Chapter 7

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Ruby-Lee and I were lying on my bed, just talking about our lives before the mental hospital.

"Hey you know it's my birthday on Wednesday." I say, today was Monday so it was a bit of a short notice.

"WHAT!? AND YOU DIDNT TELL US?" Ruby-Lee screams. I calm her down and tell her that being in here, I loose track of time.

"Well that does make sense I guess. But I don't think the hospital does anything to celebrate, I don't even think they notice to be honest." Rubs saids, sighing.

"Oh well, I don't like birthdays. You get all hyped up and then when it comes to it, half of your so called friend's forget and then your birthdays ruined." I say, thinking back to the previous year, birthday's and birthday parties and are no go for me.

"Ha, that's so true."

"Hey," I say, getting Ruby-Lee's attention. "Can you tell me about the thing with Shelby and Nina? I mean they left more then a month ago." I ask, just hoping for a yes.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask me. Well, when I arrived here, which was only a week before you, I befriended a girl who was in no way suicidal, just a bit loopy at times. Anyway, two nights after arriving, I wake up and decided to go to the kitchens for some food, I was low on energy from throwing everything up so I went against my bulimic mind. On my way there I saw three figures walking down the corridor to the one of many janitor's closets.

I decided to follow them and as I got closer I could hear the two people who were on the either side of the other person, whispering sweet, reassuring things to the person in the middle. When they walked past one of the lights I could see that it was Shelby, Nina and the girl, Pia, in the middle. They reached the janitors closet and I stopped in the hallway and hid in the shadows of a pot plant. The three of them entered the closet, closed the door, I heard the sound of a lock so I knew there's was no way of me getting in there. I waited for 10 minutes when I got sick of it and left for my room. I decided if they were all doing something stupid then I don't want to be blamed just because I was sneaking around too."

"Well? What happened? Where's Pia now?" I ask eagerly

"Pia's dead. Shelby and Nina pushed her off the roof that night, and splat, she broke half of her bones in the fall and died such a painful death. The roof isn't that high off the ground as you may know so she was still alive on impact and for a couple of minutes after but no one has the guts to go walk about in the middle of the night around a mental hospital so one ones was around to help. She was killed by those two bitches and no one knew except me and now you. And they got released from this hell hole and who knows who they've killed out there. That's why I was always shy around them." 

"Why didn't you tell anyone? You saw them take her up to the roof!" I half yell in anger, she should have told someone!

"Not many people know there's access to the roof from the janitors closet. And the mental hospital most likely would brush it off because the paper work they'd have to do to get those bitches in court and sent to juvenile detention takes months. They just don't care since it's easier to say she jumped herself." Ruby-Lee had finally told me the truth, the reason behind her quite self around Shelby and Nina. And there's a high chance she blames herself for the death of Pia. Rubs could have done something if she had any clue of what Shelby and Nina were up to.


Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas even though it was yesterday for me. Here is my late present from me to you :))

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