Chapter 2

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*Edited as of 29th May 2016*


Okay, I'm in a MENTAL HOSPITAL and I don't get to decide when I wake up? Well that's shit. 

"Miss Clover, breakfast is ready in the diner hall." I hear a man say from outside my door.

"If you are marked absent from breakfast, there will be punishment." I may as well be at school, it's pretty much the same thing.

"Fine, I'll get up." I say.

"Good, good..." He said before opening the door. I hear the sound of his footsteps slowly decreasing.

I get up and notice that my suitcase it at my door. It must have been cleared, people could bring in anything, razors, rope, scissors, needles or even plastic bags.
I open it up and to my surprise it isn't too messed up. I pull out my giraffe oneise, cause whose going to judge at a mental hospital? I also pull out a pair of socks and my shoes. I brush my hair and put it in a bun before opening my cell doors and peering down the halls, looking for the 'Diner Hall' sign. There it is, down the hall and pointing to the right. I end up around the corner and facing two massive double doors. I can hear chatter and not much laughter like a normal school canteen.

I open the door and there a so many people. I can point out the ones with eating disorders, picking at their food, drinking cups and cups of water, but that's usually people with anorexia. The stereotypical outcasts of every high school, majority of their illness worsened by bullying and harassment. I notice a couple of people sitting far away in the corners of the room, most likely having some degree of social anxiety. 

Not knowing where I belong and who is safe, I walk over to an empty table before someone calls out to me.

"Hey! Griaffe Girl, over here!" A pretty, skinny girl calls me over.

I walk over to their table and there's three of them sitting there.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"Emma, Emma Clover." I say. 

"Well, Emma, would you like to sit with us?" A girl with natural brown hair and golden eyes asks me.

"Yes, thanks." I say as I sit down.
I notice that another girl is wearing a oneise, too, a pink unicorn.

"I'm Shelby, by the way." Said the girl with brown, curly hair.

"Hi, I'm Nina." Said a girl with straight black hair and brown eyes.

"Hey." I say back.

"Hello I'm Ruby-Lee." Said the girl with the onesie and light brown, curly hair and chocolate eyes.

"I just love your hair, blonde suits you. And your blue eyes, too! Guys must be all over you!" Shelby compliments.

"Not really, thanks though."

"So, why you here? Anorexia or Bulimia?" Nina asks, assuming my mental illness, that's nice. 

"Oh, both. But also a history of schizophrenia. Suicide and a little bit of self harm. Panic attacks. I've learnt to live with them, even though I try to kill myself sometimes." I say. I open up to people easily, only if they have gone through the same thing.

"Aw you poor thing. I'm anorexic and attempted suicide and anxiety." Said Nina.

"I agree, that's so horrible. I'm anorexic, have paranoia and history of low OCD." Said Shelby, then I turned to Ruby-Lee.

"I'm Bulimic and I have OCD and I tired to kill my step mum cat." She said quietly and very fast.

"Oh you poor girl!" I say. She nods and returns to eating her yougurt.

Nina then came with me to get breakfast (fruit salad) and a glass of water. And then it was 'Pill Time'

"Oh how I hate pill time. It's the worse!" Shelby said as we walk out of the cafeteria and down the corridor.

"So do you line up and get your pill or something?" I ask.

"No way! I wish. You go into a room with a desk and your pills and someone is in there, watching you as you swallow the tablet and drink all your water. Then you're taken to your room and they lock your bathroom for 30 mintues, if you need to pee, you have to get someone to come in, unlock your door and watch you pee and then they lock the door and leave." Nina answers.

"Oh, fuck, this sucks, I need to throw up my breakfast, like, now!" I say, guessing the girls would understand. Bulimia is one of the problems that is getting better but I still panic if I don't get a choice. 

"Well you'll have to be quick! No one ever knows the order of people that are called and they'll come look for you if you're marked absent." Shelby says.

"May as well be at school then." I say before quickly turning and going down my corridor to my room. I ran into my cell, open the bathroom, get rid of my breakfast,  flush and leave.

Wow, okay. So my editing skills are still not the best but I apologise for these two chapters, this is when I had no writing skills. Hopefully you see some improvement through the chapters :').

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