Chapter 13

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Authors Note (for those who have been waiting for an update/commented on the story):

Hello everyone, it's been nearly a year.

Apologies for keeping everyone waiting. I have a few pointers since I have just gone through basically every comment on this story and a few things have propped up multiple times.

1. This mental hospital isn't very realistic to how they are now. The reason for this? Makes the story more interesting and shhhhh I have plans...

2. Notice how the main character may not have strong symptoms of certain mental illness stated on the beginning of the story? Well one, I started writing this when I was super young and was in a horrible mental state, this story started because it was a coping mechanism. I based a lot of the man character off of myself, I was misunderstood and never fully diagnosed, even after 4 years' no one understands my mental health. That's why Emma is so choppy and not text-book definition like when it comes to her mental illness.

3. Sorry for anyone whose offended by the diagnoses of the characters, saying they're not realistic, especially Emma's schizophrenia, I'm going to try fixing that one up throughout the story.

To anyone whose left an uneducated comment about mental health:

Don't be surprised when you get attacked in replies, mental illness as such a bad stigma and people, like myself, basically go off at people who assume things. Just a warning.

Have a blast reading chapter 13.

"Shhh, it's okay Em, c'mon why don't you go have a shower to wash away to tears huh?" Ruby-Lee was holding me as I cried. I haven't cried in a long time, I hate it. I nod and we cautiously walk to the bathroom together since the lights in the bedroom were out.

Ruby turns on the light once we get in the bathroom and walks over to the shower, turning on the hot water.

"Do you want to get out of those clothes?" She asks. I just start taking off my jumper and pants, leaving my shirt and underwear on. Ruby adjusts the water temperature and waits for me to get in the shower. Still sobbing, I walk under the water and sit down, leaning on the wall. I tilt my head back and let the water fall on my face. A few sobs would come out every couple of minutes but the shower was clearing my mind.

Ruby was sitting to the side of the shower, watching me. I think she was a bit shaken up from my outburst of emotions.

I had my eyes closed and started going over memories of Keegan and I. I started picking up on the things that he would do to get me alone, to make me feel guilty, and ways he would get the staff to do whatever he wants.

My face suddenly gets colder and I realise the water has been turned off.

"I think you should get some sleep. Here, I'll help you up." Ruby-Lee offers her hand and I take it, lifting myself up. I step out of the shower and I create hugh puddles from my drenched clothes.

"I'll grab you some dry clothes but here, dry yourself." Ruby hands me a towel and I start drying myself off.

Once I was changed Ruby and I went back to bed. Ruby would start asking me these random questions.

"What's your favourite ice cream?"

"Ah, salted caramel."

"Mines cookie dough. Favourite pizza?"

She would always have another question before I could tell her goodnight I fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning and started recalling everything that happened last night. I came to the conclusion that Ruby-Lee would ask me questions to keep my mind off Keegan, she is such an amazing friend.

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