I Will No Longer Be Updating This Book

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I am sorry, this book as been around for three years now and I'm only up to chapter 14, shows I don't really have much of an interest in it anymore.

However, I think you all deserve to know why I have lost interest and you can read a true story, my own, about mental illness.

This book was started when I was 13. Since then I have experienced paranoia, anorexia, bulimia, psychopathic tendencies, self harm and the two I've kept this whole time, depression and anxiety (now in the form of panic attacks).
I am 16 and throughout this time I have grown to hate this book more and more. It's not realistic, it's poorly written and not factually correct.
I am 16 and currently dealing with an undiagnosed melancholic depression which leaves me with the feeling of loneliness, as I do not have a want to end my life, rather a numbness and feeling of needing to cry for no reason. I have lost interest in my hobbies or I don't feel the same pleasure as I did. The feeling of loneliness comes from the fact that everyone I know and those on social media who have depression hate themselves and have the desire to kill themselves, this isn't me.

Now for all those who felt like this book was helping them with their problems, again, I am sorry. Feel free to message me if you need to talk to someone honestly about your feelings.

Goodbye Emma, you will be missed.

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