Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You realised your- anger- in a physical, harming way towards the staff of this hospital. You had no place in involving yourself in someone else's problems, better yet making it bigger then it already was. The staff was handling it-" "They were not!" "-professionally, and, Emma, I don't tolerate interruptions."

I was in big, stinking trouble alright. I was sitting in the head consular/head of the hospital's, office.
"You repeatedly punched, bruised and scratched the security guards and broke a nurse's nose. I hope you feel as guilty as Keegan does right now for getting you involved in this... matter. Though personally I think that you thought of that all by yourself." The head counsellor finally finished.

"Well, head counsellor, although I am hear to take medical advice to heart, I don't really care and don't need to know personally how you feel about what happened." Ahhhh it feels so good to be a smart ass. The HC's facial expressions changed from her professional, 'scary' face to disgust. She looked over to the seat next to me, where Keegan was sitting, hoping to get some input, or anything really from him, but he just as pissed as I was of the way the staff handled what had gone on.

"Excuse me, you have no place saying those sort of things to me." the HC said.
"What ever happened to 'treating everyone equally'? Huh? Head counsellor I recommended, I mean it's my personal opinion that you treat your patients, or to you, your costumers, with equality and then you may not have 12 year old girls breaking bitch of a nurse's nose. Cause surely if they can make penicillin from mouldy bread, they can make something out of you and this shit hole. Come on Keegan where leaving." Keegan stood up so quickly I knew he knew I was going to explode in her face with anger and disappointment.

Keegan and I left the office without any words of against it from the HC. We walked to the games room as if automatically and sat down with Glen, Jack and Ruby. They were playing monopoly for god knows how long. My stomach is still really red and stings when touched so I carefully a just my seating to relieve the pain.

"What the hell happened?" Glen asked, after he finished his go and it was Ruby's turn.

Keegan told Ruby, Jack and Glen what had happened, and explained to me and the others why he was so angry.

"My brother wasn't allowed to see me." He went on to say that you had you have to undergo a quick drug and alcohol test before seeing patients, his brother was .5 over the limit of alcohol due to drinking last night and it still being in his system.
"I wasn't angry at my brother, he doesn't know that they test you. It's the fucking hospital, he was .5 over and they know that I haven't had a vistor in months and I thought they would let him off, it was only .5 over for fucks sake."

We all gave our sympathy for the fuck up and Glen, Jack and Ruby continued to play while we talked about what had happened.

It was a couple of hours later and we had moved to the gardens to play some modified soccer for 5 people. After two hours of playing we only had half an hour before we were going to be taken in to go to bed. Jack had decided to go to bed early because he wanted to read before lights out and we had packed up the goals and soccer ball.

"Hey Em, Keegan, Glen and I are going to go for a walk before we have to go in, want to join?" Rubs asked, giving me the 'please say no' just so she can be alone with Glen. "Thanks for the offer but I'm all good." I say. "Yeah, me too, you two can go." Keegan saids straight after.

Keegan and I went at sat at the steps that lead you back up to the hospital.
"Ruby told me it was your birthday earlier." Keegan said, smirking.
"When did she have time to tell you that?" I say in surprise.
"When you were goalie, Ruby quickly let it slip to me and the guys. But why didn't you tell me yourself?"
"Well I said this to Ruby, I usually get over excited and half of your 'friends' forget your birthday and it ends up just another, even shitter, day." I look up to Keegan to see him give a gloomy look.
"Well I won't forget your birthday but I don't have a present for you."
"You don't have to worry about giving me a present, as long as you're extra nice to me tomorrow then you'll be forgiven." I say in a sarcastic, cherpy tone.
"Well I do have something in mind." Keegan said, with a smirk reaching at the corners of his mouth.
"You'll have to wait, or you'll ruin the surprise."

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