Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up with Ruby-Lee asleep next to me. It was around 9 o'clock from what I could make out from the clock on top of my door. I try my best to sneak out of bed, not wanting to disturb Rubs and her beauty sleep. I step out of the bed and start walking over to my wardrobe when I stab my pinky toe on the edge of the bed. "FUCKING BITCH OF A BED. OH SHIT!" I yell, thinking that this is setting the day up for bad luck and a shitty mood.

"Oi! I'm sleeping right here!" Ruby tried to say but was half asleep so it sounded like: "Oii! Em slepin' rit hear!" "Shit, sorry." I apologise.

I open my wardrobe after my little over reaction and pick out a dark grey pair of trackies and a white long sleeve top. I walk over to my bathroom and take off my pjs before having a shower.

Once I was washed, dried and dressed, I left the bathroom to head off to the diner hall with Ruby, not wanting to be marked absent and be 'punished'.

"Thank god your dressed." I say in relief, Ruby-Lee was wearing her unicorn onesie which she was wearing yesterday in the games room. We head off to the diner hall, talking about how her and Glen are perfect for each other.

"I mean, your both 15, at least it's not like Keegan and I and he's 16 and I'm fucking 12-" "turning 13 tomorrow" interrupts Ruby. I agree with her before opening the doors to the diner hall. Only Jack and Glen are sitting at the usual table. We wave to them before handing to get some breakfast. I take a fruit salad and a hot chocolate white Ruby grabs cereal and some juice. As I'm walking back to the table, some girl about 18 stands up and without looking steps out of her seat, runs into me, making her hot coffee spill over my stomach, which results in me dropping my tray and spilling hot chocolate and fruit all over the floor and my shoes. "AHH FUCK! FUCK! FUCKKK!!" I scream. The coffee was just made and the girl was getting up to get some more milk. I lift my top so the coffee is no longer burning my skin through the material. The whole diner hall is now staring at me. My skin is red and hot to touch, I can already tell that it's not a burn that going to heal quickly.

Once of the nurses that is on supervision runs over to me and puts her hand around my shoulders and starts walking me to what I assume is the first aid office. I look over to the table and back at Ruby-Lee before I start getting the horrible feeling that I'm about to cry and I suck it up. Emma Clover does not cry. Emma Clover is a fucking smart ass that does not cry, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

We enter the first aid office and the nurse, who I now realise is Nurse P, lays me down on a bed that was empty and runs over to grab an ice pack and a tea towel. She wraps the ice pack in the tea towel and comes over to me and rolls up my shirt and places the ice pack on top. Very gently she leaves the ice pack and draws my curtain so only the nurse at the office desk can see me. She informs me that she's going to leave me in care of the nurse that was in the pill room with me on my first official day here.

I look over to her and she was filing her nails and inspecting them every 2 minutes, picking at any loose skin.

I fall asleep to the sound of white noise.


"NO KEEGAN! KEEGAN PLEASE ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" I wake up suddenly and in a super shit mood. I didn't realise what was going on until I was fully awake.

"WE NEED SOME MORE BACK UP!" I hear the pill room nurse yell. I stand up, the ice pack falling off without me giving two shits as I open the curtain swiftly, taking a step back to the situation.

It was Keegan, he was extremely angry and seemed to be on a mission to destroy anyone or anything. He was being held back by the pill room nurse and thrashing his limbs in any direction. In a spilt second, two strong looking women and a muscular man run into the room and start attempting to pin Keegan to be ground.

Keegan wasn't having any of it, he become more angry and in result was hitting the people trying to tame him without much thought. The pill room nurse was pushed to the ground, not that this effected me in anyway, fucking bitch.

Keegan then turned, facing me while still in extreme anger and the urge to hurt to something. He stopped, for two seconds and stared, before being pinned to the ground. The fact that he stopped at the sight of me was flattering, or maybe he was thinking a plan of attack.

I concluded that what he did was a way of saying 'I would never hurt you.' And I did something really stupid.

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