Chapter 3

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I get back in line with Nina and Ruby-Lee.

"Did Shelby get called?" I ask.

"Yeah, just as you left, you're lucky, your name hasn't been called." Nina answers.

"Nina Corelleti, Room 2." I hear a lady boom.

"Oh, well, that's me. I better be off." Nina said and winks to Ruby-Lee and I.

Once Nina was in her room, Ruby-Lee turns to me.

"Emma, be careful here. Shelby and Nina haven't told you their full story. There's much more going on. But don't worry Nina and Shelby are leaving tomorrow, just make sure they don't convince you to do anything tonight, alright?" Ruby-Lee said loud enough so only I can hear.

"Like what? What have they done that their not telling me?" I ask, it was a lot to take in.

"Let's just say, they have ways of getting up to the roof and they like to go up there with innocent girls and not come down with them." Ruby-Lee said before her name got called and she turned and left.

I stayed in line for another minute before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I say as I swing around, my giraffe tail softy hitting the back of my leg.

The body that stood behind. well in front now, was a blonde, shaggy haired, tall and lanky 16 looking boy.

"I just wanted to say I like your oneise." He said, looking at me. The first thing that came to mind was why was he in the hospital. Oh Emma, why you gotta be so rude?

"Uhh, thanks- oh that my name, gotta go pop some pills." I say quickly before turning around and mentally beating myself up, seriously? Gotta pop some pills? Are you trying to to seem like you like pills? Emma? What the hell is wrong with you?

I turned into Room 4 stepping into a room with a table, water, pills and a fat lady with a problem getting a uniform a size bigger. I mean, her boobs are pilling out and the uniform is like another layer of skin.

I sit down on the chair and grabbed the cup of pills, six all up. There is white ones, round ones, white and blue ones and small ones.

"Don't take them." I hear a voice say. I look up at the lady, who is staring at my hand which is holding the cup of meds.

"Did you say something?" I ask with curiosty, I must of heard her wrong.

"No." she saids sternly. Oh no no no. Please, please not here.

"Don't take the meds, they make us go away." I hear in my head. I turn around to face the door, and all I see is the light wood with a clip borad hooked on the upper middle of the door.

"Over here sweetie!" I hear a sweeter voice, more like a teachers.

I look to my right, and there they are,

Noia, Ana, Mia and Axel are here.

"Not now, later." I say to them.

"Emma, take your pills please." Saids the lady, but the please doesn't sound that lovely.

I take one pill, and put it on my tounge.

"You stupid girl! That's got at least 100 calories!" (Ana)

"You better throw that up after!" (Mia)

"What is everyone going to think about you? Actually taking your pills, everyone is going to think you're weak." (Axel)

"Oh no! Someone is watching you!" (Noia)

"Fuck off! All of you! Just. Go. Away. Okay?" I yell at them. I tip all the pills in my mouth and swallow. Chuging down the glass cup of water.

"I'll take you to your room now. Okay?" The lady saids before grabbing my arm and opening the door. I notice that no one is lining up anymore, they must all be in a room or back at their cells.

She pulls my arm hard down the hall and to the left, down the hall where my room is located. "Ow! Your hurting me!" I squeal as the lady diggs her red painted nails into my skin.

"Why should it hurt? You hurt youself on purpose!" She half yells into my face as we reach my room.

"You know for a mental health worker person, you're not helping very well." I say back, in my smart ass tone.

"Why does it matter." And with that, she pushes me into my room and result I fall to the ground. She slams the door closed without even checking if I'm okay and the sound of doors locking sends shivers down my spine. I run over to my bed, face plant onto my pillow and start kicking off my shoes. "That bitch." I say to myself.

"She's a bitch, isn't she?" I hear Haymitch say. He is another one of my 'vistors'

"Haymitch, haven't seen you for awhile, where ever did you go?" I say, sitting up on my bed and crossing my legs.

"No where." He saids, simply.

"Well, if you're here now, what do you want?" I ask with great curiosity.

"It's time." Haymitch saids.

"But I don't have my razor." I complain.

"Bitch! You know where you can find one! God your mother was right, you're worthless!" Haymitch yells and a spray of spilt flys out as me mentions my mother and what she thinks of me.


And I'm going to have to end it there. Comment what you think is going on.

x Ana Scars

Stay Strong

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