dollar nice

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Lostmyhead-The 1975


She shivered the whole way to my apartment. Even after I gave her my jacket and my hat, she was still shaking. I took out my card and swiped it through the little machine to open the door. I held the door for her and she walked through it, but then stopped.

"What?" I came to stand beside her, and followed her gaze through the second pair of glass doors to where Henry was sitting at his desk.

"This place is nice," she looked sideways at me, "Like, million dollar nice."

I shrugged and held open the second door for her. Henry smiled at her and his face lit up, I however, just got a wave.

Henry rubbed at his puffy beard that made him look a bit like Santa.
"Nothing this ethereal comes through those doors," Henry glances at me, "usually I have to look at your ugly ass."

"You better stop making fun Henry, or my Mum is going to stop making you cookies."

Henry rolled his eyes, "Please. She's going to keep making me cookies regardless."

I took Emmy's hand and lead her away from the desk towards the elevator. Emmy laughed softly as we stood waiting for elevator.

"He's friendly." She commented.

"He's an arse." We stepped onto the elevator, I pressed four and then looked sideways at her.
"What is Emmy short for?"

"Emilia." She brushed the dark hair out of her face and I cringed at her bruised skin.

"Emilia." I tried her name out, already liking the way the sound of it rolled effortlessly off of my tongue, like I'd been saying it for years.


She gaped at everything as we walked through the apartment. She didn't make any noise, but just sort of left her mouth hanging open. When I showed her my room, she glared at me.

"Don't tell me I'm sleeping there." She pointed at the bed, then lowered her hand to feel the silk sheets.

"You are. Where else would you be sleeping?" I saw the look on her face and chuckled.
"Relax, you're not going to me sleeping with me."

"I'll take the couch." I watched her as she wandered around the room and as she peered out of the window.

"Don't you have a spare room? I don't want to an inconvenience."

"You're not. And I do but it's's not for you. Or me. It's not really sleep-able."

"Okay..." She trailed off, "Do you also have a t shirt I can borrow, and sweatpants? I just don't want to stay in this torn outfit."

"You could always sleep naked."

Her eyes widened and then filled with fire, "Excuse me?"

I regretted that ever coming out of my mouth, especially at this exact moment.
"Sorry," I held up my hands in a gesture of surrender and backed out of the room, "I'll be right back."



This apartment was insane.

I felt pretty stupid, walking in here with my torn outfit and gazing at everything. This bedroom was all silk sheets, high ceilings and sleek furniture.

"Here." Zayn walked back into the room and handed me a black t shirt and a pair of basketball shorts.

"Thank you..." I held the clothes in my hands and glanced around the bedroom.

"Do you want me to leave so you can change?" he was still looking expectantly at me.

"No, I want you to stay here and watch," I snapped.

"Jesus Christ, alright I'm going." He turned around and left the room again, closing the door softly behind him.

After changing, I made Zayn show me where the trash can was and I threw my ripped outfit away.

He gestured at the leather couch that was in the living room, "Did you want to watch something?"

"Um...," I thought about it, I was exhausted but I was also scared of going to sleep.

"What?" He rolled his eyes, "Are you just going to groan or...?"

"Can you shut up?" I narrowed my eyes at him, "Fine. I'll watch something."

We settled down on the couch and when he turned on Netflix, I gave him a sideways glance.

He shrugged, a grin appearing on his face, and turned his attention back to the TV screen. He asked me what I wanted to watch about five times and when I kept saying I didn't know, he finally gave up and turned on Bob's Burgers.

"Well this what I want to watch so..." he trailed off and push the tv remote to the side.

I tried to pay attention, I really did. The show looked so funny, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on it long enough. My mind kept drifting back to the events that happened earlier.

What the hell was I going to do? Where was I going to live now?

I couldn't go back but...I didn't have anybody else. No friends, no family. Just Helena and Frank, but they had their own lives to worry about.

I could still feel Marcus's hands on my skin, I wanted to scratch and scratch until every trace of hime fell off of me. I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight and wanting to push these thoughts out of my brain. I leaned my head on the back of the couch, feeling nauseous.

Zayn chuckled at something being said on the TV and I relaxed a little at the sound of his laugh. My eyes stayed closed and I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.

Safe With You (The Broken & Shattered Series #1)Zayn.Malik.Where stories live. Discover now